Hey you know what would be fun?

> Hey you know what would be fun?
> More time limits
> Units immune to overwatch
> More ways for your soldiers to be kept away from the field even if they don't get hit
> Units that pull you from half map away
Holy shit glad I didn't pay for this flaming garbage

Other urls found in this thread:


Did Long war 2 fix the game? Since I've heard absolutely nothing about it I doubt it

I haven't followed anything about this game since about a week after release

>More time limits
Actually less timelimits, and they're now far easier to manage

>More ways for your soldiers to be kept away from the field even if they don't get hit
This is a good thing, now scrubs don't get a game over once their best soldier dies

>Units that pull you from half map away
Always been in the game

*Teleports behind you*
*Hits a unit for half its health before you can do anything to prevent it*
*Dashes into high ground at the top of a building in fog of war on the other side of the map*
*Reenters concealment*

>Why can't I cheese the game overwatch crawling with one god squad
One of the few times where git gud applies.

>Long War fixing anything

I saw that bitch walk in, whack a soldier leaving it knocked down with 1 hp, summon a soldier, run away and enter concealment
I uninstalled the game after that horseshit.

Assassin was the only chosen that gave me trouble due to her rushing in, avoiding overwatch, stunning some guy, and running away. Other chosen were super easy.

If the devs hated overwatch so much why not remove it instead of adding time limits and OW immune units in every mission?

If you'd stuck around to formulate a strategy for next time you encounter that Chosen, you'd discover it's pretty easy to make them your bitch.

Hell, by the time you raid their strongholds, killing them 2 or 3 times alongside other enemies spawning in is basically no sweat.

What? If anything, this expac made the game a whole lot easier with more lenient time limits and even ways to reel the time counter back. You also get hilariously overpowered units and equipment now while only one of the Chosen is even remotely a threat.

Your statement is hyperbolic. Not every mission has overwatch immune units, nor are the time limits oppressive. They don't hate overwatch, they just don't want it to be the same no risk strategy it was in the first game.

If you complained about the games focus on alpha striking you'd have a worthy argument. Yours is just bitching you have to play the game.

Long war turned a good game into a great game for Enemy Within at least

>One of the best tracks in the DLC
>Only plays during combat in 1 mission that's very short if you already know how the Lost work and where the evac points will appear

How's the inter-unit social link system?

It's the only reason I might be interested in this expansion.

Very basic; you'll have to fuck off back to Fire Waifus: Awakening or whatever for your gay-ass dating sim shit, user.

Just finished EW, what does Long War add?

More randomization and more micro-management. I hope you like spending 50 hours making no mistakes, and then have your entire run systematically destroyed in 3 missions with overwhelming odds that are impossible to clear without prior knowledge of their contents.

>nu x-com

So something right up my alley, noice. Thanks, will try it.

gives you a free move once per mission
reduces covert ops missions by 1 day
adds 10% aim if they attack the same target

Long War 1 was a mod for a very specific set of people, it forces you learn everything about it and requires a moderate amount of autism to truly get the most out of it

I greatly enjoyed it though, and while I have a little over a hundred hours in EW base game, I had close to a thousand in Long War

Too bad the second game is shit thougb

It basically fixes the game and adds massive amounts of content. Everything is so much more better balanced as well, you will never want to go back to EW.

One of the best things it does is flatten the RNG, so dicerolling is far less important. It also provides ways to mitigate or avoid RNG by providing more alternatives (such as for example, removing the requirement that you an all-rookie suicide terror mission that EW could have, since you can get back countries).

Only complaints I had about the mod was that item repair is gay and fatigue lasts waaay too long, so I'd recommend reducing it in the .ini.

Acquire Aptitude

>can't beat the game without overwatch spam
>can't beat the chosen

kek, based Firaxis btfo casuals

>What are advanced options
>What is actually getting good

You can turn off item repair in game I think, and thank god for that

Are the new hero classes any good or do they still get outclassed by a ranger?

Thanks again for the info, already downloading it.

>playing this garbage instead of UFO Defense through Apocalypse

Reapers are comically useful for everything that's not direct combat, like enemy detection range against them is 2-4 squares and they get ridiculous movement while stealthed on top of only having a chance to reveal themselves.
Skirmishers are mechanically and visually cool, but not crazy strong, and I haven't had much experience with Templars but they make Lost missions pretty fun.

Actually, all of them feel like "Thing ranger does, but better".

