So is this going to fall flat on its face? So much money has been invested in it, surely it's too big to fail, right?

So is this going to fall flat on its face? So much money has been invested in it, surely it's too big to fail, right?

The people have spoken user, it's the next big thing.

Somebody explain the >competetive overwatch meme to me

that list has no good games

It makes some people really mad

You know I play OW, but this is a load of bullshit

Alright boys, post em
>competitive overwatch

does anybody actually watch overwatch? it feels so forced

I think starcraft 2 is much more fun to watch.

>best esport game 2017
>doesnt even have any tournaments in the year of 2017
>competitive overwatch

Yeah 20 million viewers

Overwatch thread? :^)

where do you get that number from?
the switched over from twitch to mlg tv or something so they can hide the numbers and censor chat by having to chatbox

You can find a great deal of information from the ass.

If it makes them a profit then it is successful. You may not like it, but that is what peak game judging is.

Who the fuck made that edit? That whole slowdown shit for every kill is obnoxious as fuck.

>Nano boosted
>Also a fucking barrier up

Whoa, so this is the power of """""teamwork"""""

>reddit meme


This is ironic, right?

No it’s a sick mlg play

Reddit loves overwatch though

No it doesn't.

>competitive overwatch

How do you know?

How do you know they do?

can't see them pulling out with all they spent.
expecting them to keep doing bullshit like to try and keep it alive.

git gud

Daaamn. Maybe if I practice really hard I'll be able to pull off a move like that!


watch this shit make me miss engi webm

I guess the editor for HOLE technology is still getting work


empty seats, lol

>Competitive anything that isn't Quake or Brood war

holy shit literally everything else has 100x more viewers...funny thing is overwatch had less viewers than halo fucking 5 last year. Blizzard payed Geoff well

>unbelievable reaper play
>misses 80% of his shots and presses the Q key

truly masterful

I'm not looking at this wrong he's bronze right?

Grandmaster. I'm not joking.

These edits hurt my eyes I can't even see the gameplay.

That’s a professional player