Which was the best Sims game?

Which was the best Sims game?

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overall 2. the first one was still amazing though. 3 was only good because you could customize furniture

Should I go through all the trouble of installing The Sims Complete and Simitone?


To me it would it The Sims with living it large because it added a bit to the core game and I didn't know that it was part of some big bourgeois money making scheme

The Sims 2 felt the most disappointing to me. It was the first sequel to a game I ever followed via the internet, I used magazines prior. So every single day, people would be on the official Sims BBS hyping the fuck out o fit. I'd see screenshots of real time reflections on stainless steel appliances, rain and thunder, cars in driveways implying your Sim could have one. None of that shit was actually true, however, and instead I got a game that was more watered down because I already had all the Sims 1 expansions, so all I got was Sims aging and three story buildings and some prettier graphics. It was actually a good game, but was one of the first times I experienced over-hype thanks to the internet.

3. It has great porn mods and isn't as shallow as 4. Without the porn 2 is probably better, though. I just wish 3 didn't run like shit.

2 is the best, especially considering that almost all of the games are extremely compatible with each other regarding importing content. sims 3 and 4 are basically giant content packs for 2. So having the imported music of 1, and extra goodies from the others make it goat. There's a depressing lack of sex mods though

>wanting sex mods with 2's graphics

the first one because it had split screen for ps2, 2 did also but it just didnt feel the same.





What is his endgame? Is he just some religious maniac like Kellog trying to demonize masturbation?

Masturbation (to say nothing of pornography) was "demonized" by the ancient Chinese, Indians, Greeks, etc., and continued to be so right up until the 1950s or 60s when Kinsey and the Sexual Revolution started to take over. We now live in a society of sexual degenerates and broken men. Don't be a slave to your base desires. Reboot your brain.

I did not give you permission to reply to me.

You already posted it.

t. Bergoglio

3 easily, too bad its unplayable


Is this TS2 with TS1 skins?

>Ancient dirt farmers who shat in the street said it was bad so it must be true
Fuck off. Masturbation is the most natural fucking thing in the world. It's a fun thing you can do by yourself at no cost. Every animal capable of doing it does it all the time. The only people who have a real problem with it are puritanical assholes who think god disapproves.
And liking porn is no different from liking tasty food or television. Sure, it's providing you unnatural levels of stimulation from what humans had in their evolutionary history, but it's fucking fine. In fact the food one is far more dangerous because it can cause real health problems if you eat too much.

No, it's a 3D engine for TS1.

Hey, the orgy rug was the best mod for sims 2 and you know it



It was an amazing advancement over 1, the Expansions felt new, the soundtrack was amazing, and it honestly still looks pretty good if you set the resolution to 1080.

You mean to say 3,000 years of world-wide human experience, which is being borne out today by all the young men who are just as lifeless and lacking in energy and depressed and perverted as all those prior generations observed and predicted they would be, from doctors to philosophers, from Galen and Avicenna to Kant and Rousseau.

3 would be the best if it wasn't so fucking laggy and didn't look like shit

Sims 1 particularly makin magic was the one I enjoyed the most.

I recently played Sims 2 with all the expansions and I was bored after about 5 hours.


you overhype yourself

My first time being overhyped, yeah.

What about the 3000 years of world-wide experience of people who enjoy masturbating and were just normal people? Why don't they count? Because they didn't publish books about it?


Literally one of the best video game songs ever made

fuck is this thing broken and flawed
but fuck do I love it

I want to go back.

the only game that got everything you needed in the BASE game was SIMS 3.

You had all - Vehicles, jobs, open world. This made it greatly moddable and flexible to everything.

It ran like shit because of some memory leaks and background loading of all the sims in the world, but creating your own small comfy town with all the workplaces and architecture made up for it.

Fuck, now I want to get into it again.

I swear I read The Sims: Bustin' a nut, multiple times before finally opening the image

Thought it was an image made for a sexmod. Ayy

I never liked the Buy mode music, it was just elevator / mall music.

Build mode was wonderful though, think it's to blame for my love of the piano in general.

