Tenchu hype

So some new information has been possibly figured out.

Some people have noted how the winch and kunai might work the same as the grappling hook in the Tenchu games, in which the rope thrown kind of reels in and pulls you up to your target.

Others have also noted that the... Weird limb thing, whatever it is, reminds them of the undead ninja Onikage, one of the most recurrent bosses in all Tenchu games and Rikimaru's nemesis. Onikage is repeatedly resurrected to do evil ninja stuff and is extremely pale and kinda fucked up.

Apparently the phrase 'shadows die twice' is also a quote from one of the games, but because there's not much information on the wiki I've not been able to find it to corroborate. If anyone else can confirm this, much appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't wait for this shit not to be Tenchu.

wasn't tatsumaru his nemesis?


its not gonna be tenchu


spotted the plebs

Bro its not fucking tenchu
He literally said they were making a new IP.
I cant wait for you retards to find out
The thing youre looking at is a dudes fucking leg/arm who died but someone brought them back to life to go kill shit.
>shadows die twice
>definite bone
>mechanism making the bone work again

Tenchufuckers fuck off

Dark souls and beebee were popular because they were on western culture, no one cares about jap shit.

Bloodbornefag detected

He said they were working on 3 projects, one being a new IP. Since Fromsoft hasn't registered any new trademarks this year, they aren't revealing their new IP.

this but i think "shadow dies twice" refers to rikimaru being a shadow (assassin) and his shadow.

>inb4 kings field reboot
no matter what it is I'm gonna get it, I like souls but a ninja game would be fucking rad considering I just finished replaying Ninja Gaiden.

I'm convinced. Hopefully we get a DeS/DaS remaster announcement as well on the 15th. 2018 could be a fun year for souls fans.

Am I the only one who’s excited for both? If it’s Bloodborne or tenchu I’m gonna be happy.

It's going to be Shadow Tower.

I think a lot of people would be happy with either but Sup Forums can't talk about a console exclusive game without a 50/50 split of real discussion and shitposting

Yes, i want Tenchu

>From soft bringing back the old days with a demo for BB2 in the "extras" menu of Tenchu

Hello fellow long time Tenchu fans. Glad I’m not the only one who saw that macabre imagery and immediately thought Tenchu.

its a fishing rod you degenerate

>t. someone who has never been fishing in their entire life

I still have a hard time seeing the kunai. In still images I can kind of see it but in the video I can't.

what the fuck
have you even seen one in real life, or at least in a video game?

Can't wait for this to be revealed to be Bloodborne 2.

t. Shirrako

You already got Bloodborne 2
It’s called sonic 06

You can't hide your mistake from me

you already got that post
its numbered

oh fuc, i tried to be funny xd and i fucked it up :(

Tenchu doesn't even exist. It's down fake game marketers are trying to make it seem like its something everyone wants. That's how you know it's going to be announced and not worn thing else. Tenchu never existed or I'd have heard of it

That's not a fucking kunai.

It's clearly some kind of rope with harpoon attached.

It looks like a kind of trick weapon, probably a club that turns into a harpoon gun.

That, or it's attached to your arm and it's a kind of grappling hook

Does it have to be Japanese themed? -I want more midevil lovecraft crap, I dont want to you weebs prattle on about ninjas and bullshit for the next 5 years

I'd love a new Tenchu. Unfortunately From Software have only made terrible ones.

>implying weebs talking about jap shit is worse then soulsfags draging on about "muh deepest lore"

I cant take the look and stories of Japanese mythology seriously something about it's aesthetic is too humorous or silly.

Western horror takes its self seriously enough that the lore and mythos are awesome.

>I want more midevil lovecraft crap

Can we fucking get some fantasy fiction that isn't LotR, Lovecraft, or FOLDED STEEL NIGGA for once? Those are literally the only themes anyone uses anymore. Make some indian themed shit, or pre-Revolution America. Neither of those things are really ever used, but they have all kinds of mythology to use for fantasy games.

>Says it's a new project
>Is a bloodbornefag

Who here still want Phantom Wail/Aztec Souls

I'd take a modern day set Dark Souls

you're not looking at a kunai. i don't know why you even think this.

It's probably another Souls or Bloodborne cash-in, and I'm honestly sick of them now.

However, I'd like if it was Tenchu so FROM can fucking make something different for once.

god even that word - "kunai"
It's like the word knife when you pronounce the k ka-nife. But its as if an asian person was saying it- I CUT YOU WI MAI KU-NAI

Let's just say it's a Tenchu game. Didn't FROM make the worst games in the series?

I’d agree with this sentiment if there were a number of choices that could satisfy my DaS/BB itch out there, but there isn’t.

Plus, nobody uses the genre better than FromSoft, in my opinion.

Different languages have different words for things, shocker.

Considering Japan used that mythology as basis for being the master race and trying to conquer all of asia, I'd say they took it pretty damn seriously.

This is a fantastic idea.

What im saying is - as a westerner it's hard to take the Japanese, their culture etc...really seriously at all.

>What im saying is - as a westerner it's hard to take the Japanese, their culture etc...really seriously at all.
Not really, it's quite easy when you're not an ignorant bigot.

Anime doesn't help japans case either

I'm sure they think the same about you. Well actually I'm sure that's the case because they have an incredible superiority complex.

How so? I feel like a lot of the strength of Soulsborne comes from its proximity to myth. In the modern age that is essentially devoid of myth, it wouldn’t be as good.

Not him, but Japan (and India) have degenerated spiritually (as well as the West) so sharply over recent centuries that it’s really difficult to take any culture seriously.

thats fine but by your logic it wouldnt make sense for a company to cater a serious horror game to a culture that cant take the other seriously...

Armored Souls

No it makes perfect sense because it's their way of showing how much better their stuff is.

>Not him, but Japan (and India) have degenerated spiritually (as well as the West) so sharply over recent centuries that it’s really difficult to take any culture seriously.
Of course, which is why I don't take superior stances and gloat or make fun of any culture because coming from anyone it will always sound hypocritical.

My guess is a spiritual successor ninja game. If it is Tenchu, it's most likely going to be a complete reboot/revival and not something directly story related to previous games.


Because user, their sales show that even if YOU don't rike it, shittons of people do.

From Software didn't make Tenchu.

watch out everyone, this smart guy figured it all out.

One new IP described as "a weird game" a new AC game and a souls-like game. check your facts before you get hysterical nigger





Why the hell would you get hyped for a new Tenchu from the faggots who ruined the franchise in the first place?

If they remake old games then Lost Kingdoms 3 should happen.

Just mah imagineshun...

Really seems kind of inopportune for them to make a game with a japanese setting after nioh is already a thing.

where my otogi bros at