How did both of these consoles succeed with pretty much no exclusives...

How did both of these consoles succeed with pretty much no exclusives? Is the modern console consumer really this stupid?

Other urls found in this thread: Sacchu!! HoiHoi-san#mw-pages

>Is the modern console consumer really this stupid?
yes, they are the same people who will happily pay to play online

>pays an additional fee to access online features in a video game
>"Is the console kiddie dumb?"
As dumb as a WoW subscriber desu

>disgusting peasants
Interesting how they are all white adult males huh?

Just like the other 99,99% of people who play video games.

Some people will pay money to play with 99% less cheaters in their online games.


Poorfags who can't afford a PC buy a console for FIFA/Call of Duty.
>Is the modern console consumer really this stupid?
Mate, people spend thousands of dollars on microtransactions

So completely brain dead I see.

They like playing fifa and CoD Zombies on the couch with their friends.

I haven't seen a cheater in months. This is how I know you don't know what you are talking about.

Console peasant here

Spending more money on games compared to PCfags doesn’t bother me. Also I hate playing vidya on a PC. I can’t stand using a mouse and keyboard.

>inb4 just plug a controller in

Then you’re handicapped going up against mice users in multiplayer games.

PC for single player games and everything thats not a console exclusive.
Mah PS4 for cheat free online action. and dem 5 extusives a year.

Kinda sad after 15 years of pretty much exclusive gaming on PC in arena shooters etc that the hacking is so fucking bad i bought a PS4..

Xbox didn't succeed.

lol nigga you retarded i cheat all the fucking time on pc you blatantly see each other its every fucking match no matter the game.
Unfortunately that isn't true. I wish it was though.

The ps2 had nearly 500 exclusives
The ps4 has less than 100 and that is including downloadable indie games and upcoming games. Sacchu!! HoiHoi-san#mw-pages

>No matter the game
Sure thing. No one believe you faggot.

Yes it is. Watch the webm.
What are you trying to prove right here?

>I don't like using an objectively better control system
Are you literally retarded?
Thought that you were asking OP about the number of exclusives.

This and 60 FPS is too much for my brain so I play on consoles where I can get 24. I also don't like sales or higher resolutions either. Honestly I just wish a big black man would fuck my ass raw.

Actually the ps4 has no exclusives because PSnow exists and let's me stream all of their shit games to my PC or phone.

Simple google search will let you know there is so many fucking private hack sites with large community's you should try reading some of the shit they say and educate your self. you fucking retard.

>No argument
Oh ok that's nice. So you in now way showed that if I boot up counter strike or dota that I will likely find hackers. Again, I haven't seen hackers in months and besides that you are a retard who pays sony money every month to play console games online which is even more funny because there aren't any good online console games.

For one, I prefer 30 FPS (even that sometimes seems a little bit too fast to me, since films are 24 FPS, but it's good enough). 60 FPS on the P. C. looks as ridiculous as Peter Jackson's Hobbit films. P. C. gamers only care about fast twitch reactions and not meaningful stories; they will never experience cinematic masterpieces like The Last of Us or Red Dead Redemption, nor do they care to.

You really ate the sony marketing didn't you?
Have fun paying sony 10$ a month to play COD online after you already paid 60$ to buy the game and then another 60$ for it's DLC.
>See hacker in videogame
>Ban him because on PC games I actually have the power to do that

I know this is a troll but pretending Red Dead Redemption isn't an amazing game just because it isn't on PC is pretty stupid you should change it to Uncharted or Xenoblade Chronicles.

Playing Minecraft and Roblox doesn't really count, fag.

No, Try Counter Strike, Unreal Tournament and Dwarf Fortress. Oh and Divinity and King of Fighters.
Even if someone does hack I can just kick him which is something console cucks can't do.

You mentioned one game that actually has a population, lol. Of course you aren't running into cheaters when the games you list only have 100 people playing.

Try any other big game and you'll run into them over and over again.
>so on

As the other user pointed out, a simple Google search gives you cheat communities that are literally hundreds of thousands of cheaters

>Only one is popular
Counter Strike, Divinity and King of Fighters all are popular faggot.
>Lists shitty casual games
Why would I want to play PUBG, Fortnite, Battlefield or Battlefront? I know you are a console faggot but how can your standards be this low?

There are tons of great exclusives on the PS4, you just need to stop caring about AAA garbage.

>There are a ton of great exclusives
Such as? Bloodborne is the one example sony fans have and yet it didn't even sell well showing that modern consoles gamers don't really give a shit about exclusives.

Hahah holy shit you play counter strike and dota you're a fucking 12 year old faggot you're literally to fucking stupid to know if someone else is cheating hahah Counter strike not a hack infested shithole hahah even tourney fags cheat your hilarious.
>$60 once a year is a lot of money.
Yeah ok kid haha im sure it's a lot for you. i see you pay in $10 monthly's because your parents wont kick you down a year sub. you know you can buy cod for pc and the dlc... and cod is garbage im play battlefield.

I also find it funny that my pc most likely will fuck you until you love me faggot.

>Plays console games online but calls someone casual for playing counter strike
So no argument I see.
Ok and they were caught and banned just like most of the others who hack online.
>It's ok that someone stole 60$ out of my wallet, it's not really a lot of money!