Best one.


get out, stupid frog poster

You never played 3

if it wasn't broken, it'd be the best by far
but goddamn it was so shitty

Sims 4 has the best fap material.

Sims 4 is easily the best.

Fite me

this but only with 7.4 GB of visual mods

1 is dated but has the best soundtrack.
2 has the best mix of music, design and stability. My personal favorite.
3 is feature-packed but takes forever to run and breaks itself with all expansions. Artstyle is questionable, but open world is a good tradeoff.
4 is most stable, but sacrifices open world and certain customization options 3 introduced. The game itself has little content even with numerous expansions. Its only good features are sim building and porn mods

What version of Sims should I buy? I have never touched Sims in my entire life.

They're all pretty much the same. They never managed to have actual game changing features and just slapped gimmicks on top of the first one.
Other than new graphics and furniture, 4 plays almost exactly the same as 1.
It doesn't help that the first was an amusing novelty you would play every now and then for a month and then forget about it.
I don't know how them bitches find it so enthralling.

The Sims presented the basic concepts.
The Sims 2 improved and added plenty o' shit.
The Sims 3 added a shit ton of customization and added open world neighborhoods but made things way too easy for the player. Getting good at something it's not challenging nor gratifying as previous games.
The Sims 4 removed even more challenge. It looks good and creating a sim it's plenty of fun but it doesn't have the freedom of 3, the challenge of 2 or the innovation of 1.

You should "buy" sims 2 off of one of your friendly sites of the flowing water variety.
Or if you legitimately want to buy it, EA will give it to you for free on origin, apparently.


4 is more casual but still pretty fun and with all the packs has a fair amount of content. Also much more stable than 3

what's this genre of music called?

sims 4 has the best visual design, sims 3 has the best worlds and the most content, sims 2 has its expansion packs, sims 1 has its nostalgia

thats my perspective. personally if we could have sims 3 with sims 4s visual and artistic direction we'd have the perfect sims game.

Easy listening

1 has that beautiful 2D isometric style and the music is fucking amazing
2 expanded a lot from its predecessor
3 is when things get a little bit complex with the micro stuff albeit optional, and also open world but I can't guarantee what would happen if you have the expansion all at once
4 is a huge step back, kinda like a "reboot" in terms of technicalities since they wanted people with toasters to play as well. music is shit

>people with toasters to play as well
more like people that don't own fucking Sunway TaihuLight

correct answer is the sims: bustin' out for gba

Not a Sims game, but a really fun adventure game. Bustin' Out for consoles was just a watered down Sims while Bustin' Out for GBA was its own thing, it was way better than the console version for that reason.

Sims 4 is starting to grow on me. I never cared about 3's open world since 3/4 of the things to do are mindless 'your sim enters into a hole and shit happens'. And after Get to Work was released it became better than 3 in my opinion.

Community lots on Sims 1 were really entertaing to watch, it actually felt alive. No other version could recreate that

sims 2 in general is the best, but sims 3 open world and customize feature were incredible. 4 just shat on absolutely everything except character creation.... i can't for the life of me play more than 30 mins of it because it's so boring.
anyone else liked the sims castaway? i had more fun with it than with 4, thats for sure

The sims 2 is the best sims game

you're a hundred percent correct

Also the sims 2 have best soundtruck
and best lighting and graphics.

It's unplayable at this stage you know

I'd like a more detailed city expansion, with subcultures and stuff carrried over from the Urbz.
Great game

This pretty much. 3 is the best in theory but it runs like ass because of spaghetti code, memory leaks and 20 min load times

Played Castaway on PSP and loved it. Had a great sense of progression and mixed the Sims style well enough with more game like mechanics

Also had Pets on PSP, but it had such horrible performance that I thought my disc was damaged

I'll never understand why they attempted the weird realistic but also dolllike artstyle.

The game could have ran much better if they just made the graphics simpler.

>Masturbation (to say nothing of pornography) was "demonized" by the ancient Chinese, Indians, Greeks
But the Greeks were so fucking horny all the time that they wrote their best God, Zeus, to be fucking basically anyone he saw.

Do you even history, motherfucker?

