>4 new shrines
>A couple memories
>A bike and horse armor

did Nintendo do DLC right or wrong? I want to hear from DLC owners.

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Eh, I ended up getting it with the Switch so it doesn’t really matter to me but I guess I’d be more disappointed if I was actually looking forward to it.

>4 shrines
4 more shitty minidungeons no one asked for.
There isn't any need for more exposition, the game is complete on its own.
>horse armor
Literally the only reason anyone would want this.

seems pretty lame to me so I might not bother with it, maybe the shrines are really good and the divine beast is really good though, the only thing that has me tempted is that sheikah boss I saw in another thread, which is apparently really good. The bike sounded fun on paper but given the point you get it seems kinda redundant.

I am so glad I dropped BoTW and never bought the season pass. So fucking glad.

there's more than 4 shrines

How do you access the DLC? Does it just auto download and it is included on my previous save?

So you never finished the game?

If the last DLC came out 3-4 weeks after launch, people would have liked it more. If this DLC came out 2 months after launch, people would not be as disappointed. This is lackluster as fuck for waiting the whole year

so that's it?

no new enemies?
no new bosses?
no new music?
I thought we were getting a new dungeon at least

this sets a bad precedent for nintendo DLC if they think this is acceptable

the bike is just a toy, it doesn't expand or improve the game at all

I did two beasts, 100+ shrines, got the master sword, explored all over the place, resurrected all the great fairies, explored Gerudo territory a bit and decided that was enough. I'm not going to finish a game that's a chore.

why would you do all that stuff yet not finish the beasts?

there is a new dungeon along with new music and a new boss at the end, no new enemies though which is why I skipped it but the OP is misleading to the point of being incorrect.

I just told you I had reached my limit. I was already trying to push past that due to how much praise it got but I wasn't having fun. I was completing for the sake of completing and becoming very bored doing so. so when I realized that I dropped the game.

I could have sworn they said the DLC was supposed to be like a second quest or have a dungeon or something.

4 shrines and an out of place motorcycle is literally not at all what they said the DLC was going to be. No one would have ever bought the season pass if it was just 4 fucking shrines. They literally falsely advertised to get people to buy the season pass.

You did like 90% of the entire game and then didn’t do half of the ‘main story’ content? What the fuck were you thinking?

Is this the last dlc? Wasn't a side story dlc programmed?

Fair enough.
I wouldn’t want to finish a game I wasn’t passionate about either.

that doesn't really answer my question, as you did 100+ shrines (almost all of them) yet didn't bother doing the 4 beasts, the main dungeons of the game? That doesn't make any sense, shrines are a lot more tedious then those beasts and they take significantly longer to do in large quantity than the 4 beasts would.

Where's Revali's second shrine? The one with the mountain and snowboarding.

the "story" is literally just a few new memories

nintendo really shit the bed with this one.

see this user also raises a good point

The whole DLC was kind of disappointing to me, I was expecting to at least get some new types of enemies added to the world

Yeah I don’t know why they waited so long to release this.

They took nearly a year to make this + pre-release dev time. How embarrassing. The 2 minute memories are what really get my natter though.

>What the fuck were you thinking?

"Jesus fucking Christ I'm bored. More shrines. Still got to collect lots of shit. Don't really feel like finishing the game as I couldn't give a fuck about anything going on, think I'll play something else"

Or something like that.

Yeah it's a shame I don't get what other people see in it but it's just not for me.

When I play open ended games like BoTW I avoid all the main shit for as long as possible (Mass Effect for example I would avoid story planets and just explore, building up my character and soaking in the world) but BoTW just didn't captivate me enough to actually finish the game. I gave it as much chance as other titles and to me it failed.

to be fair the main story outside zoras domain is pretty shit

to me that just seems an odd thing to do, even if I wasn't feeling it I'd still do the main story quest rather than fuck about with 100+ shrines...

disagree, the gerudo quest is the best part of the main story

That was the gold enemies in master quest.

