Umm sweetie, my body my rules.
*aborts your half orc baby*
Umm sweetie, my body my rules
I'm not an orc, you stupid bitch
What the fuck is the point of this thread?
What a greasy looking elf. I bet she just stuffs her face all day.
gib milkies please
Judy was in the wrong.
>implying any sensible individual would ever pick orc unless it was a female orc to be bred by human cock
>half orc baby
so is she a surrogate for that fetus? Because orcs can't impregnate an elf in DnD
I'm hungry for Arby's.
Do not bully elves
No more fries for you then.
>longass ears
>smelly armpits
Stop posting this shit
Its disgusting
Elves have more common ancestry to orcs than they do to humans. JASS SO U KNOWWW
Dumb slutty elves need to be raped into submission with human cock.
she's not even fat
*teleports behind u*
*ram my orc cock all the way through your cervix and mushes the baby into a fine paste myself with my cock*
Heh, nothing personnel kid, but im doing the abortion.
Who dwarf here?
Good, that means you're ready for another round. Ring the bell.
OP really hates elves.
Tell that the OP that created this shit thread.
I LOVE elves!
Is this the eternal reminder that Sup Forums faggots hate elves? All they do is shitting on them.
Judy did nothing wrong
>*aborts your half orc baby*
Name one video game. No fanfiction, no porn. Video game source.