Why is Squall the least liked FF protagonist?

Why is Squall the least liked FF protagonist?

Because he's the best.

Because he's stuck in a game where the story forces him to babysit retards and angst and brood for Reasons, then angst and pine over some chick who kept him around as a rebound.

Laguna was the superior character anyway.

pretty sure lightning is the least liked

Squall is the most handsome FF protagonist.

well said

Because his overt emo qualities are pleb filters to hide the fact that he is the best written FF protagonist.

>emo high schooler cunt
Tried to break that down as simple as possible for you

Without a doubt.

Nah squall has been getting shit for far longer than 13, hell even now 8 is still considered one of the worst by a large chunk of the fanbase game wise. and they are right to say so, 8 is garbage

Because of "le emo git" meme

He's the Kamille to Cloud's Amuro.

I never played a FF, but I like 8 the most, it resonates with me. The feels are so real.

I was gonna dispute that, but both Kamille and Squall have the same "Adults are all the same!" attitude toward things.


I laffed

He's like a chad only more irritating.

He has two women thirsting after his dick and he's all


He looks like Barron Trump in that pic

He hits the 'moody emo posuer' button way too hard on the nose even for a final fantasy protagonist. I actually like him exactly for that reason: he's the absolute perfect incarnation of the stereotype, down to a T. No one has ever made a whiny emo protagonist as vividly whiny and emo as him.

Because he's stuck in a game with by far the single worst female protagonist out of the entire Final Fantasy franchise.
It's like the writers thought 'Lets write a realistic female character' but forgot that realistic female characters are total cunts.

Kamille changes more than Squall, plus Kamille got Torminoed at the end of his series so people who don't like him are at least satisfied that he didn't get a happy ending.


Because he isn't Cloud.

That is the only reason. The only thing FFVIII has against it is that it was the follow up to FFVII.

What are people's thoughts on Firion? He's from a game that's pretty inarguably worse than 8, yet he doesn't get anywhere near the hate Squall does.

People would have to remember him to have any sort of feelings towards him.

Because he reminds you of yourself

>He's the Kamille to Cloud's Amuro.

His gf is way hotter?

He's my favorite of the FF protagonists design wise. He's just so cool. He's what made me want to play FF in the first place.

He's okay. Just not that memorable.

Lightning has fans that want to stick their dick in her tiny ass. Make Squall a gril and FFVIII is instantly more popular

I mean his game was from back when RPG games basically didn't anything but the most stock fantasy stories possible. That blood sword is one of the more underrated looking ones in the series and I like the gypsy headress a hell of a lot more than, say, Lightning's stupid conductor's hat, but he's a pretty generic rebel guy whose most interesting quality is that he's the sworn enemy of one of the more impressive villians in the Final Fantasy series.

>design wise
Tell him to ditch those leg belts and then we'll talk. He's looking like a Tales Protag there. If he wants T H R E E waist belts then fuck it fine I'll manage, he's a nip after all. But those leg ones got to go.

I always figured those were related to his gunblade somehow

Maybe because he's a bland protagonist, which is more forgivable than being an actively obnoxious one.

Now that you mention it, where does he keep it? Surely he doesn't just rest it on his shoulder all day long. And also, why is there a trigger guard but no trigger?

I liked Squall at the start of FFVIII because I could empathize with his dislike of all the other annoying characters. The whole rinoa disk 3 stuff was really lame, though.

1.) He's not. He generally ranks pretty highly in fan polls.

2.) He's a complex character with flaws, shortcomings, and insecurities. Most fans just want happy simple idiots like Zack or Zidane, who usually top those polls.

I like Lightning and have zero sexual attraction to her.

Well, you're not wrong


That's not Bartz

never played the game

>R63 Squall


Bartz is top tier, m8.

Why do the outfits transfer so well to 3D? These alternates are better than the defaults.

literally what in the holy fuck are you talking about FFII's Firion and co are literally suffering: the characters.

both mechanically gameplay wise, and story wise they are characters that suffer and suffer and suffer


Bitch please don't start.

Terrible translation.

It has been many years since I last played it desu. Is it on steam? I'd like to replay some of them again.

Because he reminds most of Sup Forums of themselves so they have to fight against the truth because it hurts to much.

Squall grows much more as a character than just about any other FF protagonist, people just need to get off FFVIIs dick just because it was their first FF.


Squall a best. OP a shit.

I thought Tidus was the most loathed?

FFX is just so damn juvenile in general.

Is Squall, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Sup Forums is filled with stoic skilled fighters with multiple women lusting after them?


He's the /getshitdone/ guy

They are, but there's no version of the game where that comes across very well to the players. The characters act too stoicly and without expression from the sprites we don't sympathize as much as we probably should.

Tidus is definitely among the bottom tier. His design is trash too.

just steal the GBA rom off the internet and emulate it.

the F I and II gba double cart gives F II all the japan only post game bonus content.

