Start a new character on a new server

>start a new character on a new server
>pick Lalafell
>start thinking about going DRG again
>DRG Lalafell
Why does something simple like renaming your character cost money? I have the Fantasia, but I picked something masculine for my Lalafell.

FFXIV thread

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Name 1 (one) MMORPG where renaming your character does not cost item shop currency

Also you deserve nothing else, Lalashit.

My sub runs out tonight. Haven't played much at all in the last two weeks, didn't even cap tomes, so I won't resub until next patch probably. I still feel empty though.

>tfw hate Lalafell with passion but want to hate fuck one

>tfw sub runs out tomorrow
>just finished leveling the jobs i was working on the past few weeks


wew lad

You'll feel fantastic for a week or two and wonder why you ever played it at all, then the cravings start kicking back in after you finish a bit of your backlog.

It's like some kind of fucked up backwards withdrawal.

What the fuck am I reading?

The road to 60 buff is fantastic.
Like fuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk it's so good.

You don't have to grind at all on the way to 60, it's great.

Does road to 60 go away if I reach 60 in any one job? Do I need to stop at 59 and go grind DoH and DoL to make the best use of it?

How come Stormblood's story fell so flat?
I can't remember anything significant happening outside of us liberating the two countries

it becomes unavailable for your lvl 60+ classes but as soon as you swap to a sub-60 class you gain it again
It goes away once your server isn't preferred anymore

They updated it so you keep the road to 60 buff for 90 days after your character was created, even if your world is moved to non-preferred.

Are you ready to be disappointed in a week?

That's good news. My main class(war) i've bene able to get to 56, but i was worried how long I'd have to get others close to 60 as well.

So is that Road to 60 thing what the EXP-bonus for joining preferred servers entails? Can a server become preferred and existing characters will receive the bonus or is it only for newly created ones?

Only newly created characters on preferred worlds receive the buff.


delete your account please

there's literally nothing wrong with lalafells.



Any people here roleplay an AST? I got questions about their deck.

>ffxiv subreddit is dying so they have to approve selfie posting
>>fxiv general on /vg/ is unusable because of chemospam
>ffxiv forums have ban happy mods that will suspend you forever for making any negative comment about the game

why is the ffxiv community so fucking bad

It's been about 2 months or so for me. No ragrats. Had a blast when I started playing in late creator, so much to do and see. Then Stormblood came out, ruined my jobs and added very little content. Happy to be away from that tiny bubble of a community.

>You'll feel fantastic for a week or two and wonder why you ever played it at all, then the cravings start kicking back in after you finish a bit of your backlog.
I hope my backlog and my job can hold that backwards withdrawal at bay until the last patch of SB
The treadmill sucked yet I'm throwing myself at it because I have a mental illness where I want my you-know-what public record to look good

If I accidentally popped a Fantasia, does it expire at some point or can I just leave my character as-is with the prompt to change how they look forever there?

Have you considered playing for fun and to help people rather than jacking off to FFlogs?

>This sad and desperate

Holy fuck, I bet they ended up fucking anyway. Trannies are such mentally retarded idiots.

You underestimate how addicted some people are to jacking off to stuff, be it tits, dolphins or numbers.

imagine writing all that

>enjoying my day and having lots of fun and shit without XIV in my life
>that horrible urge to play XIV hits me like a fucking truck out of nowhere
>end up subbing, playing for a week at best, and quitting it again
Free login periods are a real wallet saver when this shit happens.

you can leave your character as-is until you actually confirm the fantasia changes

I basically only login at this point to keep my house, do gardening and fap to my femlala

$15 a month well spent.

>tfw had to rez one of the healers at least twice in each fight in Rabanastre
>i'm a fucking RDM

it should be illegal to be this fucking bad at the game

That is a solid performance compared to the first few weeks it was out.

I have logs where people died >20 times.

>quit game 1 week after 3.0 upon realizing Yoshida is a fucking hack
>resubbed at 3.55
>going to resub during 4.55

Truly the patrician way to play.

>>start a new character

where the fuck are the people playing lower level dungeons? i've been duo tank/dps queued without near-instaqueue for the last 10 min. i just want to level my pre-50 classes jfc

Palace of the dead killed low level dungeon queues.




Does anyone else get mad when they see a RDM doing the lowest damage out of all the DPS in a group? Like nigga you have the easiest job ever. How do you fuck that up?

>a week ago stormblood was $40
>its now $20

time to start playing FFXIV again

anyone got a FC on Cactaur?

is there a dps/enemity addon im not aware of?

Where'd you find it for $20? Asking for a friend.

Don't get me wrong, what I jack off to is ACT. I absolutely hated FFlogs's shoddy metrics to treat dps as a score and how much non-personal factors influence your """grade""" in this game and I don't even upload anything myself; but others do and fflogs still ultimately colors (ba dum tsh) people's perception of you so I keep going back each week to have a shot at fixing anything that looks shoddy. I'm giving up on that soon though. I play exclusively in pugs and the RNG involved to get a party that 1) has all the raid buffs you need 2) doesn't fuck you over by messing up mechanics or their own role 3) is able to maximize uptime is just completely unrealistic. That's not mentioning counting on the fight itself to leave you out of mechanics as well

NONE of my post-prog o3s parties pulled the boss to melee range in the first set of reapers. After all, it's completely unnecessary outside of optimization

