So are the Phantom thieves Just?
So are the Phantom thieves Just?
Just too sexy!
I can't decide between Makoto or Kawakami
>lusting after a literal whore
>comparing her to a literal goddess
i hate akechi, so YES???
Just take the canon romance: Ann.
Why does everyone hate this guy?
He was a decent rival. Then he went full retard in Shido's palace.
He would have been much better if he didn't go full Light Yagami, kept his cool, and actually made use of his ability to hold multiple persona. What could have been a cool fight was reduced to a fairly mediocre encounter
yeah makotofags should know their place
he spilled his spaghetti all over the place in the second to last palace and ruined what could've been an interesting rivalry dynamic
>Akechi always randomly showing up at Leblanc
Why can't I put Akechi in my bag and leave that little shit Morgana at Leblanc?
It was still one of the best fights in the game, but that's not saying much as most of the bosses were honestly not that memorable except for probably three others.
No they're not, in the end they are simply spoiled brats with Daddy issues. Time and Time again they use their powers just to satisfy their own ego. Remember when S.E.E.S used their powers to save the world? Or when the investigation team used it to save people from being murdered? Well now the Phantom thieves use it to be judge jury and Executioner to adults they don't like. How "just"
He's the absolute epitome of wasted potential
>Build him up as a good rival detective to your thief
>Have an interesting dynamic between him and Akira going
>Then he goes full retard in an incredibly poorly written shitshow
>Ends up being a psychopathic murderer with no trace of sanity all because of daddy issues
>Ends up boiling down to nothing but "what if a persona protag had no friends" then had him fucking shoot himself after a lackluster boss fight thats immediately forgotten about due to Shido
>He's never mentioned again except for one bit where they reveal that he's actually another wildcard who was meant to be playing against you with the world at stake despite the fact that he ended up being nothing more than a lackey footnote
It's like they designed Akechi to be the deuteragonist rival who challenges your views but forgot halfway through so just made him try to murder everyone in an autistic rage
So what's the proper answer?
Mostly that he's wasted potential. A solid 2/3rds of the game is spent building him up as a worthy foil/rival to Joker, but then he just goes full retard because he got rused once.
>Honey I'm home
I wish Akechi had a real social link.
I was so pissed there wasn't a cafe scene like the one out of Heat.
I see no problem with this. All the assholes they take down are doing the same thing. The only thing that matters is who gets taken down and who wins.
>someone is saying they can't decide between A and B
>waifufags go enraged mode and start recommending C and F and G and all the other fucking shit
Waifufags are ridiculous.
>Well now the Phantom thieves use it to be judge jury and Executioner to adults they don't like.
Except Okumura they were all real criminals who wouldn't be punished because status and connections put them above the law.
Why would he need an invitation to go to a cafe?
I wish Sae had one.
>ywn get to romance a successful lonely woman with a stick up her ass.
Makoto because non-party waifus always get ignored in everything else, while makoto will appear in all of the spin offs and get lots of merchandise, kawakami pretty much begins and ends with p5, but if you don't mind that than both are fine.
>except Okumura
No he was a legit criminal too. He had contracted Akechi to murder competitors.
even if she shows up in a spinoff any romance stuff will be a joke like in PQ.
>At the beginning of the game
>Every adult is portrayed in a bad light, kids are completely glorified
>Every kid that isn't part of your circle is objectified and used as a tool to make you and your friends feel ''excluded''
>They and the adults barely act like human beings, they are more like forces used to instill a feel on the player, and the way the game handles that feels forced as fuck
>More glorification of youth, teens and revolution
I'm fucking vomiting, Jesus Chirst.
Although I really loved P3 and liked P4, I never thought of them as games with amazing stories, they were mostly good due to their format(calendar system where you really feel the routine and passage of time, along with JRPG elements mixed with VN and dungeon crawler) relatable characters, unique music, and dialogue that's at least better than most JRPGs. Even then, their themes and narratives never made me cringe so fucking hard, not even P4 was this bad, not even close actually.
Even though I'm having some fun with the game, I cannot stop feeling like a edgylord while playing.
