2017 collage What happened this year

It's time to start the 2017 collage Sup Forums
post ideas
>yooka laylee flop
>andromeda and the autism memes some of which spread into persona 5 threads
>2B butt cancer
>E3 devolver and metroid
>atari back
>Sup Forums laughs at horizon zero dawn leaks
>valve starts selling eroge and western porn games
>party Sup Forumsan returned
>PUBG cancer and stream sniping
>sony raised prices for online and mocks backwards compatibility but everyone forgot
>crash and cuphead normalfag dark souls comparisons
>xenoblade 2 shitstorm
>SFV and marvel ugly characters
>netflix castlevania
>sonic mania, boom ended and forces cancer
>blizzard starts banning for stupid shit
>players discover xp bullshit in destiny 2
>VGAs, wikipedia raid and FUCK THE OSCARS
>runescape gay pride cancer
>rap rabbit kickstarter blunder
>Sup Forumsermin threads on were revived
>emuparadise purge
>reggie says if it's not fun then why bother
>wolfenstein 2 cancer
>kizuna ai was born
>valve gets negative review bombed
>plot for half life 3 and dyson sphereposting
>vrchat threads born

non Sup Forums
pickle rick cancer swallows the entire site
snoop dogg posted nep
sweetieposting, bogpill and soyposting born
net neutrality
nyaa died,
>fidget spinners
solidus snake death F

Other urls found in this thread:



Gravity Rush 2 came out and Kat has a 2B costume

>snes mini threads
>thiccposting swallows the entire site
best girl's game came out
and they announced online would die soon

use the pic of the oscars guy in death standing edit


cemu threads


Anal vore wojakpostng

Post golden threads from this year if you want it included in the collage
Iizuka TROO FARposting was born this year

doki doki literature club just monika

this and the share a coke threads on Sup Forums
stay alive thread

Oh shit I forgot about Romeros Kickstarter. What came of that?

Don't answer

What is most of that shit in that pic?
>Games that came out this year
>Reaction images
Glad 2016 is fucking over if it was really that void


Stay alive

Lawbreakers flop, battleborn announces no more updates and Randy forged a fake death threat to himself
danielfromSL mr bones threads
thanks friend

Nioh, rpcs3, miiverse shutdown?

Sup Forums summons Hiro and wins against the mods
neogaf dies, neogaf mod arrested for CP also happened this year

Also DSP/SOK drama, demons souls servers shutdown.

Also Halo 3 10 year anniversary, Hollow Knight, Let It Die

Paid mods
good stuff, but let it die was the end of last year



This. Kizuna Ai needs to be on there.

Right, my bad.

Zelda died thanks to breath of the wild.

>that weird Dream Daddy period
>Nintendo Switch hits, BOTW wins accolades
>John Numbers gets BTFO in the last round
>neogaf shitstorm
>that weird "spiky face" glitch that got shitposted until no one wanted to see it again
>mario & luigi superstars saga leaked
>wojak edit cancer
>a hat in time
>go to sleep, user

>2014 skipped entirely
Sup Forums was already crap but man that was yet another turn for the worse.

It was 2014 that "welcome to EB games" was a thing? It was really a shitty year.

what should represent the switch in the collage lads?
the explosion of dream daddy threads was fucking cancer, definitely needs to be on there

Also one for the books, E3: The Return of the KANGZ

Gotta include SMT/Bayo 3 reveal


I think this is the year I started using Sup Forums a lot less because I still not as familiar with some of these things and some of the things I do know I hate.

extremely minor event pokemon was mentioned as a question in jeopardy last month and two of the contestants got it wrong
USUM had no memes or excitement whatsoever
The movie came out
off the top of my head, I think I remember some video game adaptation of an old 90s game came out,
Oh yeah, we had a ton of resident evil movie threads since it was so bad

add the "I'm glad it's over" guy

Damn what a flavor of the month that shit was.

>That fucked up Smash Bros copy

I almost forgot

Janitors and mods getting btfo


Nothing was ever going to come of that you fucking memeing idiot

Gotta keep this thread alive via (You)s

Bubsy, Mega Man and Soul Caliber came back came back
Geese and Noctis in Tekken (I suppose)
Mario + Rabbids = X-Com

This was the final nail in the coffin for videogames.

And yet we're still here, and they're still here.

This was pretty hilarious.

This. Dream Daddy transformed this site into an abomination for a good week. Wojak, AHIT/Odyssey pissing contests, neogaf shitstorm too.
As one of the original posters of one of the designs, I would have to say all of them, the sheer faggotty over deciding which was best was hilarious.
>doki doki literature club/monika
>owlturd/coke comic edits
>hollow knight
>endless KANGZ memes
>USUM disappointment
>fire emblem heroes uniting old and newfags alike
>P A I D M O D S
>touhou on steam
>Arcsys shitting on capcom with dragon ball and cross tag batt- what the fuck is that RWBY
>fucking rabbids
>bayo 3
OP does a pretty good summary too. Altogether a pretty eventful year for Sup Forums

cuphead chad posting
chad vs virgin /fit/ swallows the entire board
we had a thread about some heiroglyphics in-game of some white woman getting blacked

Don't forget xenotitties.

