Just be honest, you're all going to play Hideo Kojima presents Norman Reedus weird fetus' game

Just be honest, you're all going to play Hideo Kojima presents Norman Reedus weird fetus' game.

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Of course.

You know it

Norman Feedus

Oh yeah. I'm on it. I'll buy it as soon as it comes out in 2029.

Only if its available on Steam.

Never liked any of the trailers plus they have not shown us any gameplay whatsoever. MGS' fame has gone in way over head and he thinks any shit he spews out of his asshole will be a master piece.

Only if it finally launches before 2020 as Kojima promised.

Autists without ps4 will watch it on youtube so they can talk shit about it on Sup Forums.

Probably but I'd really like to see some fucking gameplay already.

What difference will that make when its the same experience in the end?

We both know Sony is going to pay HUGE bucks for it to stay reserved on PS4/Pro/PS5

Keep saying that to yourself, maybe one day you will belive it.

sony funded the development, it's ps4 only

>it's just going to end up being some hamfisted allegorical indictment of abortion and climate change while providing no actual answers for the bizarre story elements

It literally isn't.
I don't get scared in the jumpscares of RE7 in YouTube but I do when I play the game.
Same shit with Dino Crisis which is way more tense.
And I don't know but trailers kinda point to Horror, and that looks fun as fuck if played and not just seen.

Yes but only because I'm a huge sucker for mindfucky bullshit.

I'm well aware that half the crazy shit they allude to won't be resolved but damn if I won't love pretending that it will be.

I'm sure telling me that will you convince you plenty

Fuck yeah I will, I'll even buy the fucking season pass and loot boxes

No, because this seems to be a weird Kubrick style movie and not a video game

>Caramel is probably dead somewhere

This and Red Dead 2 are the only AAA titles that interest me. So, yeah.

>always online


>Baby gives thumbs up


Of course I will. You would have to be a massive cuck to not be excited for it.

I won't, not a fan of Kojima's work. Sorry.

>already have it pre-ordered because it was 49.99 and im a fucking leaf
>no gameplay

no, I'm going to watch it on youtube like I do with every game that appears to use cinematics heavily. Like I've done with every movie fucking game since 2008.

I can't wait for Norman Reedus and the Funky Fetus


I'm sold since E3 2016 presentation. But this better be good. Fuck Kojima you can do it.

>Featuring a guest appearance by Cheetus.

It's open world so I'm already apprehensive.

I definitely plan to torrent it. I gotta see what that weird shit was about.

I'm probably gonna get it just to wherever Mr. Kojima's gonna take me on his wild ride this time.

don't click

You sick fuck

That's a game?!


gamers truly are disgusting

Nah, I'll just watch in on Youtube.
Like I did with MGS4.

Of course I fucking will. The only semi-movie games I EVER buy are Kojimbo games. I can't wait for this cerberal fuck-show of a game.

Being a fan of Mads Mikklesen's work alone does it for me, yeah.

I am the last trailer sold me on it desu

>a wild kojeema appears


How large an IQ one will need to fully enjoy this masterpiece?

I might get a PS4 for it, who knows. The no gameplay shit doesn't piss me off as much because Kojima always does this cinematic trailer shit for years and the gameplay ends up being fun anyway. At least for me.

>circa 2004
>"hey did you see screens of the new metal gear solid? you play as snake (for real this time) and you're in vietnam and can use camo to hide and climb in trees and hunt to survive."
>"wow! that sounds amazing!"

>fast forward to 2017
>"hey, did you see the new kojima game? so, you know that guy from the walking dead? well, now he's pregnant. also, there's black goo people."
>"oh.....um, okay then"

I'm going to be buying a PS4 for this fucking game and it hurts so good.

Never played a Kojima game but I could watch it all day mayne

MGS4 was the best game of last gen imo.

So Kojima's still collaberating with Del Toro on this one, right?

I am, and I will do it because this weird tentacle sea creature body horror thing makes me feel uneasy in ways I haven't quite experienced before

That's good, because that'll be 70% of this "game".

