Blocks your IQ

>blocks your IQ

Other urls found in this thread:

According to Tim Rogers, he is actually kinda dumb. I mean, he says that he loves Dan Brown, and all his references are poppy culture trashy films. I mean, is alright, but yeah, he is just a regular guy.

>he didnt get it
I want brainlets off my Sup Forums

According to who?
There is reason why Kojima is where he is.
I've never been exited for video game as I am right now.

>knowing MGS series
You think you have it all figured out? He is working with one of the most abstract movie director. You are in for real treat. Magnum Opus of video game industry, unlike rehashes of current era.

Journalist and writer with a degree on chinese literature living on Japan and interviewing him/living with him for a couple of weeks. He is also fluent on at least 10 languages. He hoped for an interesting interview with postmodern literature on his works only to be completely disappointed by him and his plebian taste on movies and books. Of course, he hasn't said anything mean (Tim) but this is my take. He is just a regular guy that got lucky.

>impregnates Norman Reedus

>He's excited for a Kojima Hideo game after MGSV.
hahahahahha, not a grain, but the whole bag of salt.

>can't even spell
Really makes you think...

Name 1 (one) bad game Kojimbo made. I'll wait

> MGSV( a Konami game)
Here we are talking about 'A Kojima Game'
Not restricted crap.

does anyone know if he writes in japanese and has it translated or if he writes in english?

i know he can tweet in english, but writing a game is a different thing entirely

>He is just a regular guy that got lucky.

this is the loser's mindset

mgsV,acid,peace wlaker.

> death 30fpstranding thread #9999

We need a sony containment board

>a degree on chinese literature
What a waste.

are you drunk

>not Kojima Productions
wow there buddy

We need PC containment board since they have no impact on the industry, yet dare to shit post on video game dedicated board.

>Guy fluent in ten languages
>Living like a ex-pat in a 1900s novel
>Goes to interview a video game designer who has a history of referencing low culture entertainment as his "favs".
>Is disappointed that he's not talking to some postmodernist guru

I don't understand what he was expecting.

Also the whole "regular guy who just got lucky" is a loser's excuse. Luck is always a factor, but only the skilled and the driven make it to Kojima's position. Show the man some respect.

It got him a SHITLOAD of pussy user. I mean, it made so easy to learn Japanese, he moved there and banged teens night and day. His old blog was full of his sex adventures. But that's old, he is a really nice guy nowadays. His actual girlfriend is dead gorgeous.

I think you can learn Japanese without getting a degree in Chinese literature.

Expecting some high culture knowledge from the guy who made this.
What a retard.

t. Tim Rogers

Kojima is now company itself.
How many games developers you know that has so much impact on industry. Why Shigeru didn't go independent.
>weak should fear the strong


>Why Shigeru didn't go independent.
Becasue he is alpha enough to control his own projects and even others.

Oh don't get me wrong, he never shitted on him, this is me having fun with the fact that many people consider him brilliant when he is just your regular guy you talk movies with on the bus.

This whole thing was part of Tim's old podcast (Insert Credit) where they were talking about how all videogame people are just... regular people; not on a disrespectful way, but reflective. Those 3 fucking guys have so much videogame knowledge, it makes pretty much everyone on the media a pleb. Seriously. Shame is dead (for now.)

Hey, I'm just a fan. I love seeing smart people talk about videogames. Shawn Elliot was up there too; sad he is out of the game.

I mean you can get pussy anywhere if you actually have social skills mate. A degree in some intellectual nonsense is just a cherry.

Good for him he has a nice life.

Says who? A fucking nobody? Shut the fuck up

Calm down, Kojimadrone.

My friend: you're systematically using "on" instead of "in". Look up the difference on Google or in the dictionary.

>Shigeru is momma boy that fears challenge and released on franchises that were popular when there was literary NO COMPETITION
Sony is nu-Nintendo(before 1996)


English is hard man, especially when I'm learning french on the side these days (I speak spanish.)

Leave shiggy alone he just wants to chill and water his garden.

>speak spanish
You have to go back.


i am from one of the most racist country.
Why would you post that picture?


It's okay to be an amerimutt user, no need to larp

I share a board with spics

Is Hideo Kojima the Quentin Tarantino of video games?

