
>Bayo 1 is digital only

Fuck em

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I'll probably buy it. Never played either of them but always meant to

Buy the Japanese special edition.

>nintendo makes dlc and season passes
>make toys to life dlc
>resell the same games over and over
>have awful hardware
>Sup Forums's favorite

Cry some more.

>mfw new copy Bayo 2 Wii U dual pack for $40 before it got popular

My policy is to not rebuy a Wii U game on Switch unless you can get it for super cheap. MK8D only cost me $10 because I took advantage of a sale.


Hell of a sale. Where'd you get that deal?


I have my bayo 1&2 Wii u discs so I'm good.

My only problem with WiiU/Switch ports is that they fragment the online userbase.

Is there any appeal to buy this besides portability?

Is there any new content?

>i will eat shit and you can't stop B)

>>resell the same games over and over
This really is the worst part
Digital games should have forwards compatibility whenever they're ported

I think I wrote that unclearly
When you buy a game on the eshop, you should get it on all platforms, past and future

>nintendo tax
Into the trash it goes I guess

I played bayo 2 on PC but always wanted to play nayo 1 so even though I have to pay full price I'll probably get it

>It's ok when Sony does it

Wait. I already own the wii u version. Do I seriously need to buy it AGAIN for the switch???? its not free???

>Played Bayo 2 on PC
>Buying Bayo 1 on Switch so you can play it
Wait. What? Fucking what?

>its not free???

>mfw $30 used after smash release

I want to play bayo 1 so I have to buy the bayo 1/2 pack unless I misunderstood the announcement

>4 games vs 1

>no argument

I bought Bayonetta 1 and 2 on the eShop for Wii U.
Why the fuck do I need to buy it again for the switch? That literally makes no sense.
They are the exact same game on the exact same store.

It should be free you faggot

Can we trade in Bayonetta 2 on Wii U for extra store credit? Or are Gamestop/Nintendo going to Jew us on this?

>Do I seriously need to buy it AGAIN for the switch???? its not free???

Why the fuck would it be free?

You already own the wii u version of Bayo 2. Do you expect further copies of the wii u version for free at any point in time, you dunce?

But it's on Steam.

If you can emulate Wii U then you can obviously play that.

>4 games
>not one game and 3 downloads
Do you even Sony nigga?

Will the Switch have the online play for 2? No one on Sup Forums or in vidya 'journalism' asked this so I'm curious

>Bayo 1 is digital only
What? Seriously? Cartridges were a mistake

Not him, but i'm not expecting to pay full price for a game that was released years ago

You bought a digital wii u copy, so no you got what you paid for, you did not purchase a switch copy

>It should be free
I agree. But did you really think that would be the case today? Maybe 10 years ago.

Should I just trade in all of my Wii U games at this point? It sounds like we'll be getting literally every relevant game ported to Switch.

Buy the special edition that comes with both games on cartridge.

There are technical reasons digital BC isn't implemented. It's not just the physical media of the game that prevents it, if a console's hardware and software isn't designed to handle the previous gens games, you can't just download it like you could a modern computer. It's like trying to run DOS games natively. The Switch and WiiU, and PS4 and 3, and running very differently too each other. It's a nontrivial process to get them to work together when the games were never meant to.

That said, Microsoft is busting their asses getting it to work, even if the Xbone was designed from the beginning for this to be implemented. And it's more than just WiiU games. By this point Wii emulation can run amazingly on toasters and Nintendo already has their own emulators for their 16 and 8 bit games. N64 is probably never going to be a thing this gen. DS games maybe, but even 3DS games are going to require some work. But those exceptions aside, there's no reason other than the fact that Nintendo realizes people will continue to pay for their old games that VC purchases aren't compatible for free across their consoles going forward.

Why in the ever loving fuck should it be free?
For one its a completely different version of he game on a completely different shop.

That's like expecting Sony to let you download SMT Nocturne on PS4 because you bought it on PS3.

Of literally makes no sense.

I guess it's also the reason why Devil May Cry HD collection didn't come to Switch thanks to cartridges

Sup Forums has nintendo hate threads everyday, how is it's favorite?

Why do you care about playing a game again?

I bought the game on the eShop.
The game is exactly the same on wii u and switch.

Why should I pay twice?

How many times have you bought Mario 1?

Well, it would be nice to play Bayonetta on the go....

user, most compilation games these days only have one game on the disc and require you to download the rest.
.hack GU and Dead Island are two that immediately come to mind.

Hope you like spending $100 on a Japanese import.

>I bought Bayonetta 1 and 2 on the eShop for Wii U.
>eShop for Wii U.

You're answering your own questions.

>Why the fuck do I need to buy it again for the switch? That literally makes no sense.

It literally makes sense, because it's a port, not the version from the eShop for the WiiU. It's not the same thing, no matter how much you stamp your feet like a child.

>It should be free you faggot

You aren't entitled to free port versions of games simply because you bought the game on another console. The eshop isn't available on the Switch. You might as well be asking why you can't have the Xbone version of a game for free when you own the PS4 version already.

