There are people on this board who unironically like and play SJW garbage like Assassins Creed: Origins...

>there are people on this board who unironically like and play SJW garbage like Assassins Creed: Origins, Horizon Zero Dawn, Wolfenstein, Heroes of the Storm, Uncharted, Tomb Raider and Overwatch
>there are people on here who are hyped for Far Cry 5 and Last of Us part 2

>there are Sup Forumstards on this board

I can play whatever the fuck I want and you can't stop me.

you mean wolfenstein 2? the other games are great


I really think you don't know what SJW means.

SJW's need to die and get the fuck out of the gaming community. They are such toxic trash.

Wolfenstein is a unique experience where you play as the villain

>telling me what I can and can't enjoy
Fucking antifa, fucking nazis.

You sound like a spoiled rebelling teenage girl. Rope yourself SWJ faggot.

problem with SJWs are what they do to communities
Overwatch brought them into gaming, now you have more people than ever wanting trash talk to be bannable

I'm hyped for Far Cry 5. I don't care if some loony cult is the villain, who cares except people who sympathise with nutty doomsday cults.

I like the scenery and setting, I grew up in backwater parts and find it comfy as I dreamed of having action adventures fighting aliens and shit through the town

HotS isn't "SJW" though, it's full of good waifus and sexy designs

Literally (you)

>there are people I don't like playing games I don't like

Get a job

There are people who unitonically buy into identities politics to earnestly agree with /pol

>tfw magafags and online neo-nazis are the bronies of our time but no one says anything because they are useful idiots to legit fascist


>there are people

Literally you. Except you suck at video games and you have your hair dyed some retarded color.

>there are people on this board that believe white people are discriminated against, that white genocide is real and civil rights are bad

real edgy, kid

Watch_Dogs 2 is nice & I actually enjoyed Deadsec, but a lot of the satire in the story feels dated already even though the events it's poking fun at aren't that old

I'm not a leftists or an SJW. I don't really care about politics at all.

there are people who unironically like to eat shit