>american can actually say what he wants while european has to pussyfoot around
As a europoor, I wish we had the same freedom burgers get to enjoy (they can keep the 44% tho).

He is Kubrick of video games.
>prove me wrong.

lol he's the michael bay

You can have your 'freedom' in US. Just leave Europe.

Kubrick was a genius, though.

>t. Michael "The Gentle Giant" Brown


This is now an amerimutt thread. Post your mutts

Death Stranding confirmed Sup Forums's Rick and Morty.

Peace Walker and AC!D are good
AC!D wasn't made by Hackojima

Tarantino is several strokes more intelligent than Kojima to be quite honest with you


And Kojima took more creative control over 4 than PW during that time.

>every single year we get the same old garbage
The video game industry is dead.
>Death Stranding come and breach imagination
Why won't they make another Mario/Cod/GTA

The state of brainlets.












Nope. Gonna visit my friend Nicolas Winding Refn, a movie director, to talk about movies. But not about MGS4.

This made me laugh.

>Mfw going to European discord
>Gives me shit about being Amerimutt
>Posts pics of themselves
>Literally every one looks like a Turkroach

Fuck. How did I attracted so many shitskins.
That's right. No matter how many ties you try to better yourselves by posting this, you will always be shitskins.

what the heck is going on?

>Euroshitters think they have the right to call anybody else mutts


I wish i was kojima if only so i could get close to del toro-senpai ;_;




holy shit what did he mean by this

This might come as a surprise user but, from kubrik to kojima to anyone, we are just regular guys. They just create interesting things instead of bitching on an anonymoose forum.

>b-but PC!!!!!!

Sounds like an autist who thinks too highly of himself

>b-but console

>keeps his fans I'm a grand charade that prevents their brainlets from ever evolving
Makes sense desu.

Thing with Kojimber is he made MGS2. It has been a while and you may have forgotten, and your attack may have shifted towards his fans rather than the man himself, but he made MGS2. So shut the fuck up, you waste of oxygen.

But the other side of that argument is the fact that making MGS2 does not make him a genius, speaking in an absolute sense. He is a kind of a genius, in the relative sense though. It's not like he figured that all out by himself. He just reads sources we all have access to. And he has kept reading them. And his next game will be about that. It will "predict the future", just like MGS2 did. If you just look at the visual themes in all the Death Stranding content we have seen so far, it's more than obvious.

In 2027 I will make this same post, in the same thread and state "he made Death Stranding". So shut the fuck up, you waste of oxygen.

Tim Rogers is an autistic journo weeb form Shitaku. He once uploaded a series of videos of him pretending to talk in a fake language as if it was real, and praised himself for having that "skill."

That video was universally full of negative comments and thumbs down.

>We retrieved Liquid's body god knows who, Snake didn't die.
>Cypher, Nanomachines extended, Patriots, Shadow Moses incident expanded.
>SOMEHOW Raiden gets sent to Big Shell, by someone he hasn't seen never ever in person. Magically an AI decides they should hold Rose as hostage until Raiden kills Solidus.
>Liquid lives through Ocelot's arm.
>Fortune's Luck, Vamp's existence, which he expands later by saying "hurr nanomachines."
>The third clone, ex-president of the USA, now leader of Dead Cell, is after the biggest Metal Gear known to Man, which is being developed god knows how under the Big Shell.
>All that to say "you're free to do what you want."

Ok. Maybe if it weren't for the retards who over-analyze things and rever it as the second coming of Jesus.

Konami made MGS2. Kojima was the director. He had a team.

>guy who writes for video games

>literally says in previous interviews that he just writes about stuff he likes or finds fun

>literally says he pens each game without a sequel in mind

>autists on Sup Forums find this somehow disturbing that their make-believe pseudo-visionary isn't a 180 IQ 7D chess playing wizard from mars

Really nudges my noggin

what discord

Blame MGS2 fags.

He have been writing for years before "shittaku" (guy is +40) and yeah, you got trolled hard with that video. He loves doing that kind of thing.

I left. Lot of them got shoah'd or some panic buttoned after certain IRL events put people in way of the law.



I hate Kojima, but expecting people should know books to be good, it's stupidity. Good books are good when read by not dumb people, and are not a good starting point to understand the value of a person.