Post any intelligent theme or message from a Kojima game. I'll wait.
Post any intelligent theme or message from a Kojima game. I'll wait
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in the beginning, there was an explosion
Why are we still here? Only to suffer?
enemy intel, huh?
I like the time he didn't know what a C-section was but tried so hard to write it in a game. Almost as cute as his complete lack of understanding of genes and scene
The languages we speak influence how we think, especially for people who only speak one language. Because we think in our native language we almost never consider any thought or emotion we don't already have a word for, therefore by controlling how and what people learn to speak you can control how they think in an abstract sense.
The game did a shit job at actually conveying this though.
His commentary on the internet, cyber security, and the passing of information through history to shape society shown in MGS2 was pretty ahead of its time
You can shit on Kojima all you want, but here's one thing he has done (and is doing) for the game industry: proving that vidya can be a much more profound form of art than movies and pretty much everything else. Instead of creating generic blockbuster titles like Destiny and predatory practices like lootboxes and making vidya games look as a mere form of escapism for the depressed and the lonely, he's trying to turn the medium into one much more desirable even for the normal fags, combining the art of cinematics™ from movies, deep themes like the rope/stick analogy or the baby metaphors or the ability to die shouldn't be taken for granted, with innovative gameplay mechanics like having to beg your friend to kill/off you just so you can respawn in your baby vessel instead of going into the land of the dead, im not a smart user but even I can see that he's trying to push the industry in a much better place, and I forgive all his bullshit for that
MGS2's whole commentary about memes was pretty good.
That's about it.
I play MGS games to feel like a dickhead while bamboozling guards not for 300 IQ writing.
>MGS2 was about memes
Well then he fucked up there because it was actually demonstrating scene. In mimicing Shadow Mose-...wait what was that? S3 wasn't about scene? Oh wait, I forgot about how absolutely pretentious and fucking retarded the entire conversation with the AI were.
The entire franchise is a dumb action film with good character interactions (the thing he never had control over until 4 where BIG SURPRISE, the codecs and interactions are robotic and fucking garbage so good choreography is used to attempt to hide this)
uhhhh war is bad
An allegory doesn't have to be plausible to evoke the intended response.
IMO the AI stuff is just a bit of a red herring and is focused on too much.
What Solidus says about the passing on of information through genetics between generations being mimiced by information being passed over in the form of data (memes) is very accurate.
The problem that he highlights is the issue of society becoming reliant on the internet to decide what is true or not and how easily people can be influenced by tailored misinformation.
You just have to look at the fake news problem of today to see that his observations were pretty accurate, and pretty ahead of their time.
uh... um... Nukes are bad, okay?
Yep and he didn't write it. He fired the guy who did.
war bad
>Ocolot got his arm cut off
>He got Liquid's arm and put it on him
>The arm possessed him and now he is Liquid
>Just kidding, he was still Ocolot but he was PRETENDING to be Liquid
Literally the stupidest plot in any video game, ever. Seriously, try to name a plot stupider than this.
Kojimadrones everyone. MGS2 is about as shallow as reading a single John Watson quote and pretending to know absolutely everything about behaviorism, you know, except for the part where he got nearly everything wrong
I don't know much about it, but i'd heard that guy just wrote some of the codec calls
Who wrote it?
It's dumb as shit, but the presentation of MGS4 is so over the top that to me it doesn't matter.
MGSV on the other hand takes itself super seriously and has a plot which is every bit as retarded and isn't even finished.
At least MGS4 is the full package.
>It's a finished pile of shit, which is better than an unfinished pile of shit
those super chink eyes doe...
I didn't say he was the first to talk about it at all but I couldn't name a movie or game that addresses the topic as directly as MGS2.
war has changed
I didn't say it was a pile of shit because i like it and think it's a great game.
>The "Fukushima is a true mastermind" myth.
Can you please tell me what he penned exactly? Do you really even know if he was fired?
The plot to 3.
It was insultingly bad.
the part where a guy had diarrhea, it really changed my outlook on life to be honest
>insultingly bad
wow so dramatic
>underagefags now hate Kojima and Konami
>didn't even experience the golden age of both
3 has the best plot because it plays out like a spy movie. It doesn't try to be absolutely fucking stupid unlike 1, 2, PW, 4, and V which shoehorn a theme without understanding a single thing about the concept it is trying to bring up
People who think voting for a different US president will change anything are stupid.
What was wrong with the c-section?
most people probably don't listen to the lyrics
Fuck off dumbass. MGS was his only good game. As soon as MGS2 came out, everyone fucking hated it because you only play as Snake for 20 minutes
he made ONE good game
What do you mean? Pretty sure they were talking about Godzilla in that context
MGS3 also had the benefit of exploring a brand new part of the lore that MGS4, MGS PW or MGSV didn't have the privilege of. That baggage is really difficult to balance when so many interests are at stake (see MGS4 supposedly true ending with Old Snake and Otacon executed that the staff didn't want).
besides the cut being in the completely opposite direction? Everything. You know, unless if it was done by a blind person
But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.
>it's a bad game because people didn't like it
I pity you
>the ability to die shouldn't be taken for granted
I doubt OP really wants his question answered more than he wants to dull his overwhelming insecurity by being a contrarian twat.
>oh shit guys I'm freaking out here
>uh...where is the vagina? Are babies in the titty region?
>oh no that ain't right.....
>uh...... maybe to the left
>oh geez I fucked everything up man
>Metal Gear 1-2
>MGS 2
>MGS 3
>MGS 5
All good games that he directed,still have to try 4
He WAS possessed for realsies in 2, but decided to fuck that and replaced his arm with a prosthetic instead.
this, the majority of this thread reaks of 16 year old.
>mfw Brainlets can't understand that mgs4 is about Keynesian economics
I mean, it was kind of done in the middle of a battlefield. Mistakes would be made.
>everyone fucking hated it because you only play as Snake for 20
literally the dumbest fucking reason to hate it.
>game is meant to be portraying the importance of ideas influencing the individual and to execute this has a new charachter being told they are as good as the original solid snake
>their entire world view is told to them by an AI
>your entire view of who is the good guy and bad guy is decided for you by the AI
>you go along with this until the AI starts shitting itself
>As soon as MGS2 came out, everyone fucking hated it because you only play as Snake for 20 minutes
that ain't the reason. Many of the scenarios on the Big Shell are just absolute garbage. The only thing it really got right were the guards being absolute monsters.
Is that a sausage with a croissant?