So let me get this straight, this knockoff is just the Devil May Cry of Soulslikes?

So let me get this straight, this knockoff is just the Devil May Cry of Soulslikes?

It feels more like the Bioshock Infinite of the Soul series to me. Less depth to the actual gameplay via removal of build variety in favor of sucking Bram Stoker's dick in an attempt to make it feel "deeper" lore wise, even though it falls flat just as Infinite does.

At least it has an interesting and somewhat comprehensible story.

You are talking out of your ass. The gameplay has much more depth, the rpg part is less explored though, Bloodborne is much more about skilled gameplay than OP builds and weapons

Skilled gameplay is more than parrying and dodging. There was not a single time during BB that I could change my armour and therefore my entire playstyle to counter a difficult status affect on an enemy or anything. Frenzy resistance is hardly even an example.

BB has less weapons, and more of them are "OP", I can't even intentionally use a bad weapon because they all do so much damage with the retarded gem system.
Bloodborne's lore is nifty and all but its not a substitute for depth in mechanics or gameplay.

>There was not a single time during BB that I could change my armour and therefore my entire playstyle to counter a difficult status affect on an enemy or anything
Try the executioner set against Ludwig, it has high blunt and arcane resistances. It basically helps you survive with a sliver of health when you'd normally die and that is huge when you got 20 healing items. Same with bolt resistance against the darkbeast and fire res vs. hotdog. It doesn't exactly carry you but it can let you survive an otherwise fatal mistake.

You make a good argument, but gaining one extra chance to dodge instead of dying is idfferent than the strategy you can implement behind the different armors in other souls games. With the exception of Demon's SOuls, poise alone adds an entirely different level of strategy to every fight. I can also decide to be literally immune to certain status effects if I wear the proper armor setup, and that also means that PvE and PvP have much more to worry about than BB's basic design principle of mobility being king in every regard to how you deal with situations.

are you implying thats a bad thing?

>>BB has less weapons, and more of them are "OP", I can't even intentionally use a bad weapon because they all do so much damage with the retarded gem system.

idk i thought this was a good thing.

in every dark souls playthrough i have like 40 different weapons in my inventory which i never use nor even plan on using because out of the 20 swords which are literally identical except for stats and aesthetics i will always end up using the best one anyways

whereas in BB i've made a different build for a different weapon for each of my 10 or so playthroughs

>all weapons are viable
>this is somehow a BAD thing

I guess you want 40 useless greatswords, straight swords, axes, spears, and halberds?

better than any Souls game, lmao
Back to shitty DS3 for you butthurt user

>so much damage with retarded ass gems
ah so you never played the game? You don't know what you're talking about.

>The gameplay has much more depth,
It's just fucking spam r1 to win
You're fast as fuck
You do fuck tons of damage
You don't have to worry about stamina management AT ALL
It's THE easiest soulslike
You're a fucking retarded fanboy and that's all there is to it

Did you accidentally play DS3 and think it was BB? I wouldn't blame you with how much cut bloodborne content they scrapped together


Don't let the Sup Forums shills trick you into buying it expecting smooth gameplay that they fake for their webms.

you mean 12 fps

max of 30fps but usually its shittier, thats right

Holy shit I don’t think I seen this much cope in a post ever

>can get through the game with literally any weapon
>only 6 slots to level up, and I'm not even sure what 2 of them do
>spam r1 to win
>no block
>no shield
>no magic
>have to farm for health
>jarring difficulty spikes

BB is tra-ASH.

>he doesnt have boost mode


even if that were the case, you say it like it's a bad thing.
it's a solid game. stop finding shit to bitch about.

Everyone knows this yet its still an amazing game. If it ever came to pc people would say it was the best game of all time

Nothing he said was wrong though, I blazed through BB my first time through blind, there were only 2 bosses I died to more than twice on plus the unresponsive input delay brought by their shitty engine and fps

well hes not wrong, you just have to farm for the top tier gems.
but beast pellet + paper would make more sense

boost mode literally doesn't make a difference for bloodborne. is well documented. From never implemented anything for the PS4 Pro

>he got through a modern game blind
>I killed bosses in two or less deaths which makes the game bad

With that logic all the DaS games are bad and the only good game is DeS since no one knew the formula of the games at that time

10 days

yeah it's the devil may cry of souls, except that the combat has no depth and literally every enemy is fought the exact same way
so nothing like devil may cry actually
people especially on Sup Forums conflate the game having fast battles as depth when that's not true at all

>got through the game blind
that's a fucking good thing
You shouldn't have to have a wiki open for going through a game the first time

The viability of all weapons isn't the bad thing, its the utter lack of interesting weapons outside of viability. Just because a sword may be worse that doesn't mean its not interesting to use. I've replayed the souls games too many times simply because, as bad as some are, there are so many weapons that you can make a build around. And as long as you're good enough who cares about viability, Golem Axe or Caestus still made fun times and pvp sessions.
>Disregards an opinion because he doesn't like it
I know exactly what I'm fucking talking about, I've beaten every souls game along with the DLCs with the exception of 3 and The Old Hunters.

>the viabiltity of the weapons arnt the problem
>goes on to say how it's more fun to have unviable weapons

>you just have to beat the entire game so you can get to the end and get the best gems so you can be strong

I'm saying that I don't find the variety in BB to be enough, because they could have included more shit that could still be fun instead of making combo weapons to give every player more instant versatility.

>I-I know what I'm talking about I've played 60% of the souls series
>hasn't even played the dlc of the game he's shitting on even though The Old Hunters is considered one of the best or even the best dlc for triple A games
what a fucking tool

Bloodborne is boring as fuck get over it, "Waaahh he doesn't know every little fucking moment in BB what a tool". I beat the main game and dug in to the DLC, I have played more than enough to have an opinion, faggot.

I honestly don't see your problem here
I always hated how the souls games had pretty much multiple weapons with the same moveset with the only difference being size and aesthetics.
Dark Souls 2 was especially bad at this.

Dude you're talking to is mentally handicapped, but the gem system really does add a lot of damage. I think my current playthorugh is at NG+6 and with pellets I'm hitting 2k damage a standard R1 hit. Of course this is with top tier Cursed Gems from FRC Chalices which is heavily lategame anyways and requires a large amount of grinding.

how about you actually explain how the game is bad properly instead of just saying shit about the ''''''versitility''''' of the weapons
did you dislike the story?
did you dislike the location?
did you dislike the bosses?
what did you dislike?

yeah but that's only really late game and you have to go pretty out of your way to get the best gems
Pretty much every time I've played BB I rarely to never Gem Farm unless I'm making a character specifically for Chalice Dungeons

I got it because everyone was oozing over how great it was. I bought it. I regret it. It's not that great, but I'll keep it in my game library anyway just so it will look impressive and shit.

>utter lack of interesting weapons
what the actual fuck?