Where were you when WoW was saved?

Where were you when WoW was saved?

Apparently in the past on Tarkir.

Sup, Ugin?


YFW he played and raided since vanilla that way
YFW wow was never hard

WoW at its hardest is fucking hard

On the one hand, thank god this tablet-playing fuckwit is being moved, but on the other hand, they're now down another developer who actually plays the game, even if incorrectly.

Don't they generally play? Ion's a mythic raider who actually clears the whole tier

no it isn't
it's fucking babies first EQ, and even that is being generous.

Define "raided". I seriously doubt any hardcore guild would keep him once they learned that he plays like a literal fucking retard. The way he talks alone screams casual LFRtard to me.

Lolno. I raided with bongo controllers as a joke

I'd rather have someone that doesnt play the game as opposed to captain retard forcing the game to be better for his tablet experience.

What you're saying doesn't dispute what the other guy said, please learn to read.

I hope he was demoted, he was a complete and utter fuckwit.

I remember back in Highmaul he was ranting on twitter about people being stupid for caring about what spell school their spells were because it was only cosmetic, when Chaos damage literally made the difference between a caster doing damage or not doing damage on Koragh or whatever the penultimate boss was called.

vanilla wow had LFR?

Obviously not, but don't try to bullshit me that intro raids like MC were hard. I seriously doubt he raided anything past the first tier in vanilla/BC, or went past 10 man normals in WOTLK.

Don't know who this faggot is but its totally possible to play WoW and FPS games with a tablet, even at a competitive level. It's just a pointer ffs, if you actually draw on it it's as good as a mouse

No, I draw using a tablet and you will not function in a raiding environment with one.

it was "hard" for the guy trying to wrangle dozens of brain damaged retards into not acting like lobotomites long enough to clear, the actual game itself is not actually that hard. If anyone remotely competent could clone themselves 40 times and was given 40 characters with good gear, they would breeze through all content throughout every iteration of the game

you could literally do vanilla wow with your feet shut the fuck up

KTK was the last good magic set. When it released I almost thought Theros was just a fluke and that future sets wouldn't be as fucking terrible. I wish that I had been right.


So finding proof that he raided back then should be easy right?

>that cut off bottom tweet


people don't seem to understand, to be as popular as WoW you need to scrape the bottom of the barrel in terms of intellect

Let me rethink
>celestalon akak purple haired fat cuck playing wow on tablet
>making some spec 3 button rotation because he can't play on tablet with so many skills
>WOoD UBRS, he/she picks hunter with wrong talents etc, doing worst damage and playing like newbie. Not someone who gets paid to know how every class work
>afterwards, he says hunter is good and people are just bad
>Remember monk tank being the hardest tank with highest skill ceiling? pro players could be awesome in tanking. Celestalon destroyed monk in wod, asking brewmasters to remain in critial health state for whole fight. Also calling those pro monk players just a bad players who dont understand monk.
>he forgot that in MoP every monk tank followed those players advice and in depth analys
>called damage types just a cosmetic, after introducing nature vulnerability of those mushroom boss and ogre mage vulnerability to chaos damage
>he says that people dont know how to play demo lock in legion, saying that they should anticipate when to move. He forgots that every move in demo lock result in dps loss
>oh i forgot. Remember that dev who understand how warlock work? he got fired by trashtalking blizzard on something. Thanks to celescuck
>all those just terrible talents = "you are just bad"
>being all smug and pro to other players reporting things about their class work. To top frost dk in legion he says that he just play frost wrong. Frost remained bad until ToV release

I remember times when whole community would shit on ghostcrawler. But he atleast listened and tried to understand every spec. Celestalon was just a plain retard who propably played max 2-3 specs and everyone who disagreed with him was called just a bad players

fan theory: LFR was introduced so celestalon would se raid with his warlock 5% haste tank spec

Finally, someone gets it.

The point is that you move+hotkeys+switch targets+control your camera/direction your facing constantly in all serious environments and each of those is controlled by a key that your hand is always near at some point.

Just having a pointer is only okay for grinding.

how does that faggot still have a job

As someone who wants to play vanilla wow more than anyone and played the fucked out of it and even downed 6 bosses in vanilla wow. No, it wasn't fucking hard at it. The only challenge of Naxx was the absolutely insane gear requirement, namely the 4 knights which required EIGHT fucking geared tanks which often required scalping from other guilds. That's not difficulty thats pure bullshit.

Oops, meant to say downed six bosses in vanilla Naxx

Being good at justifying your existence to employers and/or gaming KPIs and shit is an entirely separately skillset to being able to do your fucking job.
Just so long as failure to do your job doesn't directly lead to everything falling over.
Even then, successfully bullshitting why it's not your fault can work for quite some time.


Magic hasn't been good since Lorwyn, and the last time it was passable was Alara.

This guys gets it. The best block in the game was Time Spiral, both lorewise and cardwise


Fuck off, nostalgiafags.

Night elves, always.

The original fucking plebs.


I'm not talking about vanilla, I'm talking about modern WoW
Final bosses of mythic raids are ridiculous

So then why aren't you going troll?

>Dark blue elf
>Purple/blue elf
>Light blue elf

Sorry meant for

Dont forget you can change skin color in character creation
so you could likely make them all the same shade of blueberry ballsack besides WHITE BOI

you said the same shit when Metzen left but it only got worse. Fuck you not falling for it

WoW has to die to be saved
Then it needs to die again

Too bad the damage has already been done. He absolutely ruined Hunters and I doubt Blizzard is going to undo it.


>Played hunter all through classic
>My hunter pets made up for my lack of friends irl, took genuinely good care of them, always had food, went out and tamed rare pets just to teach mine the next level of the claw skill
>Spent hours fishing with my scorpion out next to me, happily watching
>Had different pets for different situations, including different base attack speeds
>Fucking Blizzard removed everything remotely hard or interesting about hunter pets

i really don't get why blizzard just straight out removed features from all classes. Any depth there was to warrior stances, hunter pets, all mage skills, rogues, it's all gone. All specializations feel like they are classes of their own with their own skills (without actually being interesting). Problem is, since the skills got divided into 3 specializations, it just feels artifical.
And then there is changing specs and talents at will, almost wherever you are. Give me back the FEEL of the game please. Fucking ALLODY ONLINE is more interesting at this point.

Hunters went to irredeemable shit the moment they got rid of eyes of the beast.