Shit man, me too. I'm following this thing since forever and I don't even have a ps4.

I'm honestly interested to what is the game going to be about, so I'm gonna buy it if it's ever going to be released, it's just the hype it gets just for showing Kojima's name with without any gameplay shown.

i find it funny Del Toro stated how much he hates cinematic games, then immediately does an about face and collaborates with Kojima of all people.

Are you me
prolly finally play the bb dlc 2

I'd rather watch the movie he's making since it's clearly vaporware

Kojimbo's cinema games have good gameplay for the short amount of time it shows up.


There are a lot of PS4 games that I'm interested in, but I could pass on most of them because I couldn't excuse buying a system for them. Death Stranding changes that, so I can only hope that my wallet survives getting a PS4.

cinematic is different from cutscene heavy
cinematic is when the gameplay is largely scripted with big set pieces you barely interact with

Can someone shop his hand so he's pointing to the upper right?

I'm on board. I've enjoyed MGS so I'm looking forward to something different.

Currently playing Phantom Dust on an old xbox I recently bought. In the mood for more weird mechanics.

it's going to be yet another sony movie game that i will just watch someone else stream for free.

I didn't play any of his garbage since mgs2, why this hack gets so much praise?

>didn't play his games

What's with the degeneracy lately

The thing I can't imagine is how a game with this kind of world can be an open world game.

Could see it as another rip at MGSV (open-world stealth) if you focus on just the second trailer, I guess.

I'm more interested to know who does the art style for kojimas games. They all got that nice "look". Western faces/bodies that look good, and futuristic clothing that doesn't feel retarded and edgy like lawbreakers or the like.

What did kojimbo mean by this?

Yoji Shinkawa

>futuristic clothing that doesn't feel retarded and edgy like lawbreakers or the like.

Seriously. I can't have enough of their art style to be honest, it's really good.

>Yoji Shinkawa
Nice, thank you.

Confirmation bias, much?
but yes. I will play it.

Fuck you niggers insulting Kojima. This man revolutionized the way games are made. Every game he has made post MGS1 has elevated the way stories are told in games. And surely one of you smarmy faggots have begun typing >games

Every game he has made has included expertly designed gameplay with many unique ways to interact with the environments and enemies. From ZoE to MGS1 through 5 and Boktai, this remains constant. I'm not even mentioning the numerous classic boss fights in every game except MGSV. Why would he stop delivering now?MGSV had very solid mechanics.

I hate all you edgy teenagers. You will feel shame for your words and deeds.

piss off with this garbage

literally 0% chance

>Western faces/bodies

But ZoE 1 is trash, user. The hell are you talking about?

Uh huh

>a trailer should be a comprehensive gameplay analysis

it sure looks cool but i need to see gameplay first. not buying another stealth walking sim movie game

>be huge confessed MGS fanboi
>try ZotE
>flush after 20 minutes

Odds on us seeing Norman's Reed?

He stated he hates how you can't skip cutscenes (which mgs4 had)
guy's a backpeddling dumbfuck. pan's labyrinth is his only good movie.

>I could pass
Right, remastered crash is nice, but it is just the crash games over again, The Last Guardian didn't really knock it out of the park, and anything else like Let it Die doesn't sell the console.

>talks about yoji shinkawa
>posts 3D model from game

you're not doing yourself any favors here, m8.


boss wasnt japanese
solid snake was only considered japanese because a japanese woman was the surrogate even though both his genetic parents were caucasian

>first explosion
realization of nuclear energy

>it gave birth
realizing the potential

>second explosion
invention of nuclear weapons

>godzilla cry
>giant creature
>life from the waters

how many times does this nip have to tell this story?

>Only lists garbage

I'll bet you complain about miyazaki making movies about conservation too. What would YOU make it about, smart guy?

such lust

i havent spent 100 hours playing a miyazaki films.

You mean we're all going to watch it.

if you're playing that long then you don't care much about story.

Is it confirmed about climate change ?