I wanted to level up Link and get the master sword user (which was a disappointment as well) and boost my stamina so climbing wouldn't be so tedious.

you don't need to do 100+ fucking shrines for the master sword user, are you nuts? You can simply switch all your orbs to hearts, get the sword, then switch it back to stamina.

>an out of place motorcycle

Seriously what the fuck kind of world are they going for with BOTW? You have a seemingly medieval fantasy setting with things you'd find in modern day real life, scifi aspects (everything about the shiekah technology is just out of place and makes no sense considering what the shiekah have been in the lore up until this game), and now we have a fucking motorcycle.

The world is just so self-contradictory it takes me out of it completely.

I meant new enemies, not just variations of existing ones

It's simple, a world so far far into the future that it's gone medieval but the ancient cyberpunk artifacts remain.

Its no more a dungeon than any of the divine beasts were, and they weren't. The beasts are just like 3 or 4 shrines worth of interconnected puzzle rooms. Even NES Zelda dungeons werent that short.

Its ironic that they probably had 10 fullsize dungeons worth of material from all the shrines in the game but they just decided to be retards instead. Really sad.

it's set 10100 years in the future but an apocalyptic disaster took place barely 100 years ago, destroying most of its civilisation.

I did but then I was lacking so I did more shrines to build my hearts and stamina back up. Then I found out about the outfit you get when you complete them all so inbetween doing a few beasts, exploring, gathering weapons, clothes, items, collecting Kokiri shit, and all kinds of other shit I kept doing shrines.

It's clear you're not going to understand so stop asking dude. I do the same shit in games like Skyrim too (avoid the main story, explore caves and forts, level up, ect.)

im pretty sure the robot shit is pre skyward sword

you can dislike them all you like, but the divine beasts are dungeons, and they are not at all "puzzle rooms" since they are 1 seamless structure.
>Even NES Zelda dungeons werent that short.
that's because you fought enemies in them, which was more or less as you did. It was also a much shorter game overall with the focus being on combat and exploration with much fewer puzzles than the rest of the series.
>Its ironic that they probably had 10 fullsize dungeons worth of material from all the shrines in the game but they just decided to be retards instead
I don't even get how this is supposedly a problem when imo it fits better with the design of the game as a whole and avoids backtracking being a requirement within dungeons.

>a world so far far into the future that it's gone medieval

no wonder you got burnt out, I don't know anyone that bothered to do all the shrines as some of them are a right pain in the ass to find

I am not done yet but theres more than 4 shrines.
Theres so far 4 initial shrines plus 3 for each of the champions so i guess 16 total new shrines?

Towards the end I was using a guide (I was prepared to drop the game long before I actually did) so the hidden shrines wern't hidden. If the other content had been good enough I would have easily delt with the shrine monotony but, to me, it was just so lackluster compared to previous LoZ titles so there was nothing there to keep me playing.

Who didnt do all shrines? It gives you one of the best rewards in the game

you get almost nothing for it






Cinematics. Save your money.

You get THE main armor for the game.




so instead of doing the beasts, 2 of which are excellent (then 1 is mediocre, and 1 poor), you decided to hunt down every shrine using a guide? Even when you clearly weren't enjoying it? Do you get why I'm so baffled by this?
It's weird man

>4 shrines
Way to out yourselves as falseflagging sonybros. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I only needed 2 left. I knew where they were, but I just did not care anymore.

Isn't the reward just a shitty version of an amiibo outfit? would only be worth it if all the divine beasts combined into a megazord to create a super dungeon.

I'm sorry but I actually can't defend this.

this thread definitely is full of clueless sony faggots but the DLC is pretty disappointing anyway, it's a strange situation.

I already said I did two beasts (the elephant and bird) and only used a guide after the 80-90 shrine mark. I gave it a massive chance due to my enjoyment of other LoZ games and the hype it was getting and it just didn't live up to either.

