Rageaholic destroys the VGAs!


The VGA were just BTFO, how the fuck will they recover now?


m-muh JRPG's

>is such a brainlet that he calls Death Stranding "pretentious" simply because he didn't get it
lmao what a retard

>angry shtick
No, I am not watching that. No self-respecting adult gives fuck one about awards anyway, form your own opinions and forget the rest
What, you need someone telling you what's best? Belt up and play your damn video games

M-Muh shitty Persona 5.

I've never heard of the guy, so his rant didn't bother me. That's the quality I expect from game awards show

this dude still makes videos?

It's a bit pretentious, let's me real for a second

I'm gonna take a wild guess and he gets booty blasted over Kojima.

Das rite.

Stop posting ecelebs

Its literally impossible to know if its pretentious yet. If everything shown in the trailer actually has a meaning or an explanation behind it, then it isn't pretentious.

Stevie Richards fell on hard times after ECW crumbled

Oh an angry gamer, how original.

Fucking kek.

>Sup Forums complains games are being stagnant and AAA studios never take risks
>Calls a AAA game pretentious when it tries to do something outside the norm

This is why you get annual CoD and ASScreed releases.

Oh a contrarian on Sup Forums, this is new.

woah, this cringe cunt still makes videos?

>death stranding

This is why I think Razorfist is a fucking chode.

He complains about shit being pretentious and weird, but then is surprised that everything is super stale and boring now.

I can't even begin to imagine how a game we physically cannot know the reach of is pretentious. Literally every single thing in the game looks like an element of the setting and characteristics that may translate into gameplay. What line to we draw for pretentiousness? Anything that isn't just a brainless shooter?

Racistfist has had a raging hateboner for Kojima that goes back to years. Seriously, Kojima can not do anything right in the eyes of that faggot.

explain this meme please

Wait, did that bitch seriously say Student FILM?

Holy shit, how did I miss that?


>is the typical 2deep4u japanese bullshit
>outside the norm

since when does Spoony review award shows?

The woman who introduced the best student game nominees said best student film, jesus, do I have to spoonfeed every thing to you

No gameplay

>Dont bother checking to see if something is unanimously said to be shit, just buy any game you're interested in for 60 dollars and form an opinion of it yourself! If it turns out to be shit, at least you found out of your own accord :)

this had me do a big think

>10 minute cinematic CGI trailer
>not a single ounce of gameplay