Frankly, content are only truly fun when they're fresh so I can't say I'm playing anything for fun past the first couple of clean clears. It's all mindless, repetitive optimization after that. Sometimes I think the endgame got to this stage of autistic minmaxing simply because there's nothing to do. I really hope Eureka has some real replayability value and successfully distracts people from this garbage mess

It's hard to help people with the way the game is designed
First, you fuck up people's loot by helping them. I occasionally pull up PF even after getting my clear but none of these want someone who has cleared in their party. They don't want me to help them until someone's desperate enough to make a "ok I'll take anything just give me my clear" party on Monday. The game doesn't want me to help them
The role system. My old FCmate took 10 times longer to clear o4s and constantly put up "7/8 static looking for fill" on PF yet I can't do anything about it because I chose to gear the same job as him

This ended up being an essay but I really had to vent

Just started with a 3 day free trial. What's the quickest path to machinists and general noob tips?

literally on their website, you dope

There's a third party DPS addon called ACT.

You're allowed to use it but you're not allowed to talk about it in game or use it to call people out for doing shit damage.

I use it to gauge personal performance, what I think my party can handle when tanking, and sometimes who to commend.



how strong is that xp buff?

Is anyone else getting constant crashes on PC version?

I've checked my system, no other games are crashing; but this keeps going after 20 minutes.

If I have the game on ps4 with all expacs, is there anyway around to being able to play it for free on pc?

Start as an Archer/Bard so you get used to a similar playstyle.

Start on a preferred world so you get the Road to 60 buff to help leveling.

Read your skill tooltips so you know what to use and when.

I'm also pretty sure the trial is unlimited now. You're allowed to level up to 35.

anyone... mentor here?


It's 2x EXP from everything. Quests, Mobs, FATEs, etc.

I grinded to 70 on a fresh character in about 60 hours. It took me around 100-120 without the buff way back when.


ACT but only for PC.

There really should be a damage meter built in-game. The devs need to get their heads out their ass. The tool would do more good than harm. People need to know that they're letting their groups down and how they can improve. If people "harass" others with parsers, that's why you got fucking GMs for. Ban their ass for being a dick instead of helping them improve.


how far are you on it man.

Pretty far but not where I want to be

thanks mate, I can usually gauge whether my healer can handle big pulls or not since I tank primarily but this could help my dps game a fair bit.

The trickiest part is telling tanks and healers to do more than 1k and 200 dps respectively without them reporting your ass. After they pushed the "we designed dps checks for dps only" bullshit for a while I imagine it'd be hard to go back and implement a damage meter without opening this can of worms

Tanks And Healers that refuse to make an effort contributing high dps when possible should be redpilled and told they should improve. I love it when healers ask why shit takes long to kill when they don't even use bio or stone.

Dead mmo

The damage is already done, the community is too much of a pussy to accept criticism from someone other than their own mothers. Even if these faggots are not the majority, they are loud enough to ruin everything for everyone else (and being loud worked really well for russians and brazilians).
New SSS trials are the only thing we will ever get.

Christmas Bear mount on the 15th

>>>fxiv general on /vg/ is unusable because of chemospam

They should make parsers for SSS then. The devs can critque your performance based on your DPS and implement into the game on a per boss system like how SSS does it.

But they will never do that because they would rather make more cash shop items.

>One roulette away from 70 on BLM
>Place in line: After #50
>My face

I'm so close. I just want to be done.

A shitter low effort version of what happened to /gw2/ basically

I'd recommend grabbing ACT, getting it set up, then getting an overlay skin like Kagerou so you can lay it over the game in windowed mode.

I guess one of the tranny polluting that shithole had another meltdown?

I'd tank it for you, user.

Seems about right, I don't go there enough to know people by name but one of them is having a meltdown

need quick que I can help you user. tank or heal are fine.

I feel like pulling commendations as Red Mage is a real accomplishment.

Is it just me or has leveling other jobs gotten really fucking bad? Like holy shit I cannot imagine how a new player would ever get more than like 3 jobs to 70. Just going from 50-70 is soul crushing. Even as a tank with instant queues dungeons don't do shit and they're even worse on even numbered levels.

it's not. getting commends as a black mage is much better.

>even numbered levels
Fuck that shit. FUCK that shit
I always save 5 roulettes for those. It's usually enough. That also means I can only go 2 levels a day before wanting to kill myself

for dps
newbie gets a very strong buff.
50-60 is the most painful while 60-70 is ok for me.

>someone whispers me
>try to whisper back
>free trial, can't do that
Pls don't think I'm ignoring you on purpose

getting from 1-60 is easy, the road to 60 buff plus rested exp makes it fast. it's 60-70 that's the grind, takes just as long as 1-60.

>getting comms as a SAM

I bust out the Dom Perignon whenever that happens

where do you get this buff? I only see rested bonus xp. Is that because I made a second character so i could play with a friend in a different world?


>tfw swimming in gil but hate the idea of giving money to somebody else so i end up never buying anything and getting the stuff i need on my own

You only get it when you create a character on one of the designated preferred worlds.

>tfw not swimming in gil

Nothing feels better than getting commends as OT.

*clenches fists*

if you're on exodus I can send you some

I'm coming back after a 3 month break, have I missed much? I imagine a new patch has landed.

Just start playing, user.

New story, new dungeon, new 24-man, new pvp mode, more stuff in place to help catch up to i340.

You have like 397800000 more gil than me. I'm not bitter, I know you worked for it.

Fucking nude mod and my degenerate mind. I need to uninstall it so I can start focusing on playing the game again.