The revival of the Hotel Mario meme

Also Club Penguin shutdown

Remove all wojacks and frogs from the image.
FFS those memes are so god damned stale.
>classic wows announcement getting 10x the attention as the new expansion.

And the soft revival of BROWN BRICKS after Siivagunner brought it up

Remember when Sup Forums managed to abandon jimmies because of fear of Reddit stealing the meme? I still wonder how the same didn't happen to Pepe and Wojak years ago.

the birdie reveal in sfv lmao
and then capcom releases menat and suddenly the board is full of waifufaggots
did the "I love Reisen" guy start posting this year?
Caramel dying

Horizon: Zero Awards

>Sup Forumsermin back and stronger than ever
>/ctt/ loses their minds over choosing a switch design
>persona "worst girl this best girl that"
>everyone collectively realizes that overwatch is shit just around the time that moira the battleborn character releases
>toddposting skyrockets
>still no death stranding gameplay footage and nobody knows what the fuck is happening in kojimbo's head
>puyo puyo is mainstream now
>kat vs velvet vs 2B fmk threads

>Dabbing Sony Wojak
>Atari Wojak
>Brainlet Wojak
>If you are over 25 and own a computer

HZD vs BOTW shitposting
Hat in Time vs Odyssey shitposting
over 25 flavor of the month meme
xenoblade titstorm/pyraposting

Sup Forumsshit presence intensified

Kamoshida posting lasted for a bit, during the persona 5 thread boom earlier this year

>/ctt/ loses their minds over choosing a switch design
Ah, that was this year? Fug, that was what made me quit drawing there permanently. I wonder how they're doing nowadays.

The death of For Honor.

quick rundown

Surprised no one's mentioned Yakuza yet.

>Neogaf migration
can't forget when you arrived, can we?

yeah THIS happened

Nintendo waifushitters with all the brown girls they released
Speaking of nintendo, pic related
holyshit i forgot this happened

Over 25 posters.

Etrian Odyssey V got localized just as the fans were losing hope
Some bullshit happened with Friday the 13th
Miitopia memes (Twerky in particular)
Outlast 2 cut audio bits
Yooka Laylee, whatever happened there

The cancer had already taken hold. Newfags show up, see these shitty old memes and must think if they don't post them too they wont fit in. I just don't get it. Frogs were beaten to death by R9K YEARS and years before normalfags got hold of it. It's become the most overused tired unfunny meme. Someone put the fucking frog to death.

this right here

It didn't happen because it was too late to do anything once Reddit invaded and decided to stay here. /r9k/ going insane with all the poopoo peepee images after the Katy Perry twitter incident didn't help anything either

Torpedo tits bunny girl.
It's recent but the catalog was literally tits.

For Honor was alive at one point?

Last I checked they've made the objectively best newest tan Tiger Electronics

Nice. Not going back but at least they seem well.

It was a top selling game of the year, and it still has a general.

>multiplayer only game with peer to peer matchmaking as the only option. Gee what a nicely designed game.
Club penguin deserves a mention.

How do you grow up to be this much of a betafag cuck?

from some user a few days back
it explains a lot about the cancerous people you'd find out there today


this abhorrent post reminds me that the brainlet wojaks exploded recently

Holy crap that's a good fucking post. Gonna have to go look through the archive for that (no OP post).

From "I hate feminists" to "wtf I understand geopolitics now"

We live in a world where v aligns itself with twitch chat. Truly the worst timeline

b u m p

>The first to fuck your daughter

>that post

remember to add the cuphead tutorial blunder

No, I've been posting her for over 4 years!

thats youtube

piss clown

I honestly think that Pepe and Wojack are basically the same shit now as all those "rage faces" that Sup Forums used to make fun of Reddit for overusing. It's like back then, Reddit couldn't make a comic without copy-pasting rage faces onto it, and these days, Sup Forums can't make any content without copy-pasting Wojack or Pepe onto it.

Damn, hats off to you.

Is it weird that I honestly really miss 2011-era Sup Forums? I feel like there was a lot more cool stuff on Sup Forums back then, while these days I think that Sup Forums is just boring.

Don't forget:
>Baby thumbs up inside Norman Reedus
>GTFO game
>A Wiseau Out

Surprised no one's brought up Jungle Inferno or the revival of the TF2 comics

>HL2 Dyson Spheres
>Atari Wojak
>The Sonic Totem
>Minecraft with Gadget
>Morgana telling people to go to bed
>Pyra's tits and/or the bunny blade from XB2
>The whole NeoGAF fiasco
And of course pic related

Whoa why is Vindictus there?