Gameboy (Color)

Are most games for this system inferior ports from NES/SNES games?
I'm searching for GB games to emulate, but there isn't much original there.
Am I wrong? What games can your recommend?

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We had some nice threads about this game just some days ago op

Final Fantasy Legend II, Kirby's Dream Land 1 and 2.


Are the Kirby games original games or ports from NES/SNES?
Heard alot of shit about FF Legends

Kirby started on the Gameboy. That should tell you something.

Oh I did not know that

hamtaro ham hams united
monster max
pokemon /tgc

Survival kids

>hamtaro ham hams united

>Game Boy
I'm sure there were some shitty ports, like when they attempted Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat on the thing, but most games on the system were original.

The library is subpar if you don't know japanese.

Nintendo wasnt different from today huh?

Power Quest was a fucking fantastic little fighting game.

If you manage to get it emulated to run on the Super Game Boy, you can even play VS mode on the same screen. I love the fact that I own the cartridge as it is a game that my brother and I go back to every now and then and kick each other's ass on the SNES.

>motherfuckin TRAX
My nigga. I could never beat it as a kid, so when I beat it after finding it amongst all my old stuff about 20 years later, it felt like my life was complete
Bullet/piercing shot best upgrade

Example #1

Yeup, although the idea of portable games that werent made by Tiger was novel as hell.

It's pretty unconventional and fun ,one of the nintendo man guys was involved with this.

I cleared it when I was 7 but I have the same story with monster max, just beat it recently too.

I dont know if youre kidding or actually serious

Don't let his poor review fool you. It's a good game.

It gets a pass just for trailblazing though

The GBA was a huge fucking leap forward


There is some pretty good shit on the vanilla Game Boy, but the games tend to stand out a lot less at first glance than the stuff on later Nintendo handhelds. Donkey Kong '94 is the secret best Mario game.

GBC has an excellent Japanese library especially if you like RPGs because Pokemon brought a huge boom for them and the system in general. But the western library is a lot weaker, though still with some gems.

Link's awakening DX is the GOAT GBC game
Also second best Zelda after BotW

OH shit yeah, Donkey Kong!

Unfortunately, to get the best experience for that game, you have to play it on Super Game Boy hardware. That shit's hard to emulate.

this looks cool as fuck

is there a translated rom?

>Unfortunately, to get the best experience for that game, you have to play it on Super Game Boy hardware. That shit's hard to emulate.

Most emulators don't have basic support for that, as far as I'm aware. You'd have to use a SNES emulator that handles the loading of the SBG rom and sub-load the gameboy rom.

If you know of a way to emulate the SGB hardware for games that support it, please tell me. I really want to be able to do that without having to jump through hoops.

No, I dont know that at all. You missunderstood me.

I wanted to know why the best experience for this game is to play it on super gameboy?

Oh, my bad.

The game will run a lot better when there's a lot of sprites in the game, improved music, and actual PCM sound data for certain bits in the game. These enhancements can't even be seen using the GBC hardware.


the oracle of ages/seasons games, final fanasy adventure, and solar striker

OH, a major point as well: The game actually has a color palette assigned to each level so that it looks like a NES/GBC game. The enhancements for that game were ludicrous for its time.

obscure as fuck


Power Quest where you play a children's robots fighting game. It's impressive because you can do combos and shit and has a story mode.
Mario Tennis for GBC is fucking nuts. The RPG elements are just brilliant

Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
Wario Land 2 and 3

First game is pretty much Mario with a twist, but 2 and 3 take a more unique approach to the genre.

>the oracle of ages/seasons games
Also these. Absolutely a must play.

I mentioned it earlier lol

man wtf, I'm almost entirely positive this game is pretty obscure so I didn't even bother checking

I want old Sunsoft to come back to us.

Dragon warriors monsters 1
Dragon warriors monsters 2.
Dragon warriors 3 is superior in the gbc over snes.
Pokemon TCG.
Kirbys dreamland 2
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land 2.
LoZ Links awakening
LoZ oracles.
That's about all I can think of off the top of my head.

Thanks, all, I'm absolutely loving this thread.

Why is it that this board can only avoid idiots when it comes to nostalgic games from the 90's? Is it because they have no way of bashing something in which exclusivity no longer matters?

Cool concept, questionable music direction

my nigga

Harry potter 1&2 are great turn based rpgs
3 for GBA is cool too

Literally playing it right now

Console warring against Gameboy is pretty hopeless.

What emulator?

Also, you're missing out on the per-stage borders.

There was a James Bond game that was pretty neat iirc.

What are they gonna console war the Game Boy with? Few people care about Game Gear, Lynx and Neo-Geo Pocket while the Wonderswan didn't even left Japan.

My Oldboy for Android.

Is there a better one? They want me to buy their shit, so that i can use stuff like quicksave/load etc

>Also, you're missing out on the per-stage borders.
What do you mean?