The Reaper is a fucking M O N S T E R constantly wiping whole pods with a single (charge-free) skill without breaking concealment. I bet at this point some people at /xcg/ have soloed whole campaigns with Reapers, Templars are broken as fuck as well (specially with bladestorm, since their attacks can't miss), Skirmishers are OK but kinda situational.

Reaper is a Ranger that's more focused on being in concealment forever in exchange for awful non-explosive damage, but can end some missions in a single move because of a hilariously overpowered and nominally situational ability.
Skirmisher is a Ranger on meth that can be anywhere on any given turn and still be able to fire several shots, in exchange for awful damage.
Templar is a Ranger with psionic paint.

I'm not getting the xpac simply because I hate the design of the chosen. They look like the most lazy marvel shit aliens a person could come up with. I know it's a petty reason but you can't disagree with me

Battles were fine, except for fucking Assassin My biggest complaint is that the game between missions sucked. It's such a clusterfuck of queues and bullshit popping up thats not particularly any fun.

*blocks your award*

>game espouses stealth
>stealth through the level to objective
>impassable group of enemies
>ambush them
>entire map is alerted

diluting stealth just so it's a shit free overwatch shot is weak and gay

this game sucks

>waaaaaaah don't play in the most sensible way !!!
git gud fags are literal faggots

fuck off faggots. As if using Psi-ops and wrecking through the game is any hard.

>squad surrounded by 8 enemies
>sharpshooter fires at all eight of them one with Faceoff, kills three at the same time
>fires a second time with Lightning Hands, kills a fouth
>regular pistol attack, kills a fifth

God damn, I fucking love sharpshooters. A Sharpshooter with Bluescreen rounds can one-round a Sectopod, the Bluescreen rounds alone deal 25 fixed damage with 5 shots, and that is exluding weapon damage.

I'm not the one complaining about non-issues

are so many people on nu/v/ really this shit at video games?

> More time limits
But this is factually false

You mean a class that requires a shit ton of investment and takes a long time to train?

It's not a stealth game, nor have they ever said it was. It's just another way to fight back against Turtling

Never lost a single character to any of the champions in two playthroughs on the hardest difficulty. Well, that's not entirely true. I did lose an adept grunt that joined me because I left him unconscious since I didn't realize they'd steal him as well.

Anyway, if this shit is actually hard for you at all then you really lost the genetic lottery user. I would sympathize, but I din't.

>This way is not viable
>But I'll still claim it's the most sensible way

It's not meant to be a dedicated feature, the stealth is meant as a way to encourage casuals to play the game instead of turtling and overwatch spamming.

>bitching about the only good expansion, for any game, to be released in the past decade

go in with the new stalker class and solo the mission if you've got such a boner for pure stealth. don't expect to have a whole squad running around blowing shit up not to go unnoticed.

Warlock can get really nasty if he gets the shielding ability, the lowered will when things around him get damaged AND can summon stun lancers. I had this and it was almost as much of a dickpunch as the assassin.

Even with knowing the assassin is generally a blue move away from another soldier, it still gets hard to hit her since she likes to run into bad LOS for everyone but the one soldier who can reach her position.

While reapers are awesome and conceal is broken as fuck, I still prefer reaper rangers with shotguns. The damage crit from a shotgun and with rapidfire, the other two shot ability, or fuck even bulletstorm is awesome for guaranteed damage if you roll it.

You got pretty fucking lucky to not lose a unit on impossible. I lost several, especially when the fuckers show up in a lost mission, or worse a rescue the survivor and get a chance at two free soldiers mission I lost 4 soldiers on.

Not reaper ranger, Phantom ranger.

Stealth was so shit in LW2 it actually made the Magnificent guys to rethink their approach. Do you have any idea how hard this is?

>people whining this hard about the Chosen

Those three are pussies. If you need to cry about something then cry about these unholy bastards.

>You got pretty fucking lucky to not lose a unit on impossible. I lost several, especially when the fuckers show up in a lost mission, or worse a rescue the survivor and get a chance at two free soldiers mission I lost 4 soldiers on.
I lost units but not to the chosen. Had one mission end in a total failure; one of those find a scientist in the sewers and then hold off huge waves until you get to retreat. Fucked up massively by holing up miles from the evac point and getting cocky by having my templar take on a whole pod on his own miles from the rest of the team. Eventually got him and the scientist and another guy killed, though I managed to evac out the corpse of the guy with the chosen weapon. That's just a case of me being a retard though.

