name a more iconic map than de_dust2
you cant
Name a more iconic map than de_dust2
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Bitch you even trying?
Assault is way better
not so fast
>posting the valve butcheries of 2fort
Fuck crackhouse.
assault_upc or whatever the better one was but yeah
any good school maps in CS? some kid got expelled for making one
Rainbow road, greenhill zone.
That's it I guess!
Never played one desu.
man 90% of quake 3's maps were garbage
the only really acceptable ones were q3dm6 and q3dm13
dm17 is pure ludo you pleb
Though when you mention it, I guess dm6 would be most iconic
Nuketown, home, at least it was before I nuked everything up.
Blood Gulch
Facing Worlds
Abandoned Base
Wake Island
Ice Station
>not the superior tfc version
Hurts me to think I've been playing thousands of hours since 2k3 from 1.5 to CSGO and now I fucking hate what this game has become so much.
it's litteraly ten thousand hours I could have spent learning useful skills, like how to cook and build a house.
scaling was fucked on the TFC version so it's anything but superior
Nuketown was shit and the only reason anyone played it was because it was so small you could get free kills by throwing a grenade in any direction and it was easy to spawn camp.
>only iconic because of retards always voting for it despite being a shit map
great choice, OP
Whoever can name this without looking into image search is legit old enough to post here.
well what do you know?
For those who want to play the edge in KF
>heres the map
now i only need people to play it with
Europa stronk russia we war yuo