*Block NieR:Automata's path to the Top 10 Games of 2017 list*
*Block NieR:Automata's path to the Top 10 Games of 2017 list*
*Says his piece*
Make him leave.
Remember how in the year of No Mans Sky this man filibusted for some guy giving his own money to a troll group as the biggest controversey in the year?
Who are these heebs and why do you care about them?
He's defending Nier from the horde. For once, he's the good guy.
wonder what vinnys wife thinks about this
pleb tier garbage made for waifufag virgins
Nier is seriously like a 6/10, just like its predecessors Nier 1 and the Drakengard games. It's poo. No place in a GotY list.
t. Abby
upf link where
> #8: Dream Daddy
>be Abby
>complain how women in games industry aren't taken seriously
>conversation shifts to games I have nothing to say so I'll play with a toy car and stare off into space
>Giving a shit about Halo's plot
>all these great games out this year
>nier and divinity original sin 2 probably won't make the cut because they just HAD to make room for Destiny 2, PUBG, and Dream daddy
ryan died for this...
dave is questioning joining this failboat
>GOTY will be PUBG
>Dan will cry about how half the staff loves a titty game
>Ben will keep dating his significant other
real talk ben and abby have been great additions for them
when are they going to get bored of pubg? for fuck's sake
*strong-arms PUBG into the #1 spot*
i forgot my pic and now my post looks bad.
Ben has for sure.
>that feel when this game probably didn't even make any list in their actual GotY deliberations because Dan spent the entire game being fucking terrible at it
Hi Ben!
How's the ogre heart doing?
>giving a shit what some moron thinks is goty
what's exactly bad about what's being said
is that bjork
I merely provided an answer.
>Doesn't have a speech done by her femi friends ready so starts stumbling her way through it.
>Every point she brings up about "white men" can be applied to her.
>Not looking deeper to find someone that actually knows a single thing about video games and might also be a girl, someone like Mary Kish for example.
That's fine, but she's like this all podcast every podcast.
when did carrottop join the show?
Mary Kish is my waifu don't drag her into this
Nier will at least get on the top 10 list thanks to Alex and Brad also sounded into it after finishing it so his stubbornness will be useful.
They're all too casual to even get past chapter 1 of Div OS2 and won't even touch Xenoblade. They could've hired a niche rpg person that actually plays longer games instead they hired Ben and Abby and Jan is clearly just a video guy that plays games on the side and knows his inoffensive place.
The true goty and it didn't even come out this year.
more like bjold amirite.
>*strong-arms PUBG into the #1 spot*
jeff's not the only one who has a hardon for pubg, I don't know who on the staff is going to argue too hard with him about it. even Dan said he'd put it over Zelda even though he liked Zelda more
I figure abby's going to strongarm Dream Daddy (and they're going to let her do it because nobody wants to shit on the new girl, especially if she plays the "socially progressive indie game" card). Brad might filibuster for Destiny 2 again but the Battlefront 2 fiasco actually made him seem aware that his brain is addled with loot-lust. I think he said something like "this lootbox stuff has made me question all my time with Destiny".
alex claimed he put up a good fight for Nier, I swear if I listen to the GOTY podcast and he just does his typical yearly "I know it doesn't hang I just wanted to have it in the conversation" I'm going to lose my god damn mind. I feel like Vinny made fun of him for it in a few videos this year so maybe he's more aware that he does it and he'll make more of an effort this time
Ben is good at videogames to be fair
Jeff's announcing his own shock and disgust that they picked a half-finished buggy mess of an early access game, and he probably helped get it there.
Considering how conflicted he was about even putting the game as an option, this is probably the final nail in upholding any kind of standard for GOTY deliberations.
>just fucking kill me
How much gross old man on jew sex has vinny had 2 weeks away from his wife with abby.
I don't mind the gal but does Abby look bored half the time or is she one of those gormless looking types of person?
>Last year Jeff took a shit all over DOOM because a game needs to be good all around to be worthy of being GotY and the multiplayer was horrendous
>GotY this year is Early Access meme garbage
Clearly you never watched the kingdom hearts shit.
Mary Kish is far too good for that shit show of a site.
I'm far too good for that shit show of a site.
shit, show me a site that's too good?
[Invisible Inc.s Dream Daddy into the #10 slot]
It's just so fun, and interesting, and I like it!
Why do you care about what any of these guys think?
E celeb thread?
They're all already bored of PUBG, but they'll argue it for GOTY despite it being both unpolished and derivative because the GOTY list is supposed to be personal. Abby's the only one who's voiced a negative opinion of the game, actually.
>Dave's here
>Surrounded by misery
>diversity isn't code word for anti-whi-
I don't see the contradiction here, even if she was hired due to nepotism.
pick one
>"outlets are hesistant to hire women because they think they're inexperienced and unknowledgeable concerning video games."
>"btw I'm inexperienced and unknowledgeable when it comes to video games XD such a girl!"
Ryan died for this.
I find the amount abby was blabbing on the bombcast omnious.
I also think its funny how she was talking mess about nepotism when thats 100% how she got her fucking job.