>OW immune units in every mission
Only the pre-gen Assassin from Lost and the Damned and the nanotech dudes are immune to Overwatch

>Reaper with Banish and a Repeater


>end turn with two soldiers on overwatch
>snek slithers around the corner and into line of sight; very first appearance
>character with insta-kill weapon mod fires overwatch shot
>snek gets hit by the insta-kill and dies without even getting into combat stance

>I bet at this point some people at /xcg/ have soloed whole campaigns with Reapers

Nah. Only certain missions can be Reaper cheesed and even then those are reliant on the map type and resistance orders.

>Never lost a single character to any of the champions in two playthroughs on the hardest difficulty.

That's not really a big accomplishment considering Chosen have forced bleedouts and can't actually kill your units without mods.

I think its a shame they dumped lw2 for their own project. lw2 could have really needed the new expac.

ITT: get good soyboys

Post your propaganda

imo Assassin wasn't that hard. Sniper was bullshit tho. The Warlock however was the biggest fucking douche in existance.
>Appear and look at one of my soldiers
>Mindcontrol him, run away.
>Immunity to stuns means no breaking mindcontrol with a stun nade.
>Mindcontrol another guy.
>Shoot at him,
>He teleports away.
>Now got 2 of my best people mindcontrolled, just because I didn't have a mindshield

Since he's the second or third one you'll face if you have Lost And Abandoned active, you should have enough Sectoids to make the mindshields you need to protect your troops, or one or two Psi Ops if he's the third one you face.

this cargo drop mission I'm on seems like absolute bullshit

Fuck off you bara retard, you shit up every single xcom thread with your gay-ass fucking fetish, go stick to /hgg/ or some shit.

>One of the best things it does is flatten the RNG

you say this, while bullshit like armor exists

there's no RNG with armor, though

also just bring shred you dumb nigger

> More time limits

I literally NEVER had a time limit getting even close to ending in War of the Chosen thanks to the Resistance Order that makes the time limit only activate after you get revealed.

Plus, they like doubled the time limits.

You are trolling.

I think they mean defense which just straight up gives aim penalties.

>thanks to the Resistance Order that makes the time limit only activate after you get revealed.

That's complete RNG though to be fair. There's no guarantee you'll get Infiltrate or Lightning Strike or any order that affects the timers.

I really hope they can find a way to make xcom 3 interesting without DUDE SUPERHERO UNITS LMAO

it makes the campaign 7-8 times longer (150 hours contra 20 hours), while not adding any new maps or enemies.

if one unit dies the bond mate will sperg out completely and start killing his teammates

>Developers day that XCOM is at its best when players are forced to take risk

Do they even play the game? Because that is the fucking worst. The game always fucks you over when you take a chance and it’s extremely frustrating. Time limits were the worst part about XCOM 2


>Manage to surround the Archon king
>Have all my guys with full turns and every other alien dead
>Fire at him
As great as it was to kill him, it felt a bit anticlimactic.

>installing the DLC means you always have to play with the DLC on if you don't want to fight them

why would firaxis do this

>first time playing with rulers via WotC without realizing there is no unlock mission when its integrated
>run into the Archon Ruler at the next blacksite while pinned down with 2 other active pods
>mfw the pylon rockets

>want to play war of the chosen
>the price is too high for an expansion
>key sites have nothing
>don't feel like pirating it

Wouldn't they make more at a lower price tag?

$40 is pretty standard for an expansion of that size

although it's $30 on Steam right now

>$40 is pretty standard for an expansion of that size

I thought EW went for $30. Didn't notice the price went down though I'll probably pick up chosen now. i hope skirmishers are as fun as they seem

That's actually a fair accuracy. Point blank shooting is harder than you think

only good way to fight this bitch is to do it in the open

> Units immune to overwatch
Overwatch traps are a bad tactic to begin with so I fail to see the problem. Without class perks you lose too much accuracy to be worth the trouble and nobody is gonna bring a full squad of technicians to compensate so it's ultimately not worth it to bother unless you literally have nothing better to do with a unit.

>throw a frost granade
>open fire

wow so hard


>he mindcontrols you
>you break los
>warlock is now useless

>t. I have never played iron man on the highest difficulty

Should I buy the Steam Controller + xcom 2 bundle?

really the only thing that annoys me is that the assassin can bleed one guy out before you can do anything unless you have a reaper. if it happens on a mission where you cant manually evac, the only way of saving him would be bringing 2 medkits (the second one in case the guy with the first one gets knocked out).
even then, it doesnt massively affect your campaign.