What I don't get is why you persist with this questioning. If I had dropped the game after an hour I would have gotten shit for not giving it a chance, I gave it a chance, and I'm getting shit for it.

pretty sure there exists people who played the game and didnt like it. Its really not that crazy a concept.

what does that have to do with my post?

bird and lizard were the shit dungeons. elephant and camel are better, but the lack of unique themes makes them all feel pretty lame.

shoulda done the camel beast as well for fuck's sake user you missed out by punishing yourself and attempting to do every shrine. As I said before, it's no wonder you got burnt out by doing the mediocre parts instead of the gud shit.

It's 16 shrines and it's the most disappointing DLC I have paid for in memory, Mario Kart 8 was 16 additional tracks, an additional 50% more content for $12, yet Breath of the Wild is $20 for

>16 more shrines
>5 more cutscenes
>4 more outfits
>8 more hats
>a new trial mode
>1 new weapon

It's absolute shit for $20, it should have been at least 40 new shrines and a post game quest and story.

>most people will get master cycle after having 100% completion

LoZ team needed to rethink this dlc, the only silver lining here is that the dlc was so bare bones that they must already be working on that sequel, and that sequel better be a direct sequel and it better be a big improvement over Breath of the Wild.

Why not just play the game? No point using a guide if you arent enjoying it man

>doesn't revive everyone

Wrong, absolutely and 100% wrong. Also,

>Season Pass

sounded like you were saying everyone with criticism was a sonyfag. I guess you just meant the people who are saying the 4 shrine thing, which might only be one guy.

I don't know if its true or not since I didn't bother watching the dlc trailer since I just dont care

Nigga that user already give the game a chance, and as said, he already did one better dungoen and one shit dungeon. So if that didn't interest him to go on nothing will

When you unlock it it unlocks 4 shrines and then 3 shrines per other champion

If two beasts and almost all the memory's wern't enough to captivate me, a 3rd beast wouldn't have changed shit dude.

I did. For a long time. I've said this in multiple posts. But after a while it dragged, then it became tedious, then I used a guide to remove some tedium but it didn't help so at that point I said fuck it.

I have never regretted a nintendo purchase as much as I have for this DLC. This is the last time I'll impulse buy anything from them.

it still doesn't make sense to me that it'd choose to continue on to do 100+ shrines, even I stopped playing at 70ish and I loved the game until I went back many months later to finish them off
>If two beasts and almost all the memory's wern't enough to captivate me
what is it about them that didn't captivate you that apparently the shrines (somewhat) did?

Reminder Jim Sterling was right about BotW.

So I went out and bought the Expansion Pass last night like a fucking idiot, should've waited to hear if the DLC was worth it (but I didn't). Is Master Mode any fun or does it just inflate the health and damage of enemies like a Souls NG+?

Alright I'm done with this thread. You're not reading my posts at all and just throwing the same questions at me. Fuck you user.

It took you more than 100 shrines to realise that the game was a chore?

sorry user I didn't mean to make you mad

>16 shrines
>1 dungeon
>1 boss (with two good phases followed by two shitty phases)
>5 memories
>a bike, some horse armor, and 9 piece of armor for you.

I was expecting something more interesting from each champion than "faster recharge" but w/e the content to get the rewards was pretty good, even if the rewards themselves weren't
Although it had jack shit to do with the trailer they made for it.

well they probably played with english VA which automatically makes all story stuff pretty shit, so going fter the main stuff doesnt really have much appeal.

the best part of the game is the puzzles in shrines. so it would make sense that they would only look for those.

>4 new shrines?

What? There's four new shrines in the Plateau, but after that, there's 3 per Divine Beast, which would make 16 in total.