>Every adult is portrayed in a bad light, kids are completely glorified
Once you get into the confidants the ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS stuff isn't as bad. Most of that is kept to dungeons and the main story.
The stories are pretty much anime plots. It's why the anime adaptation of P4 was pretty ok. You are either on board for the silly, swiss-cheese holed, anime plot or you're not.
>Every adult is portrayed in a bad light
>I didn't talk to anyone
if your so just show ur face
They'd better flesh out his story if there's a potential P5 remake. He's a popular character in Japan, so it'll be inevitable.
>people are unironically fighting over who's the best purse owner fiver
>when literal pure perfection was released almost a decade ago
>remaking a game that came out last year on current systems
Well, that's at least reassuring. I hope they make things less hamfisted and cringe as the main story goes too.
As I said, I played P3 and P4, they have anime plots, but in a different way. Even in anime this asinine glorification of youth is rare, in fact, even in silly shonens kids are often downplayed, and adults are shown as being wise.
I'm mostly letting things out. I hope I get the enjoy the game more as it goes on.
I'm at the beginning of the game, 5 hours in, for now, the way the game portrays the narrative of us against them(kids vs adults) makes me feel like a edgylord playing a episode of Kids Next Door
It's like a 9/10 chance hes gonna get a redemption arc in Crimson. Think P4 Golden, but Akechi is gonna be the Marie of the game. Much to my mixed feelings.
pick none
Literal pure perfection was released a little over a year ago and localized 8 months ago.
It's Japan, nignog. If you step out of line, everyone looks down on you for being a fuck up and they want you to go away.
>5 hours in
Trust me, you won't be feeling that by the middle or end.
>dresses like a slut
>talks like a slut
>behaves like a slut
>fucks her teacher like a slut
>fucks her teacher like a slut
no proof or even an implication
I'm ~30 hours in and have just reached the first safe room in Kaneshiro's palace. How far into the game is this? I'm feeling bored with the combat already.
She does literally none of those things.
Just what?
>5 hours in
Yeah, this is the problem, you're barely out of the tutorial. As you go through the game the "Muh Shitty Adults" thing remains, but you'll also have plenty of people who are pretty chill Sojiro literally becomes a bro for example
should have done hard mode.
You won't be bored then.
I think the concept of basically rewriting someone's personality to force them to be a better person against their will is pretty fucked up.
But the characters they do it to are so stupidly cartoonishly evil that the morality of it all is just kind of brushed under the rug.
>doesn't dress like a slut
does hard mode change how easy it is to ambush every enemy and kill them on the first turn with an all out attack?
At least you can tell him to please fuck off everytime.
Thats makoto.
>But the characters they do it to are so stupidly cartoonishly evil that the morality of it all is just kind of brushed under the rug.
There are people that evil and sociopathic in real life though. Like Kamoshida is based off a real incident in real life that happened in Japan.
>dresses like a slut
>talks like a slut
>behaves like a slut
Hasn't ever had a boyfriend
>fucks her teacher like a slut
Things that never happened
Was this you?
Thanks for the replies, anons. I was actually expecting people to shit on me pretty hard when I made the post, so it's nice that you replied seriously.
I will go away before I run into spoilers, and go back to these threads when I finish.
What the fuck?
>I think the concept of basically rewriting someone's personality to force them to be a better person against their will is pretty fucked up
Madarame did literally nothing wrong tbqh. I'd rather have recruited him than that faggot Yusuke.
Even if you think her PT outfit is slutty, it's not her choice to wear it.
You can argue that letting whatsherface die wasn't a crime but he was selling counterfeit paintings.
more like JUST
Why would anyone think in terms of crime, morally letting someone die for personal gain and killing someone are essentially the same thing.
Morally yes but legally nothing would have happened to him.
There's nothing wrong with ripping off art snobs and getting paid.
>theres corruption and shitty people all around the world
heres another (you) for you,you fucking fag
Yeah, but a part of me thinks that it'd almost be less morally grey to just straight-up kill someone who's that bad.
When they brain wash him they basically leave a completely different person in his place to suffer in prison for a crime that he couldn't even morally comprehend committing.
