2D, 3D, doesn't matter. I'm surprised in this age of retro throwbacks that there hasn't been a revival of 2D Ninja Gaiden.
Ninja Gaiden Thread
I got nothing to say but I can provide screenshots if anyone wants
Go for it. I haven't played the 3D games before because I never had an Xbox. Why was the third game bad?
They completely changed the gameplay mechanics, like from top to bottom. You couldn't choose the weapon you wanted. I never played the updated version of 3 though, but many people say it improved
We need new webm's from black on xbox one x.
I playing through Ninja Gaiden 2 on MN right now. Chapter 2 is kicking my ass. Planning to abuse Falcon's flying swallow, but I'm worried about not getting my Lunar to lvl 3 before chapter 3 hits.
Also, I feel like running out of cash is a big threat. Do you guys think farming is necessary?
I'll give you some nice Ninja Gaidens to look at
>play 30 to 40 hours worth of Nioh
>should have just played NG instead
Razor's Edge is the finished game. To think they had the nerve to release the original game with only one weapon. That was simply embarrassing.
Instead of fleshing out on water combat, they removed it. They also removed supers, changed the way ninpo works and introduced unnecessary qte's.
Story was never a big part of Ninja Gaiden for me, but in 3 they decided to double down on emotions by making enemies whine and cry before getting fragged (you are supposed to sympathize with the guys sticking incendiaries up your ass) and introducing a little girl you will want to protect. It's very silly.
Overall Razor's Edge is really not as bad as 3, but it's still the weakest entry in the series.
>Overall Razor's Edge is really not as bad as 3, but it's still the weakest entry in the series.
Let me remind you of Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Aren't they very different though? I would have bought Nioh on Steam already, but I'm busy with Ninja Gaiden 2 right now.
3RE is the only one I've played. It's kind of bad but I think I can see how it could've been really good. There's lots of interesting mechanics and the action is super fast and brutal. The problem with the game is that it's built like a corridor shooter with terrible setpieces, enemy designs, and bosses. Everything that isn't the main mechanics of movement and moveset is actively detracting from the game.
I'd much rather pretend it doesn't exist.
what went wrong?
Well basically its a not very good Souls and a not very good NG in one game. It's missing the enjoyable exploration and working RPG mechanics of Souls, is lacking in enemy variety, and being a mash up game means the combat won't be as polished as a singularly action focused game like NG.
>*grabs you*
I think I will still enjoy the combat, though I'm not sure it's a good idea to expect resemblance to NG. NG is heavy on i-frames, I hear Nioh hardly has any.
is there any rape r34 involving this creature?
they're the reason I dropped down to Acolyte. The rest of the game was such cake that I felt embarrassed and kept the difficulty to shame myself.
Lunar's 360 ET/UT should help you.
I beat it on master ninja, NG2 is entirely front loaded, first 2 missions are the hardest.
I'll remember it when I go back and replay on Hard to regain some dignity.
Been playing this with bc on the X.
I liked the DS game.
It's a mediocre game all around. What makes it terrible is that they slapped Ninja Gaiden's name on it for some reason. I guess it worked in the end, the fuckers got me to buy it in hopes they would release other NG games on Steam
>want replay ngb
>no xbox
Anyone play the DS game?
You need to abuse those i-frames and chain UTs. As long as there is essence lying around you can keep spamming ETs/UTs all day long.
The game can be such a bully at times, there is no shame in abusing it really.
The faggot who co-directed Yaiba.
A thing is that it isn't really necessary to utilize all the potential combat options available, and combine that with low enemy variety and you end up playing this very long game without much developing in gameplay mechanics throughout. Then you have poor rewards for exploration and your equipment can be superceeded by the time you do the next mission, which really makes you question why you slog it through this game.
If you've played Demons Souls or Dark Souls or Bloodborne then you'll find it doesn't measure up as a Souls clone. Some moments I was really enjoying, particularly some boss fights, just made me think damn, I should have just played NG that's focused on the combat situations without all the extraneous Souls clone aspects.
Looks great but we need webm's.
Yep. It's pretty fun, still a challenge. Does feel mashy though. Really short too, like maybe 4-5 hours. Momiji is introduced in it.
I just have some pics that I grabbed.
Anyway to play Ninja Gaiden Black or Sigma on PC?
How hard is it to grab screencaps from xbox? I would suggest taking some in combat.
No, unfortunately. MS could have released Black like they did with Phantom Dust, but I guess they realized nobody gives two shits about win store and fucked off.
How do I git gud at Ninja Gaiden Black? I feel like I have no moves or I can't combo enemies. I'm only past the nunchaku boss.
I hit the Xbox button then immediately hit the Y button. Some games like PDZ will pause the game once you hit the Xbox button.
>terrible setpieces, enemy designs
Some people will probably disagree with me but I feel that this is just as true of any other game in the series. 3D Ninja Gaiden has always felt like an exercise in how far you can push an action game when you give a shit about absolutely nothing but the mechanics. The level design is basic, the soundtrack is generic. The plot and designs are straight from the Lorem Ipsum of ninja anime stories, like you just took a load of shitty OVAs from the eighties and nineties and had an AI procedurally generate a story based on them. The only visual thing that has the spark of creative intent is that the female characters all have skimpy outfits and big tits. But the actual combat is so fast and brutal that you don't get a chance to care.