That being said, GETTING to each shrine feels like padding. Being sent off on a scavenger hunt and doing a little challenge to reveal the shrine proper gets real old real quick.

new shrines
>didn't play the DLC

Different tastes for different people? Fuck, that user is better than me, in the sense that he actually plays the game and see almost all the content botw can offer. Me on the other hand, dropped it hard the moment I felt like it was like every other openworld - and imo leaning more towards ubis openworld games - and after the old guy gives you the quest to gather a few orbs from the shrine to exchange with the glider. Luckily or unfortunately, I play it on cemu, so maybe I'll get back on it in the future, definitely not near future tho'

Actually it's 16 new shrines and a new divine beast

>the best part of the game is the puzzles in shrines. so it would make sense that they would only look for those
but that's the thing, if he did prefer the puzzles (hence doing 99% of the shrines) why wouldn't he have done the beasts then? the beasts have much better puzzles than most shrines and, aside from the rito one, they each had a decent quest too.
botw is as far from the ubi open world formula as possible, trust me I've played enough open world games to know when they're done right and done wrong.

It's leftover assets from when the game was going to be about an alien invasion and they decided to just give it to us instead of scrap what they had.

I don't think that ever reached much farther than planning stages

I'm sure that's why the final boss of this DLC is fought on top a transforming flying saucer.

What Master Mode does is replace enemies with higher tied variants, give them health regeneration (including Bosses), and adds a bunch of random floating platforms that don't really add much to the game.

I'm not really sure if enemies do more damage than usual, considering replacing all Red Bokogoblins with stronger Blue ones would have more or less the same effect.

>Did all the busy work, grinding, and side content
>Did 2/5s of the main content
>Hates the game

yeah and it looks just like the one in that concept. Oh wait...

What really pisses me off is I sent the message that "this is good" by paying for it and there's nothing I can do to change that.

I really hope they send out surveys.

>GETTING to each shrine feels like padding. Being sent off on a scavenger hunt and doing a little challenge to reveal the shrine proper gets real old real quick.

Yo dawg, we heard you like trials, so we put trials in yo trials so you can prove yourself while you prove yourself.

It's worse. Master Mode gives enemies more health, kicks them a tier up (red bokoblins are now blue and so on) and gives them health regen if you don't attack for a few seconds. And no, it doesn't do shit about the breakable weapons so you're fucked.

It gives them more powerful weapons too, dipshit, so you're constantly having a higher damage output and higher durability from the get go. Only thing is YOU have less health

Was thinking the same thing.

>So I went out and bought the Expansion Pass last night like a fucking idiot, should've waited to hear if the DLC was worth it

I feel you. I'm especially not the type to go head first into things and usually wait to see people's impressions. But fuck I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was because I finished the game the day before.



Honestly, like most higher end difficulties, the real challenge is only early on, when all you've got to defend yourself against hordes of Blue and Black bokogoblins is a stick.

But after a while, Master Mode doesn't really feel any more challenging than the base game. Just takes a bit longer to kill enemies.

I had trouble there too. Just climb up to the peak and shoot arrows. Or do what I did and glide down and do a downward sword thrust on the white moblin in a fit of rage.

I just want hard mode, I really dont wanna spend $20 on that.

>Ice arrow
>1 shot beat stick


I saw part of the new dungeon on a livestream. The puzzles looked so brain dead.
>guide a ball through a pipe by rotating it left and right
>turn a faucet to make water pour
>stand on switch to shoot rock and raise water level
It seems they're designed for an intelligent gorilla. Seeing it as a non retarded adult makes it seem like Ninteno thinks you're a dumbo for playing their game.
3d Zelda's were never too complicated but seeing that one dungeon was enough to make me glad I never bought a switch for this game. Not to mention the fucking motorcycle hahaha. They really don't care anymore.

There is a dungeon. You just have to beat 12 shrines to access it.

The bike is awesome, but just like the wolf Link pet mechanic, it should have been in the original game. I'm not paying for it, especially since I've lost interest in BotW anyway. There's just no reply value there for me, unlike most other Zeldas :/

How's the new Divine Beast, though? Is the boss another Ganonbot?