What makes japanese games so special
>no peaking butthole
fucking trash, dude.
is this a fart thread?
do you want it to be?
>tfw you can't even count the amount of polygons on her ass with two hands
im not into it, but sure why not
2B is the most generic garbage, she even has an average butt.
They don't give a shit about what SWJs think.
They put a lot of effort into getting that ass just right. It probably moved several thousand copies on its own merits.
This. For better or for worse, they make the games they want to make.
Jap devs actually make their dream games come true, or at least try to come as close as their resources allows them to.
Western devs just want to make the next big thing and become millionaires or something.
Don't get mobile games into this tho, those are corporate trickery at it's finest no matter where they come from.
It's their autismo dedication
They still make video games for men.
Like slav games, they don't have this weird, oppressive culture of tumblr harpies screeching at them and pressuring companies to adjust and trim their game for people who don't even play games.
fapbait for weebs if you're gonna focus on games like nier automata
They are made to entertain, first and foremost.
Because they're fun games in general. Western fags stop caring about making fun games after 2010.
why do weebs keep making threads like this
Is Namco ever bringing Klonoa back?
I have one that's better senpai.