I've heard a lot of people say that games like Devil May Cry or Godhand "don't care" about their stories, because they have goofy moments or don't take themselves seriously in the first place. But those games do care, because they at least tried to put something in their cutscenes. 3D Ninja Gaiden is a true example of what happens when you genuinely don't give a fuck about the story.
Learn to on land charge ETs/UTs. If you press and hold the Y button Ryu will take his time getting into the charging stance. However, if you start holding Y lightly before landing after a jump he will go straight into charging animation. If there is essence lying around you will get an instant charge.
Learn the guillotine throw (double tap X+A) - this move has a lot of i-frames, and is easily abused.
If you want to change you position fast, you can use flying swallow (X+A* Y). This move is good to use in general because it has a chance to behead enemies.
*you can use a regular jump (A) instead of X+A, but X+A is much better because it targets an enemy for you.
Also, here's a simple combo for the Dragon Sword to get you started. XYX > shurikens > hold Y. Alternatively, just use the Izuna Drop (XYXXY). It's very satisfying, though you can get grabbed out of the recovery frames.
Black has good level design which includes elaborate maps and puzzles.
2 focused on combat, its levels are generally straight and wide, which serves to house large groups of enemies. The story in 2, while being nothing noteworthy, gave you an excuse to travel the world.
I'm all for butts and tits, but I agree that the treatment Sonia got in 2 is laughable. They could at least include different costumes for her if they wanted to double down on fan service.
Enemy designs are outstanding though.
They should give Ryu tits and skimpy outfits.
All of the "elaborate maps" consisted entirely of empty city streets, caves, and generic brown ruins. Generic level design doesn't become good level design because it loops back on itself after making you grab a key.
He's wearing a black latex full bodysuit already. If that's not enough, you unlock a leotard one after beating Mentor in 2
Should still have tits. Hot girls is about the only thing I trust Team Ninja with these days.
Thank you
I'm saving this shit
>team ninja girls
I don’t like your opinion user
Post girls that a hotter to support your opinion.
>support your opinion
That's the nice thing about opinions, you don't need to support them. Feel free to appreciate garbage if you wish.
Are you >implying otherwise?
New Ninja Gaiden game when?
I want new Momiji fanservice.
I hope you don't expect anyone to take you seriously then.
Never since Team ninja shelved the series after shooting it twice in the fucking neck. Best you’ll get is Momo being in Volley ball and beaches from now on. So just get PS4 to get those
I still believe it's their next big project, along with DoA6. Nioh is finished, FEW is finished, Dissidia is coming out on consoles finally, DoA5 DLC is almost finished, so there's room for something. Of course there's no saying they won't get put on another Musou, and there's probably more Dissidia characters coming, but they still have the manpower for a big project.
>DoA5 DLC is almost finished
I guess we'll find out soon enough, since Nioh has been released for quite some time now. I'd be very happy to get a new Ninja Gaiden game that doesn't suck.
I don't play it so I don't know how close it is to done.
I'm just surprised it's finally going to be over. I also wouldn't mind a new DoA.
I know they have the manpower it’s just seems like they won’t bother with it for a while. Just my negativity/2 cents
Yeah play it on both Xb1 and PC, support is kind done now. I think they had their last costume contest entries end
Nah, your'e good. I finished it without farming just fine. You just need to upgrade weapons as you need them. Most will do just fine at level 2 for the first 3-4 chapters.
I dunno man, Chapter 11 (at least in Mentor and MNM) is so fucking balls to the wall hard as well. I definitely agree with CH1 and 2 being some of the hardest though.
Good to know, thanks. That's a big relief.
The beginning of chapter 6 made me feel a bit weak in my legs on Mentor.
Loved the first one on Xbox, couldn't beat Black (my Xbox is kill). I wish they ported Sigma to PS4, i want to play as Rachel, she's hot as fuck.
What was the point of Gamov in the original? He only showed in one or two scenes before the ending. I liked that you fight him in Sigma as Rachel, he seems to be a cool bossfight.
I don't know if I'd want one with the new team. Maybe if the guy that directed Nioh does it and goes for the style of 1 or 2. I really don't want the director of 3 touching NG anymore.
Is NG Black Xbox only?
Because my xbox has some wear and tear and the controller's pretty fucked. 360 died not too long ago too.
I cave I want a video game I'm turning to one of my reserves for a desperate time like this.
Have fun user. Remember to do the trials, they give you very nice upgrades. Chapter 2 MNM is hard as fuck but once you get past that your anus will receive less punishment.
That-s a lot of buzzwords at once. Go into specifics or go home.
I partially agree. At least, I get what you mean. Art, animation, and mechanics is what they focused on most. They wanted to just make a fun, smooth action game which was very spectacular, in the literal sense. But I think the lesser elements of, 2 and especially Black, did service the game well.
