What is Geoff Keighly's favorite game anyway? I know he likes Metal Gear, but that's it.
What is Geoff Keighly's favorite game anyway? I know he likes Metal Gear, but that's it
Like most video game """journalists,""" he probably doesn't even play video games.
Doritos Crash Course
Doritos Crash Course 2
Good to know you're underage and started browsing Sup Forums a year ago.
I swear each year it becomes easier and easier to spot newfags.
Halo 4
You're so fucking stupid.
sucking kojima up his ass and dabbing the game
They refuse to lurk before posting, what do you expect. Or, more likely, they don't even know about it.
The guy is one of the most honest and open video game commentators. He regularly puts pressure on people he's interviewing.
>defending e-celebs
Great way to out yourself as a reddit refugee.
Geoff likes games more than Sup Forums does. Kill yourself.
What did he mean by this?
I’m not surprised neo-Sup Forums is defending this charlatan, I am surprised however at this 6
The newest of fags has arrived.
>The guy is one of the most honest and open video game commentators
Bait of the week
>neo-Sup Forums
That's literally what newfags post.
Yeah nah
>hehe. I am from reddit but I browsed Sup Forums for a few days and saw the video game awards
Remember that non-vidya Twitter/e-celeb/shitpost/flamebait threads like this get deleted if enough people report. Fuck off.
A-am I fitting in yet?
All I know is that he's Hideosexual
>no one takes him seriously
>he has to make kojima jokes every year to get attention
How many times can you fuck up your life?
That stupid video game journalist!! What an e-celeb!!!
exhibit a-z, your honor
>one article from some shit site that makes kotaku look like The Atlantic in comparison
>reee no games journalists ever play games!!!
fuck off retard
Jeff's favorite game is the one he's always playing and can never stop. It's a very lonely game filled with loss and regret.
You want an honest person? DSP and only DSP
the rest is paid """""""journalism"""""""
g*mergate killed this website
Didn't Joel mock him for claiming to only liking Titianfall off camera?
His favorite game is whichever one he is currently being paid to "like."
Geoff's favourite game is... well there are so many great games out there. Just look at the nominees we have for Game of the Year!
Everyone decided to pile up on this guy but I'm just gonna sign under "fuck vidya journalists". Geoff is an alright guy though.
>No Nioh at the Spike Video Game awards
that was a paid event by Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo of America
Just admit you're a newfag. If you weren't you wouldn't be this ignorant.
I am here since 2012
your turn
Fine, I concede
So you were here for the Dorito Pope threads?
who cares? he’s the george washington of shills and the people here who defend him are even more pathetic than the console war faggots
It's probably Violated Heroine or MGQ because funk knows if "videogame journalist" was the sum total of my life I'd want to lose myself in AGP rape fantasies.
Kojima likes him so I like him too
If you were here then how the fuck are you saying he's a journalist who makes up shit?
Can we get back on topic?
This thread just re-confirms that Sup Forums isn't the same community it was even a few years ago. Unironically haring Geoff, who's probably more passionate and wholesome than anyone on Sup Forums, is fucking sickening.
who make what?
The board has been flooded with absolute fucking retards who parrot le ironic Sup Forums culture and they've just taken over every thread at this point, spamming the same things.
They're calling him a fucking e-celeb. The fucker started his career on TV in 1994.
another great bait
Geoffrey was never /ourguy/
You're fucking retarded.
Here we go.
Still my favorite part, where Geoff gets completely blown out by Joel.
>le bait
>le /ourguy/
Speak english newfag.
I wish moot would ban fags like you already
>implying people ever cared for Spike Video Game awards until he invited some hollywood celebs in 2009 and from 2010 to 2015 he stayed in the dark until the kojima drama
Why does he always look like his soul is leaving his body?
That retards probably wasn't even on Sup Forums when the Xbox One was gonna be online only.
He's a hard working man. Very exhausted.
I'd be exhausted too if I skipped over award to get back to THESE AMAZING DEALS FROM EBAY, MCDONALDS, AND UBEREATS!
he’s remembering the one he sold to the game industry to continue his shitty award show
whatever game he's paid to say is his current favorite
maybe because he sold his soul to the (((industry)))?
Donald Mattrick was pretty angry in that interview. He was willing to say bad things to hurt Microsoft. You can see he is trying to make the journalist upset. Days before the controversy was there and Mattrick refused to answer making people upset. Someone told Geoffrey to say something about the offline play and that's what he did.
Now you can go back to your oldfag larping
Look at his hand
He is afraid of a fucking hooker. A fucking cheap motel whore scare him
Why would anyone want to touch a hooker though?
he doesnt want to catch anything,. nothing wrong with that
That's why you don't touch it put your hands in that part of the body
You either treat her like a filthy prostitute and put your hand in her ass or don't do anything don't even smile near them
>all that game journalists talking to each other colluding on scores and shit while promoting their own
>Geoff wasn't in it
Geoff may be Doritos king, but he's okay
Honestly the fact that 99% of them are so fucking bad nowadays made me actually like him.
He is and will always be /ouguy/.
>probably doesnt even play video games
yeah thats why he centered his life and career around video games, you fucking nigger
I always picture him living a really "American Psycho"-esque life. Trying to fit into Sup Forumss way off living. Killin' neets on the side.
ResetERA fucking leave, please
I wonder if geoff has been banned from neogaf, he seems like he would troll them
I wonder if he's reading this thread right now
anyone who grills reggie regularly and makes him mildly upset is ourguy
>post regular celebrity
>call it e-celebrity
is this lowtax?
There are actually nibs in this thread who don't know who he is. That's embarrassing.
Wait, so why does half of Sup Forums suddenly love doritos pope?
he knew how shitty the Wii U was, altho it wasnt hard to figure out
>inb4 you were just pretending to be a retard
He probably said something SJW approved so now all the soy goy travellers from neogaf will not let anyone call him for what he is.
Reggie's cheque probably didn't clear in time.
You got a lel from me. I even heard it in Geoff's voice.
except no other journos called reggie out on it
and he's been grilling reggie about 3rd party games from the wii years
also I remember this
too bad the clip of the other vgx guy asking reggie how much money he's making isnt on youtube
Her name is Carrie Keagan if anyone's wondering
she's disgusting
Jesus Christ
>keagan is 165
>still higher than geoff (with heels?)
Now I know why his eyes are so dead.