Would you want a Gen 1 remake on the Switch?

Would you want a Gen 1 remake on the Switch?

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No, I would want genwunners to kill themselves instead.

>le genwun boogeyman

No, I'd want it on PC.

I've outgrown nintendie consoles, but I would still like to play Gen 1 again before I die.


>Muh mega evo/z moves/fusions are kulh

genwunners are the only ones who ask stupid bullshit like this
dumb frogposter

>superiority complex over baby's first rpg
not sure who's worse

>mega evos are bad because they're different

>playing the same game for the 40th time
No, I wouldn't play it on anything. Nothing can make me play another pokemon game ever again

sorry you thread isn't going how you wanted OP

No they're bad because they literally just added more spikes and edges to Pokemon that didn't need them to sell more toys

Only if it's open world

I'm quite honestly sick of gen 1 with XY and SM. Other gens exist

Not an argument Grenignog

I wanted (You)s and I got (You)s so I don't know whose ass you're talking out of.

not an argument nostalgia negroid

>likes something older than you
>reee nostalgia stay away

No, I'd want a proper Ruby/Sapphire remake on the Switch.

Have fun with that never happening ever.

Gen 3 should've been remade during 5 anyway.

>liking spiky/angry temporary "evolutions" for pokemon who didn't need it
Shoo joo

>it's good because it's old

>not being around for the golden age of pokemon
Time shove your body back into mommy's shithox

Yeah but it needs to have shit from another dimension which doesn't look for feel like pokemon at all, plus it needs dance moves that power up your attacks. Also get rid of gyms we need more wacky and silly trials!!!!

>it being good and it being old are two completely uncorrelated concepts

>the artist included a nigger and a spic for diversity's sake

>it's bad because it's old

gen 1 is the worst gen though.

It's almost as if people come in many colors in real life or something.

Did anyone else's dick get hard from this?

That's gen 7.

Much rather see a new game.

Eh, I'd rather see GameFreak come up with a modern classic that'll convince lapsed fans to stop living in the past.

No. The 3D pokemon games are all absolute trash and even the best out of all the 3D games gets beat the fuck out by the 2D games.

they made undertale for you

>what is character customization
been a thing since 2013

>"I'd rather see GameFreak come up with a modern classic"
>implying they'll catch lightning in a bottle twice