It's better than 3, and you can make pretty good sims.
But yeah, TS4 went in a more cartoonish, "wacky" direction, and I don't like it.

Also I unironically liked the stories in the sims 2 pets stories and life stories

You are ignorant if you conflate popular mythology with the beliefs of wise men. See what any great philosopher had to say about pornography and lust.

Look how much thought they put in the music
The theme of the build mode is sound like group of people constructing, like the sound of tool together that create music

Girls play the sims a lot and they love that

I finally got a computer that plays it smoothly. Feels good man.
It only took a Ryzen 7 1700, 16GB of 3000MHZ RAM, and an SSD to run a game made for housewives and little girls a decade ago
Fuck EA desu

The game could have ran much better if they just made the graphics simpler.
They did this in Sims 4 and it sucks

Best theme

That's because of the lack of open neighbourhoods, moreso than the graphics

this theme. fuck. brings me back to 2006 playing on my shitty dell desktop.

my fucking nigger. Co-oping this with a bud was the bomb

Urbz for GBA
Then Bustin' Out for GBA
And then the first Sims

Urb bustin out medieval castaway arent really sim games

I loved how you could in PS2 Sims 2 control your sims with a your joystick

>tfw he keeps trying to do gay shit with my sim
>I make a rocket gnome and detonate it by his sleep capsule while he's in it, and watch him burn to death
>he just presses start to come back

Gameplay-wise, Sims 2 + mods. Although Sims 3 open neighborhood is absolutely great.

However, I think Sims 1 will forever be my personal favorite. Sure, there's nostalgia but there's this charming sense of humor and the every single item has its charms and quirk. If I ever wanted to build a classy restaurant, a small gardening store, or a medieval-style mansion, Sims 1 has the perfect items. The items are not soulless at all.

The Sims 4, unironically. Everybody shitting on it in this thread havent played it and are still salty about the launch. I started playing it this year and I absolutely love it.
The artstyle is fucking great and the music, which was shit(or non-existant) in 3 is just amazing here. Them Build-mode track where it switches to only piano when you get deeper in the menu, god damn it gives me the chills

It's easier to get promotions and stuff but who gives a shit, it was impossible in 1 and 2 anyways and you couldnt in 3 since the game wouldnt load

>that numale on the front

fucking kek, he looks like one of the no man's sky devs

This is the best sims game actually.

Why were the pre-Sims 2 console games so good?

they didn't give a fuck about autistic 'you can do anything no goals needed' bullshit

I can't believe someone did this, I literally daydreamed about a 3D Sims 1 all the time. Thank you for making me aware of this, user-kun.

mah nigga

you're not wrong but there is something to be said about how long it took them to make 4 as good as it is, it's a shame 3 runs so poorly

i'd say it would be 2>4>1>3

The only thing keeping 1 from being best game was the fixed perspectives. Now it is officially the best Sims game.

i remember the first one more fondly, probably because of the music

First one has the best music and soul
Second one was a complete gameplay and graphical update, but the music and soul was slipping aside from some select instances
Third was also another complete gameplay and graphical update, but again the music and soul just keeps getting worse.
Fourth was a giant backstep, basically just remaking 2 but worse.

I remember grinding a lot so I could buy a house in the makin magic lot so I could hear this OST

It was worth it


>Everybody shitting on it in this thread havent played it
Oh sod off. I've played it plenty.
Its boring and charmless. Every sim feels alike because all traits do is effect the emotion system, and keeping people happy is piss easy so woops guess thats pointless.

Every expansion is just a dumbed down version of an older game expansion using a pre-existing TS4 mechanic like turning fucking dating system into the same system that manages Get To Work Jobs (which have no replayability).

It takes like 100 dollars to get some, SOME, of the content that Late Night had.
And on top of everything else every thing they god damn add to the game is so hit and miss with potential. Last I checked, you still couldn't make money bartending or doing barista work despite being able to work them both on public lots. Lighting is still awful and weird, and requires either a mod that drastically increases lighting density or a million lights everywhere for things to not look dim as hell.

Its not complete garbage, but best? Fuck off.

You girl?!