Truly the purest sluts to ever grace our presence.
If you want a game that actually talks about the brainwashing stuff play Devil Survivor 2.
Yusuke is one of the best characters and party members, though.
I liked him, his story reflected the story of Loki, and I always enjoy it when MegaTen games have something go on with the mythologies present beyond just having them be your enemies or teammates. I also like edgy characters which he became at the end and before that he was jsut very charming. There were ways his character could have been used that might have been more interesting, like if he was genuinely a strong believer in the law and thought the PTs were in the wrong, rather than him just being a psychotic killer. I still liked him a lot, though, I just hope he gets a bit more fleshed out in a re-release, which I'm sure he will.
After Kamoshida it was hard for me to care as much about Madarame's counterfeiting.
It felt like they wrote in the detail about him letting Yusuke's mother die to make him more reprehensible at the last minute.
If you're still here, there's a persona general on /vg/ but do be aware its cancer, but it does have its moments.
>tags: prostitution
wat if kamoshida was a grill
I didn't join the PT for Justice. I joined it for CAKE.
I honestly dont think theres anything wrong with how they did it. Its not like it was something morally ambiguous that they made those people hate themselves for. The actions they feel remorse for are completely despicable things. Its not forcing their morality on someone as it is having someone build their own morality. The whole idea of the palace was a delusion that a person builds up around themselves to justify their shitty actions. All the characters are really doing is shattering that delusion.
steal her heart with your phantom d
That's kind of a mid tier write up of him though dude. He IS a psychotic killer, but there's reasoning behind his targets, which Im not gonna spoil here. But pretty much the story telling for him and Haru needs to be fleshed out better. You can tell Atlus was rushed for time by Nijimas palace.
>"You're lucky I don't have any eggs left"
Plenty of adults are portrayed in a positive light. Since playing it I've really felt like the use of "adults" is a just a bad translation, enough of the localization is bad that I wouldn't put it passed them, and beyond that, it's just never an appropriate word for who they're talking about. It makes them seem so much more juvenile than they really are when they use adults as a blanket term for all of the bad people who use their position or power to make those beneath them suffer, and then turn around and show that they have some adult that they do respect and don't lump in with the rest of them, and they all have an adult like that, the only ones you could say don't or Yusuke and Morgana, and even that's a stretch. They are supposed to be somewhat juvenile of course, but the way the word adult is used is just so unnatural and out of place that I have a hard time believing it wasn't bad localization.
I think I would have preferred it if there were more elements along the lines of Futaba's dungeon, where they explored the palace owner's past and thought processes while forcing them to consciously confront certain aspects of it, rather than just subconsciously shifting their personality from bad to good like flipping a light switch.
Persona 6 when? I'm thinking of replaying P5 now.
maybe for the 50th anniversary
I think that would actually be a lot better. Like going through Madarame's dungeon and as a miniboss you face his Deception, his Delusion, his Greed, and when you finally get to a weakened and unnerved Madarame, you face his shadow entirely.
god damn im such a fatass i want this now.
Idolfags are mentally damaged
Making him a real lawfag is a horrible idea. That way you cut out every part of the character besides the part where he was a dumb teenager that thinks people will care about a politician's scandal in the long term, at which point he's also completely superfluous because the Phantom Thieves already illustrate that exact idea.
It's a legit tag.
>those chicks aren't their to get all the beta bux they can from the mentally ill
why is Makoto the NEET Weaboo Queen? if you don't like Ann you're literally a self-hating virgin
Please delet this. Surely we won't have to wait that long again, right? They could just reuse the assets from P5 like they did with P3 and P4. R-right?
I'm not saying there's not a reason, I'm just saying him being a psychotic killer isn't as interesting a concept as him being a law-abiding detective who thinks the PTs are in the wrong, regardless of why he's a psychotic killer or why he's a law-abiding detective. I disagree with the game feeling rushed by that palace though, Goro was the only character that really felt rushed to me. I can see someone making the case that Haru was rushed, but I would still disagree and the part after Futaba's palace was really cluttered but I don't know if I would say that's a result of the game being rushed or that part of the game just being poorly planned.