Why is Rikku such a horrendous slut?

Why is Rikku such a horrendous slut?

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Because her only skill points are in All Bed.

She's alright. Yuna is a trash character and lulu is better. FFX in general is pretty low tier though.

She's pure. Wants to get married and have lots of kids.

Some girls are cery aware of their looks, the power it has for entertainment and fun, and they ENJOY affection, fun and cumming. Sometimes its ok for girls to be this way and there are a lot in vidya this way. It doesn’t make them bad people at all. Pic related.

What went wrong?

It's okay, user. I appreciated the joke.

What does her butt taste like?

Asking for my dick

Nomura designed a character, of course it's going to look like shit.


She's not real.

Looks fine to me.

>being a slut is bad

Being a bad slut is bad. Wouldn't you want to at least be good at being a slut? A horrendous slut is like a virgin trying to be slutty.

Right one has less belts so it's objectively the superior design.

So FFXX when will FFXXX comes out?


None, everything went right.

>when will FFXXX comes out?
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of things with that name out already.

She's an Al Bhed degenerate.

She's a broodslut.

I want Lulu to get down and dirty



>implying you would not also be a horrendous slut if you looked like her.

stop sexualising rikku she is pure like yuffie

>stop sexualising underage girls
Where do you think you posting in?



Doesn't get much dirtier than taking Wakka's seed.

>High school vs college



I always hated Rikku. She just barges her way into your party, is completely unrepentant about almost killing you, is conveniently Yuna's cousin, ditches her sexier al-bhed outfit for generic sweater and shorts with... ribbons on her back? and her first major contribution to the story and party is squealing and crying about thunder.

And to top it all off Lulu is in the game. Why would I ever have any interest in this brat?

Because she is sexy and cute.

Namura is a talented character designer. His stoial is very much his own.
Zippers > Belts

Consolation prize because Lulu is used goods in the worst way, and Yuna looks destined to be handlebared.

He designed good characters in the 90s. The more confident he gets the worst his designs look.

Her obnoxious kiddy attitude is a boner killer.

Too obnoxious in 10-2, was actually likeable in 10.

And to answer OP - because there's no more sin. Take away danger and girls become horrendous sluts.

Funny, it makes mine bigger.

You're probably just a pedophile.

Or alternatively never actually been around kids in your adult years.

That deepthroating flash game was great


Patrician tier tastes user

>before and after college feminism

Right is vastly superior in everywhere, including the most important aspect: gameplay.


kek I'm in a pretty good mood today so this one caught me off guard.

I'm not sure it's possible to grow your hair out that much in 2 years, but nothing is wrong.

Extremely fast hair growth seems to be normal in Spira. Yuna's hair has grown even more that Rikku's by X-2. In addition Tidus' and the rest of Yuna's hair by the audio drama indicate the same.

I love slut Rikku. Pure characters are garbage, why not having one that likes to show her corves and actually likes to fuck? Having sex is fun, after all.

holy fuck
whatever happened to konashion?

She went flirty on Yuna in the sequel

Yuna is her cousin

>mfw rikku undressing

remind me of that one game Sup Forums
that one great game

Last I heard he was dead, but I never bothered confirming it.


I don't know but that flash still makes me cum buckets

Trips confirm slut Rikku for best Rikku.

Pure is nice, but it takes a true slut to get you revving. You need to balance your intake.

Left is canon, right is fanfic

>Implying sluts are bad

"Pure" characters are just some japanese meme which turboweebs latch onto.

only way to surpass everyone ogling yuna is to put out and be a slut

>Drawing Rikku with normal pupils
You had one job.

It is in fact horrendous, sluts become depressed dregs of society no one(rightfully) likes once they hit 30 and literally never make anything productive witht heir lives. They're also terrible mothers.