ITT girls even Vader is scared of.
ITT girls even Vader is scared of
Threatened by a strong independent Mary sue?
still less shit than rey
what a flaccid dick of a campaign that was
>supposed to be an actual imperial campaign, doing actual covert ops imperial shit
>written by the Spec Ops dude, should be kind of decent at least
>good opportunity to show the other side and who works for it
>your commander is an over-the-top evil idiot
>2.5 missions later you defect to the rebel side
>time skip so that the rebels can reasonably start sucking your femdick
>play as Han/Lando/Leia 75% of the time anyway
I don't understand why they made her ugly in game?
Shes not pretty out of game either.
Didn't everybody swear that they wont buy this game? How can you know what happens? Weren't you trying to stick it to EA?
its almost as if the primary concern isnt being jerkbait for pathetic wittle boys on the internet
Spoilers on the internet?
Pic unrelated?
She's pretty but her tits are absolutely awful
This, every black woman should be made uglier in vidya.
oh you have not seen the lead writers twitter huh
aww, poor triggered wittle fella
oh look the subhuman trash from resetera is here now
You need to go back to your safespace? Grr stupid developers, not letting you jerk it to animations! Cucks!
It's a chunky faced nigger that has the same shallow "tough bitch" stereotype that all of the femishits promote but not a single one of them live up to.
This will be snidely responded to by a balding, beardy pasty white fuck with thick rimmed glasses, which is 90% of the social justice faggots anyway.
You gotta be really high IQ to understand the humour in this post like myself.
>"tough bitch" stereotype
I'm so sick of this dumb stereotype. Why can't a woman be strong and not have a shitty attitude all the time? Why do they put such a high value on just being bitchy? I don't understand why feminists like it so much. It just makes them seem like cunts.
Christ this game's multiplayer is so fucking bad.
the actress is actually hot, looks way worse in the game
>No server browser
>Riddled with cheaters and hackers
>Players with better star cards have ridiculous advantages over everyone else
>Severe lag issues that still haven't been fixed and make some maps completely unplayable
>No conquest game mode
>The majority of the maps are complete shit
>There's absolutely no semblance of balance
>Have to get hundreds of kills with each class before you start to unlock better weapons and weapon mods
>People using macros to afk without being kicked every single match
>Spawn killing is a serious problem in Starfighter and Blast game modes
>Heroes locked behind thousands of credits
>Separate lootboxes for standard troopers, starfighters, and heroes so you're always under ranked in at least one area
>No squad system, so team play is practically impossible
It's not just bad, it's completely and unacceptably broken. Holy hell, how did we go from Battlefield 1 to this garbage?
In the new era of advanced globalism a race of genetic trash workers composed of all the third world elements of the world smashed together will be needed to serve the elites. The world needs to be psychologically prepared and conditioned to accept this in our media.
The agenda is real.