>where you get a chance to 'save' the characters who died over the course of the story by fighting their way out of hell

>except they're as weak as they were when they died
>and its HELL

don't bother, 2 has aged like milk and lemon juice left outside at midday in july

>Laguna was the superior character anyway.

My man.

>save dead characters

I played the gba version and don't remember this. The dude crushed by the boulder gets to come back?

You spelled Zidane wrong

It's a new game ++ mode. After you beat the game you get to be the badass white mage who got shanked, but you basically can't leave hell without some seriously ridiculous save scumming and some lucky teleport attack magic.

Because he's a brooding retard who didn't claim the toppest of waifus who was dying to slobber his dick when he had the chance.

Who the fuck hates Zidane?

ability s sure were strange in FF8

God damn it, forgot pic.


I didn't appreciate Quistis till I got older.

But isn't it weird for her to be a teacher when she's like a year older than Squall?

She's a prodigy and gets demoted for immaturity.

They explicitly stated at the beginning of the game that she was a prodigy that advanced early and they gave her chance at a teaching position.

She was just really exceptional and promoted early. Remember that this is a place which trains child soldiers, it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Damn shame. She could have slept with her students and got away with it.

Don't hate him, but Zidane's personality annoyed me. His never ending obsession with sticking his dick into Garnet got on my nerves. Even when he was separated from Garnet he's still obsessing about her. People who say Tidus was obsessed with Yuna need to see how Zidane acted, couldn't take it too seriously when the story tried to imply that Zidane's true goal was finding out where he came from.

I don't think she got demoted, but she resigned to become a SeeD again because she realized she wasn't cut out for being a teacher at such a young age.

>Squall is an Alpha male
>Cucks seifer
>Has a harem
>Has all the GFs
>Balamb Elite Captain
>Laguna's friend
>Saves the world

to bad there was no sequel.

I dont get it

I played FF8 briefly but i remember you starting out with at least renzokuken and and item command or something

What 16 year old isn't obsessed with sticking their dick into girls they like?

the trigge ris the r1 button and if u press it exactly the moment u hit an enemy he'll shoot the gunblade

>>Laguna's friend
Wait, I thought That was his dad


I'd call losing a teaching position being reassigned as a front line solider a demotion

He has a pretend lion he named Griever

Man i liked maniacally laughing undead pro athlete though

u no rike rightring?

But the way you phrased it made it sound like the administration gave her the demotion. I don't even recall Cid or anyone else at the Garden caring either way.

Oh, silly me

he is but they don't really have a relationship of father and son, because Laguna never knew his son except Ellone

Most people never played or dont remember FF8 and just parade shitty 2nd hand reviews

He almost got laid to a (not)Hilda. That's more than most FF characters, besides Tidus and Cloud.

He's kinda boring, like everyone else in 8

What I love about Squall's character development is that its not complete in the end.

Their plan at the end of the game was for everyone to imagine themselves at eachother's side as time compression ends in order to return to the correct place and time period.

But even after everything he had been through with his comrades he still wasn't able to put himself there. So he winds up alone and abandoned, as he's always been, in the middle of metaphorical and literal nowhere.

But then he starts walking. He wants to be with others. He doesn't want to give up on life. He's hallucinating and his mind is breaking, but he holds onto what little trust in his friends he has as well as his promise with Rinoa, because as much as he tried to tell himself throughout the game that he didn't care, he does care. He cares too much, and that was his real problem all along.

He's desperately trying to hold onto his fading memories of his friends as he wills himself as far as he can possibly go, before collapsing. Then just as it looks like he's done for, Rinoa, (presumably with his friends not far behind) appears and meets him halfway, carrying him the rest of the way back to society.

That's fucking beautiful. Overcoming trauma and developing as a person isn't an overnight process. Its not something you can snap your fingers and get over. But Squall worked his ass off for that happy ending. So what if he's not quite ready to completely open himself up to everyone. Its just like that scene where he lets out all his emotions at the comatose Rinoa who can't hear his confessions. He's trying. He's doing the best he can. The last character shot we see in the game is Squall's first smile, presumably since his childhood. That smile tells us everything we need to know: he's going to get there. He may not be there now, but he will get there.

FFVIII is a beautiful and underappreciated gem.

Because he's a handsome Chad that all the beautiful female characters constantly try to fuck, but his sacred penis is too good for them.

This triggers the /r9k/ that exists in Sup Forums as they can't imagine turning away any woman interested in them, much less multiple ones, and so coldly throughout the series. The triggering manifests itself in character attacks at Squall.

Every time you see someone calling him angsty or emo, what they're really telling you is that they're jealous soyboys who beat off to Quitis porn.


This desu.
>yfw you realize laguna is squall's dad

I like him. He's not nearly as much of an angsty emo faggot as noctis in my opinion.