I don't know if Bayo is the kind of game that you would play on the go

I never used the Wii U gamepad gimmick for Bayo 2

Fuck, I was hoping for $40.

favorite is relative
something doesn't have to be good to warrant being a favorite, everything else just has to be worse
and everything is so shit these days it's frankly a race to the bottom

I know, it's just so tempting though. Fuck me, I guess you're right. It's better I save my money for Bayonetta 3.

Playing it right now on my Wii U. Physicial, btw ;)

Why shouldn't physical owners be able to walk up to a store and demand they deserve the switch copy of it because they show them their physical wii u version? Because it's retarded. Why port something without making a profit?

Then don't, nigger.

It ain't rocket science. Pray for an opportunity to steal it from someone if you don't want to pay for it.

>How many times have you bought Mario 1?


>even if the Xbone was designed from the beginning for this to be implemented.
No it wasn't, someone was fucking around with trying to run a virtual 360 inside the xbone and it worked so they made bc a thing.

It will be cheap in no time. I bought my Wii U copy of Bayo 2 for like 5 bucks. It is still shrink-wrapped.

Bayo is absolutely not an on-the-go game. Each level is like 15 minutes long and full of cutscenes.

You know what, fuck it. I'm not trading in my physical copies of Bayonetta 1 and 2. Those are just too valuable to give up.

>this triggers the Switch owner

>not in individual cases

How long did it take for Bayonetta 2 to drop down to 5 dollars?

All I'm saying is that I won't buy aLttP 5 times
3 times was enough (Snes, GBA, Eshop)

I bought it in early 2016, I think.

What website? I'm looking at Amazon and the lowest I'm seeing is around 40 dollars.

I can understand buying Mario Kart 8 Deluxe again because the Wii U online playerbase is obviously going to shrink, but why buy Bayonetta 1 and 2 again? What's the advantage other than portability?

I don't remember. I actually bought two copies (one for my bro) because I thought it was a really good deal, even though I'm not really a fan of the genre.

Damn, I'm going to hunt around for good deals so I can get Bayo 1+2 for Switch. Too bad it didn't come out around Black Friday.


Bayo / Vanquish dual pack when, I got a nogames machine just a while back.

I went to FUCKING GAMESTOP and they had a deal where trading towards Mario+Rabbids got you 40% extra credit. I had a coupon for buy 2 used games get one free. I went and bought a used copy of Mario+Rabbids and MK8D with credit while spending about $10 in cash and got Arms for free. A day later I returned Arms and got $60 in store credit.

I use google and websites comparing numerous different online shops, whenever I get bored and am looking for deals. I got a lot of cheap 3DS games that way too. I bought RE Revelations for less than 10 bucks, for instance.

>special edition still only has a download code

I haven't played either of them.

Oh fuck, that is a good deal. I'll be more proactive about this. I need to be, I'm unemployed and only receive about $160 every two weeks from my former employer. Trying to think of smart ways to be frugal, but still treat myself on the side.

Switch is region-free.

>some cards
Wow this is trash. Don't tell me they actually charge more than $60 for this old game?

For the PS4? Unlikely at this point. Platinum has forgotten about Vanquish.

It’s very likely you can buy 1 on its own, if it’s anything like the Wii U release.

BUY THE GAME YOU IDIOT. Oh wait you don't even own a Switch, you're just baiting lol Stay mad Sonykid.

There literally is NONE.

Its a waste of resource and a waste of time. Nintendo is a fucking idiot. Anyone who wanted to play the first two games already have.


>stickers to decorate your math folders nintenddies :)

The regular edition of Bayo 2 on Wii U included Bayo 1 disc at no extra cost.


Another good way is looking for buy 2 get 1 free deals, or even buy 2, get 2 ones (I only ever came across one of the latter). I usually buy a bunch of cheap games once or twice a year and am set for a very long time. I rarely buy games on release though.

Is it really too much to ask to put a second chip in there for the other game? Same shit with ReRe collection.

daily reminder the world doesn't revolve around your opinion

And your point is?

Yes, it is, stop being entitled.

That the new release is lazy shit and they won't even include something basic like a physical copy of the first game.

>no backwards compatibility
>objectively worst Xenoblade title
>no Super Smash Bros Brawl or Wii U
>objectively worse 3D Mario than Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2
>can't play Bayo 1+2 right now
>no western console Monster Hunter
>doesn't have the best platformer of all time (Dong Freeze)
>doesn't have W101

Can we finally agree that it's a mistake to buy a Switch before Bayo 3 or Metroid 4 or Pokemon is out? No reason to be an early adopter at all.

It's literally for people who didn't buy it the first time it was around, I don't see why double dip on it. It's not like it has anything new and there's a chance it'll run worse.

Its not a fucking opinion. There is literally no difference at all between the 2
Please fuck off

>That the new release is lazy shit
Dude, that's common for compilation games these days.

I see more people whining about how much Sup Forums loves nintendo than people praising nintendo

you fuckers have a serious victim complex

Are balloons only allowed to be viewed from a distance?

At least the Wii U posters got rekt by the people they shilled for.

Hardware doesn't really matter.

Its not a joke when people say that neo-Sup Forums hates Nintendo with a passion.
The worst part is that its legitimate hate rather than just shitposting, they're literally blinded by it.

Hi, soynybro.

Halo and Uncharted collections both had multiple games on one disc.