While the stories are not really important, I would say that 3 mistakenly tried to put its story at the forefront and took it too seriously in a way that didn't serve the game experience at all. Black and 2's story is just there to get Ryu from gameplay segment to segment, and that's it. But 3 felt the opposite, like the gameplay was there to poorly string together its awful story. I also feel Black and 2 purposely went for a cheesy 80s/90s thing, especially Black. At the very least their stories/characters/cutscenes served an aesthetic purpose.
I also think Black had some good level design. It may not seem like much. But when compared to 2's and especially 3's, it comes together to make a more memorable and well-paced experience. There was a good amount of variance, there was some nice, simple exploration and open areas, the levels facilitated and required using the movement mechanics much more. Yes, the exploration and puzzles were simple, not at all impressive on their own, but as a part of the whole I think they built up something more substantial.
In the higher difficulties it can get a bit insane because the fucking werewolves do so much damage. Particularly those fucking limb throws that catch you off guard. It forces you to really pay attention to where they are and if they have ammo around them.
I think they managed to make most enemy encounters pretty distinct too. Because of the unique combinations of space, art design, enemy design (including AI), and enemy placement, I think I can recall many more individual, insignificant enemy encounters from Black than from 2 or 3. I think 3 is the worst offender by 50 miles. To me, most of 3's enemy encounters were basically interchangeable and went on way too long. I think the comparison user made to a corridor shooter fits. Black's level design felt like it belonged with each enemy encounter inseparably, whereas 3's level design felt like it only existed to be an arbitrary container for the encounters.
There's no dignity in being a UT spammer either, especially not Lunar 360. Don't just mindlessly spam combos on them, windpath can stun them, learn what attacks leave them in vulnerable state what leave them in poise state. I don't remember if FS is guaranteed to trip them like it is in RE, if they trip you get a guaranteed combo.
Black itself is Xbox/360 only, but Sigma 1 is on PS3 and the differences are fairly minor. There are some extra chapters, some different weapons, and the loading times are worse. Other than that it's all academic. Nowhere near as major as the changes they made in Sigma 2 or Razor's Edge.
Gamov was a spy for the BBEG in Vigor gathering info on Vigor before they stole the blade, and keeping track of Ryu and the chaos that followed him as the bloodshed fed the blade. He's basically just a stalker.
There's plenty of shame. This is what people who don't know how to play resort to.
NGB is literally the greatest game of all time. It never settles and is always challenging the player, it's crazy and it's awesome.
I like other action games but NG is still my favorite. It saddens me that games with its style are no more.
Just finished Razor's Edge on the ps3, bullshit final boss. Played the all the 3 on ps3 and the dragon whatever on the ds, liked 'em all.
Fuck me, this still looks great at 4K.
The "problem" with RE is that it was made for people who are good at Ninja Gaiden and not people who think they are good at Ninja Gaiden.
>bullshit final boss
All final bosses of the series are shit but out of all them she's the only one that can actually be hard to beat. The trick is to use the Lunar staff as it's the weapon with the highest KI buildup by far. There is also a place you can stand during the first phase where she will not be able to hit you. Just unlock the camera, stand near the upper left corner and charge UTs on the crow chimera until you fill your KI. Lunar UT always leaves enemies in OT state giving letting you get even more KI. The rest of the fight is just not being good at dodging.
I mean BEING good at dodging. You know what i mean
I guess you mean that you can't spam UTs anymore, but looking at your webm
>4 explosions per minute
>enemies hardly do anything
I agree it can feel very cheap, but when you have a crowd of armored enemies surrounding you, anything other than i-frames is just not safe.
>it's a Sup Forumsermin talks about games he hasn't played episode.
That is being played on this highest difficulty, go play the game on that difficulty and see just how little those basic mooks do. They will fuck your shit so quick it's not even funny. RE has the most aggressive AI BY FAR, it's not even close, they are that way because there's new defensive abilities introduced, but of course you need to be good enough to use them.
Maybe you should not judge how difficult a game from 27 seconds of expert play. Also you're a fucking retard if you think garbage like pic related is good game design OR hard.
I can't believe how much Itagaki fucked up Irene's face in 2
That encounter was so fucking bad. It could all be solved by making the shurikens not explode on impact.
Why do you think it's bad?
>new defensive abilities introduced
Like what?
I got some spare cash and was planning to buy NG Black, but then I watched a gameplay video and all they did was slash the enemies a bit and insta-kill them with a jumpdrop attack.
Now I'm not too sure if it's worth it.
Not that user but,
>new defensive abilities
Such has ?
Don't let that stop you user.
There's a lot of diversity in NG gamelay, it's just that when you play a lot you tend to do the same techniques over and over again.
Yeah, it didn't age well. It might have been a good game in the pre-Souls era, but definitely not now.
It's the best action game ever and a perfect game in general.
Not sure why you would bring up Souls in a Ninja Gaiden discussion. The battle system holds up perfectly well. I'm yet to find a game that would feel as good as Ninja Gaiden.
Then explain this.