Should video game characters have realistic proportions?

Should video game characters have realistic proportions?

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Only if you want a realistic game

It can or it cannot.

Neither should be forbidden and everything is allowed. Never limit make-believe.

pic not related

Do women actually find this kind of muscle man sexy?

How about letting the creators do what they want

Nice bulge.


Good answers

I always love when SJW tumblrinas do this shit because it always backfires. I'd play a game with a character like that any day of the week. Not even a homo either, I was a-ok with torpedo tits.



That's the same guy who made Pyra look less "Ugh" and drew "Bara" Inklings

I'm not attracted to that body type, but I appreciate my characters looking attractive.
I think when sexualisation of a character goes too far it just becomes embarassing. Like the devs are trying just a bit too hard to try and draw in the weeb audience. I think Bayonetta is the furthest you can go, and that's mostly because it's played for laughs to a degree.
Wasn't Xenoblade weeb enough already?

>xeno has titty monsters but no fat asses
feels bad man

>"Bara" Inklings
Well that sounds completely awful, but I want to know how awful.

Bastard Bonds

no it's not

>Was about to make a Dahlia thread
>see this
hmm I guess this will do for now


Some women do. Most women seem to like slimmer swimmer builds on men though because that's what they always bring up when you point out that women like beefcake men. Good thing video games feature lots of male body types for every woman to schlick over.

Nah. But if your characters look like shit, they're gonna get called out for it, realistic or not.

Just the same old images and the same old arguments all over again. I can't wait.

They always equate tits to dick. He has a Liefeld chest yeah but she doesn't have a camel toe or anything

should bara and porn threads in general be banned on Sup Forums?

dahlia would be 10x better if you got rid of her stupid claw heels, fixed her spine, made her boobs less torpedo-shaped, and gave her a dewlap scarf

u like mine, user?

There is literally nothing wrong with torpedo tits

I'd like to have beefcake Blades, let me live out my Jojo RPG fantasies

Change the multiplier to 1.5x, scratch the third item on that list and I think you're golden.
The dewlap scarf is a very cool idea, but as she wears next to no clothing it may look better as part of an alt costume.


Yeah haha.

yes, and we should ban fags from making any form of media

i'll miss your posts

I know this is what barafags like, but it always used in the context of "What if men we're as sexualized as women in vidya Xd"

>4 scoops

You can have the most sexualized women ever in the game. As long as the guys are equally sexualized. That is all I want.

>10 porn boards
>5 gay boards
>3 social boards

What exactly makes you niggers think that "VIDEO GAMES" is the place to DISCUSS YOUR PORN FETISHES, YOUR POLITICAL VIEWS and YOUR SHITTY LIFE?

Not necessarily but they should still look good which that character does not.

Are these images all made by dumb men? They always get what sexual characteristics most women find attractive wrong.

Hard to nail down. Some like chubby hairy dudes, others like ottermode dudes. The only commonality seems to be height.

As a huge dick hungry faggot, I agree. Looks like I'll be stuck playing street fighter for the time being

How can you be this ignorant? The topic is obviously related to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 since a lot of the criticism it gets is lobbed at its character design, specifically the ice rabbit character Dahlia. You would know this if you actually used THIS board any time in the last week.

Surprising. She looks like shit but so does the rest of the cast. The mc looks like a fucking weener.

Gay men. Same thing, really.

not him but yes very much so

Gay fanart is so fucking stupid. That's not what fat guys look like. Gay artists have never been to a gym in their life either.

I LOVE muscle girls!

Straight fanart is so fucking stupid. That's not what boobss look like. Straight artists have never been in a vagina in their life either.

The same could be said of fan art of female characters. In fact, that's the issue with Dahlia in the first place: "that's not what real women look like."

Where is the dick?

I bet I could find some chick with fake tits that looks like this. Gay art has a fundamental misunderstanding of how fitness works. And they load fat onto everyone due to mental illness or something. It bothers me as a fitness buff.