Is she deluded or a liar?
it's not really a contradiction
it just straight up anti-white SJW speak complimented by vinny's "get better friends" at the end.
>abby hating on metal gear
has she played anything that wasn't an indie pixelshit game?
She isn't hating on Metal Gear, she's hating on Dan's incoherent idolization of Metal Gear. The greatest story every told.
Why is her nose so big?
>so abby what did you think of *game*?
>"I didn't play it"
>"It's good/ok/not that great"
Wow what insightful commentary
yeah sorry about that
I woke up half an hour ago
She's a woman, she literally believes rules are for everyone but her.
>pubg goty
>le 30 minute rant crying because pewdiepie said nigger by accident and you should drop any friend who says naughty words and we have to get rid of those words even though niggers say nigger every five seconds
>having not only a tranny on your podcast but one of the most cancerous, man-hating, sjw cultist trannies around who isn't even part of the industry
>hiring a gay, unlikable, ear-raping ogre and woman who barely plays games and has nothing to say about the ones she does play
Jesus fuck GB get it together.
Good fucking
Abby ruined Vinny who was the last part of GB worth watching. I dunno who the fuck keeps paying to watch their shit since Ryan died.
Yeah but does it hang? I played 45 minutes of it and bounced off it so I don't think it hangs. But let's argue about it geting 2nd or 3rd for an hour when nobody is going to even notice because it lost and this isn't the Olympics. I've said my piece.
Why do you think?
How do you know she got hired due to nepotism? Also, where would you draw the line between nepotism and knowing people?
SJWs ruined everything
all worthless SJWs but worst of all are the enablers and apologists like Jeff who make excuses for their agenda pushing.
So am I fucking insane or is Jeff repeating himself a lot lately?
What do you expect from a wigger like Jeff though? Nigga's blacker than Austin.
It should be important to note the last couple months of updates have been a shitshow for PUBG, it's half of the reason Fortnite is getting so popular
Vinny is still one of the best parts of the site but between having kids, spending too much time with alex and his kyke wife shoving garbage in his brain at home he's getting worse by the day.
>you will never be back in 2010 watching the first big live live show live falling in love with ana
just fuck my shit up. and yes i know she was a blatant dyke
If Dream Daddies beats Nier for the top 10 I'll burn San Fran to the fucking ground.
dont remind me.
God, you took him too soon!
>Dont just have white friends
>Yeah. Have better friends
Didnt expect it to veer this hard on the last podcast. Pitiful, the email was about women and she somehow shifted it to white male bashing. How do they do it?
wtf they brought back dave? he must be glad he jumped that ship
>no more comfy shitty fmv games with vinny and dave
Random PC Game was my favorite premium show by far.
I haven't been a subscriber for a long while, but do they have any new show that is similar?
It's all gone to shit, don't even bother.
They played through some old PC games on Giant Bomb West back when I was watching. I think they were categorized them as GBE Play-dates. They are Vinny with Alex though so not really the same without Dave.
>Destiny 2
I've probably put 100 hours into the game so far and I'm somehow enjoying it.....but it does not deserve to be in the top 10 for the year. I'm only having fun because of the people I'm playing with.
that fucking sucks
RPCG with Dave / Vinny was the most comfy ass shit ever
demo derby was good. while drew was there to balance out dan anyway
That's not exactly hard, like 75% of Sup Forums is blacker then Austin.
I would honestly feel bad for him if he wasn't so god damn annoying.
Is this the year where Brad goes back to his full power level? Remember, he SINGLE-HANDEDLY won Skyrim the GOTY in 2011.
>persona 5 will not make the top 10 list
>dream daddy will
Giant Bomb needs to be purged
Parenthood ruined Vinny. Abby's just a symptom.
>what happened
>where's alexis
>where's drew
>this isn't actually vinny right
>SJW apologist apologists
a new level of retardation.
I think my Giant Bomb koolaid is wearing off. What are some other alternatives?
Liberal ideals aren't wrong in principle.
>It's important to be accepting of different peoples, opinions, and cultures.
They're wrong in practice.
>Hey, you. Stop having just white friends, have better friends.
Liberalism is an ideology, it isn't an inherently virtuous imperative. Yet when people espouse liberal ideals, it's often in the latter form. Compare those two statements. They're essentially saying the same thing, but the subtext of, "Have better friends," is discriminatory. "Have better friends," is effectively saying, "You're objectively wrong, stop."
It's not going to convince anyone except the parties who benefit from that ideal, which is to say underrepresented groups. There's tons of empathy for women and minorities, but no empathy for people they're presumably trying to change the opinions of.
Game of the year shoemaker is a demon
There aren't. Easy Allies is often recommended, but it's a completely different dynamic and their content differs from Giant Bomb's, too. I don't think there is an alternative, which is why we're all slaves to GB.
There is none. I gave up podcasts on the bus for newpapers and books.
The video game "journalism" industry is dead
If you just want to see some guys chill and play some video games, Game Informer's replays are actually pretty good.
Funhaus is also another good choice, they even have a woman who actually manages to be entertaining and doesn't try to push some sort of agenda every chance she gets.