Left is BotW. Right is an actually good open world game

Left is BotW. Right is an actually good open world game.

Left is better. Pepperonni is disgusting

>food analogy

Shouldn't right be empty then?

Your point is invalidated if you don't give an example of a good open world game.

>pepperoni pizza

You have to be 8 or younger to order off of the childrens menu

bad analogy and bait

are you surprised the obese console war fag uses food analogies?

Seriously though, what's wrong with food analogies? Or is it just a retarded thing like Sup Forums likes to repeat?

this pizza looks fucking disgusting

If you can't think of a better game to compare it to why bother at all?

This is botw.

Rate my pizza


Was going to say that the left must be a god tier piece of pepperoni but the more I think about it the less I understand this whole analogy

looks small

That’s a Sony movie game, like Uncharted or The Last Of Us.

BOTW won GOTY fair and square. Cry some more.

Some people don't like pepperoni though. Other people don't mind it. At the end of the day, it's still pizza. And people like pizza.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild?
I think you mean
Zelda: Game of the Year.

Left is better because you have space to appreciate the cheese and the dough. Also pepperoni is good, but if it's too much it will ruin the pizza.

You're right, it works just like BotW.

makes me want to order a pizza

>Open world game
Pick one


Why don't Americans have Ketchup with their Pizza? I feel like that's such a classic combo. Everywhere outside of italy (worst pizza btw) and the US will give you ketchup packets with your pizza.


No. It's botw. Thanks for reading.

This desu. Non-linear with interzone travel always ends up being much tighter than open world.

DA:O vs Inquisition.
Witcher 2 vs 3.
Deus Ex vs BoTW.

My friend puts ketchup on his pizza when he reheats it in the microwave, but eats it without ketchup otherwise. He's literally the only person I've ever known to have put ketchup on pizza.

Do you prefer Pizza Hut or Papa John's?

I don't understand pizza with triangle cut. Square cut just makes so much more sense

its just a retarded thing like Sup Forums likes to repeat

7/10, basic but effective

You have 10 seconds to name an actually good open world game, othewise you can't prove Zelda is bad compared to other open world games.

>papa johns

If you are going to buy shit chain pizza at least don’t buy the bottom of the catagory.

Literally nothing they've been used since the beginning of time. Sup Forums just likes to meme about them.

Fuck, Cicero himself (who pretty much wrote the book along with Aristotle on rhetoric for Western culture) used them.

Left is Hyrule Warriors. Right is an actually good Musou game.

Why is the right side of the image blank?

It's the simpleton way of making an argument. Especially if you just post a pic and don't really elaborate on it.

whew. looks so good

I don't care for them myself, but there was a small time here when most food analogies compared food and literal shit together constantly over other comparisons. I think the disgusted feelings carried on from that.

>papa jones
come on man

Chronicle mode is fucking ass.

I want to FUCK Link.

They look like theyre from the same place.


Got me hungry/10


It’s like I stepped into a 3rd grade classroom

>lift up pepperoni

papa johns

pizza hut is more grease than pizza

Brainlets use food analogies to try to reinforce their arguments. Not only does it not reinforce their arguments but it also makes them look like fat fucks.
>Hey guys, this game is like a triple whopper sundae and this other one is an apple!

I swear to Christ id you say the domino's family is better ill cut you you fucking mulignan

One interesting thing I've noticed about BotW that most of its critics complain about is the game being too empty. This seems to be a complaint of this thread as well, if a slice of pepperoni is considered to be content like a shrine or a place of interest. The thing is that I actually like BotW's setup of its open world more than, say, Assassin's Creed. AC's open worlds are stuffed to the gills with things to do, minigames, sidequests, hidden treasures, shanties, feathers, Animus fragments, and so much more. Every corner you look you'll probably find something. That's what I would call extrinsic motivation, where the game world is littered with rewards to keep the player turning the next corner in anticipation.

The thing is, after playing so many of these kinds of open world games, extrinsic motivation has become dull for me. When there's a reward or thing to do every step of the way, it all kind of blends together and ends up feeling meaningless. BotW in contrast utilizes what I would call intrinsic motivation. A lot of the time in BotW isn't spend doing structed missions or sidequests, but instead just exploring or doing something that you want to do. And that kind of freedom, for me, was incredibly refreshing. To not get told every half a second to do some activity is relaxing, especially in comparison to some open world games that almost feel like a chore to complete. BotW's intrinsic motivation game design is probably not for everyone, but I would like everyone to understand the perspective that it doesn't mean the game itself is crippled or lacking. It just contains a different kind of approach and a different kind of entertainment than normal open world games.

Witcher 3, AC4, GTA 3/4/5, RDR, Fallout games, Oblivion, Skyrim, Just Cause 2, Far Cry 4, Dying Light.

papa johns is literally top tier pizza chain tho

stop going to the franchises and go to the official ones


GTA 3 and VC