The artist was probably going for a strongfat look. The kind that usually compete in the World's Strongest Man competition.

post more bunny tits

I know what he was going for, but you see how these look very little alike right?

> when someone saves your OC you made yesterday

Ya blew it. The boner ruins any subtly you were trying to make with your statement, cause Dalia doesn't have camel toe or hard nipples. All you needed to do what put a muscular guy in the same out fit, but you had to go full retard. This is why no one respects SJW, they can't meme or take a joke.

What did he mean by inverting the chikara kanji? Looks retarded

have you guys never seen rule 63 before

you mean gays, yeah

I thought he is huge muscle.

SJW are silly, we already have a character like pic related and men love him


user, with you as my witness, pay attention to what I proclaim. I, user, do solemnly swear, that I will NEVER EVER in my whole life, as long as Live, as long as I draw breath, get tired of talking about bit fat titties. I would spend my whole day discussing big fat titties with all of you, if mods would allow it.

Characters should always have consistent proportions and that is the key.

They can be as outlandish as anything ever but they should always follow some sort of rule and consistency otherwise they just come off as lazy.

I hate it when people draw reactionary shit like this, because the message is OH LOL GAMER GUYS WOULD NEVER WANT A BIG BUFF MUSCLE MAN IN THEIR GAME, WHAT HYPOCRITES, LOL SO FUNNY but I'm a huge barafag and my sexuality is just a fucking joke to these people

Attikus is hotter
N-Not that I played b-blunderborn or anything haha...

She's not even a human female in within her own stylised world, so I'd be willing to cut her some slack.

I dunno, the pose is different and the perspective and foreshortening on the drawing are a bit fucked up, but I thought the physique looked kind of similar.


that's a powerlifter body you stupid fucking shithead, it's fat on top and muscle underneath

as I said, it's just a reactionary picture, it was made for political purposes, and it wouldn't exist if there wasn't "controversy" about flurry mcbunnytits

Actually I would too, and although that would be super comfy the cold reality is that every one of these threads in the last week or so has been filled to the brim with shitposting and arguments.

But doesn't everyone on Sup Forums fucking hate this design?

Should and should...That's up the the fucking creators. If you're getting triggered by a body type in a video game, don't fucking play it. If you're getting triggered by a body type in a movie, don't fucking watch it. If you're getting triggered by a body type in a book, dont fucking read it.

It's that fucking simple.

Depends on the game, as it should be

literally only because of the disproportionate size of the head.

Obviously. Imagination and creativity have no place in this industry.

I feel you.
Like getting shamed for having naturally large breasts irl. SJW fucks are always so quick to jump on that.

I love the interview with the designer where he said he started with a normal head, but Randy kept telling him to make it smaller, and he went through like five different head sizes, each one only getting slightly smaller because he thought it looked stupid.

If they did almost every male character would have to be redesigned.

This is the first I've seen of it, and although it looks kind of ridiculous I rather like it.
I also think bunny girl is ridiculous in a good way, and can't fathom those that would get a stick up their arse about these things.

It does look retarded, imagine having the word strength mirrored across your chest. Should have just got one

I whould be totally OK with some cartune hyperbuffed marine, but those head and legs are beyond stupid shit, literally he should walk with his palms and shoot with the feets, he will be more fast and eficient that way.


is a shit


this user is wrong


this user is right

Suddenly this design is good

I want him to sit on my chest and rub his bulge in my face!

>No game where you command Bara swords as a shota
this is a hole

I don't have anything constructive to add, Rein is just cute

>god of war is pretty much naked
>still popular among normalfags
>sjw still think normalfags would reject a super bara protag
Man don't care how attractive a male character is or isn't.

someone should just send a picture of zangief to the faggot that made that picture

Good idea,user. This way he'll draw some smut of Zangief.

any good bara discords

i'd melt them with my hot 'rod'

as a barafag if any are to be banned, all of them should be. and if one is left alone, all of them should be simple as that

as a barafag, kill yourself


you first.

tfw no hairy bf

>no legs
shit tastes faggot