>it didn't even sell well
holy shit who the hell cares, what part of "you need to stop caring about AAA garbage" don't you understand you insufferable faggot? If all you care about is AAA games and sales figures of course you're going to hate gaming. It'd be like only going to see Transformers films and bitching that movies aren't good anymore.

>Still didn't list those exclusives
Also OP is specifically refering to console gamers in large.

>. you know you can buy cod for pc and the dlc... and cod is garbage im play battlefield.
Are you literally a 12 year old BR? Is this the state of current Sup Forums's Sup Forums?

What's the point of listing them, you'll respond "haha that weeb shit" or something else because it's not Call of Duty 14.

I only own consoles for their exclusive games, my desktop has a 1080Ti in it for the few multiplatform games that I actually play.

I like Jap games as long as they actually have gameplay. Most ps4 weebshit is also on the Ps3 and vita.

>Most ps4 weebshit is also on the Ps3 and vita.
and it's most worse on those platforms or flat out not available in the west. Yakuza 0 and Kiwami were never translated on PS3.

Because exclusives have never mattered. They’re halo products (lol) intended to fuel fanboyism.

More effective is exclusive marketing contracts and targeted advertising. Like Xbox with Madden in America and Playstation with FIFA in Europe.
Exclusives are irrelevant, and, I’m fact, a losing game.
Microsoft understood this by putting all the “Xbox exclusives” on PC as well.
Hell, even Nintendo are testing the waters by putting their names on the Nvidia Shield.

In the future, consoles will be the gaming equivalent to Dell or HP desktops. The cheap, easy home solution for gaming.
The traditional home console has no place in the future, only portable/handhelds like the Switch/Shield and 3DS/Vita have a future.

If you cared about graphics you wouldn't play on consoles.

List a bunch of weebshit. OP never heard of them. What's the point.

Why don't you tell us what you're playing OP?

>If you cared about graphics you wouldn't play on consoles.
Oh yeah, I'll go play the superior version of Yakuza 0 on PC.

you are such a faggot

You can stream every ps4 game user so technically you can.
Even then
>Not knowing Japanese
>Buying a console for ports

>"Exclusives are the most important thing to sell a conso..."

>You can stream every ps4 game user so technically you can.
Why would I do that? It's a terrible experience. A console is a trivial expense to me. I've sunk thousands into my desktop setup, a few hundred on a console is nothing.


The Wiiu still had the most and best exclusives even now.

>Gravity Rush 2
>Last Guardian
>Persona 5
>Horizon Zero dawn
>Everybody's Golf
>Let it Die
>Last of us 2
>God of war
>Death Stranding
>Monster hunter
>Detroit Become Human
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Shadow of Colossus
what did sony mean by this?

>Most of them are ports, aren't released or haven't been confirmed exclusive
I'm sorry you have to dig that deep user because you bought the wrong console without doing your research first.



name 2 ports on that list

>Monster Hunter
>Shadow of the Collossus
Are not exclusive
>God of War
>Death Stranding
>Ghost of Tsushima
Aren't released yet
See above
Apparently the only reason you people bought a PS4 is due to ignorance.

>Are not exclusive

u absolute wot m8

hahaha goddamn falseflaggers never fail to make me seethe

Do a bit of googling idiot.
On ps3
On ps3
On multiple systems including PC
>Monster hunter
>Shadow of the collossus
On the ps2 and 3.

Just admit that the ps4 really only has Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2.

Console fanboys don't care about games, they will defend their console and donate to it no matter how good or how many games it has. Sup Forums proves this.

>no response in 20 minutes
I guess the sony fanboys moved onto shitting up other threads because they realized they lost the "games" argument a long time ago.

>Even if someone does hack I can just kick him which is something console cucks can't do.

Yeah well no one can hack on console so I don't need to kick them do I? Stay mad.

>No one can hack on consoles
Are consolefags this dumb? Macs can't get viruses either retard.

I haven't seen a hacker in an online match on xbox live since Modern Warfare 2 in 2010. I play almost exclusively on xbox yet I've still seen way more hackers on PC. Grow up and learn to accept facts.

>receives at least 4 free games every year with random things going free all the time and discounts on a bunch of games
It more than pays for itself desu my angry pc brethren
If allowing games to go online was all it did it was be a con but this is not the case, now, why don't you go fork out hundreds for the next top range graphics card?
Why game on pc if you're not max settings on every game coming out?
>but I'm rich I afford can afford it

>I play almost exclusively on xbox
Thanks for already proving you are retarded.
>I see way more hackers
In what games? Are you the same retard saying Battlefield is a good series?

>L-Look I get random games that I had no way of knowing about but also they take them away if I stop giving them money and l-look I have to pay money for discounts
Or for 60$ you can just spend it on buying the games you actually want.


user, do you have a single game you would want to play so badly that you would spend a grand on it? If not, then I hate to break it to you but you are a casual. If you do, then why are you pretending you need tons of exclusives to find a system worth while?


Prior to late 2016, yes. Doubly so if said person has no interest in Bloodborne. Even after that though, it's still a stretch.


Yes, they really are that stupid.

The ps4 has basically the same game list it did in 2016 unless you really like cinematic shit like Horizon or Uncharted.