Find a flaw
Find a flaw
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ephraim acts outrageously unrealistic and manages to trounce huge armies with only four men
>Difficulty dropped drastically, overseas version improved it a bit
>Storyline is very short at fewer than 20 chapters
>AI makes decisions that make it seem like the AI is broken
>Final boss is extremely weak
>Many graphics and stats are reused from the previous two works
It didn't start a trend of intense incestual overtones in video games.
We don't get to see the twins 'experiment' during their teen years.
Map design was a step below the previous two games.
>Difficulty dropped drastically, overseas version improved it a bit
You're telling me that the jap version was even easier?
According to the Japanese, yes.
It's weebshit
why do you always post this in every fire emblem thread as if the opinions of a bunch of randos in japan matters
Too easy. Favorite FE though.
Easy and Hard mode enemies are lower-leveled in the Japanese release. Two levels lower across the board.
There were more changes.
Lagdou Ruins was pretty hard though, especially the last floor.
Because it pisses you off.
This angers me greatly.
Gaiden-like. Meaning it's automatically inferior to the others.
7 names it
Iron Axe
too short
too easy
not enough Dozla
Dick Delta
ayy lmao
Kill me
Revolver Ocelot
Dicks McGee
It definitely has a lot of flaws as a game, but I think it has my favorite character designs overall, I really like the entire cast and most of my favorite units come from it
Not enough of this pairing t b h.
it's on shitty Ninty hardware AKA Japan portable
>make any post about any character from it
>Immediately roleplayers jump in
What makes this game in particular so autistic in that regard?
I managed to successfully complete a FE8 0% growths ironman run, that was pretty fun. Overall the level design was noticeably inferior to the previous games, not to mention the lack of difficulty without special restrictions.
2/10 Not Enough Traps
Unironically my fav FE. Had some of my favorite characters in the entire series