Thank god.
You will never use shotgun slugs and 180 one shot someone who had the drop on you ever again
> I want to go back user. Please take me back.
>you will never play a game with abhorrent netcode/hit-detection and incredibly unbalanced maps ever again
>tfw FPS games will NEVER be good again.
You will never outsnipe snipers with shotgun slugs from a mile away again
Why did BF4 had to make BC2 hard to go back to? I sunk a good amount into it and had a blast. The worst part is that we arent even getting a sequel, and probably wont get a remaster even though the first game will turn 10 years old next year.
I don't need this pain
Bad Company is why battlefield is shit now.
Oh really?
>getting a triple with the 40mm Dart
>tfw oneshot a helo pilot to the head with a slug from across the map on a random shot while running to the frontline
I like how Dice has no idea how to replicate the success of this game, it's fucking hilarious and confusing all at once.
Nah BC was way good. Best sound design, most satisfying weapons, best maps, fun MP strats.
Im sorry you dont enjoy fun
Dice about to announce BC3 at PSX.
Sorry you have to be wrong all the time.
They dont even know what people liked about Bad Company. They've said it many times which is sad.
touché !
>tracer darting someones face
>all they see is red
>dart blackhawk
>lock on with rpg and fire
>pilot fires chaff and rolls out of the way
>gunners flatten every building near you in five seconds and wipe your squad
>you will never post in a >2011 bad company 2 green text thread ever again
na that's BF3 you're thinking about.
>Sup Forums 2010
>BC2 comes out
>Sup Forums dislikes it because it's a consolidated Battlefield
>Sup Forums 2017
What happened to this place?
the people who weren't as big a loser as you moved on, younger people came in, and you're still rotting in this place like a faggot.
every year, everything becomes worse, until the shit from 2010 gleams like gold in comparison
bad company is dumbed down console garbage
so what? almost the entire original staff is not there anymore. Dice has proven themselves that they can't even change their formula and all their recent games are the same boring shit.
I miss when you could spend hours in a server just because you were having fun instead of playing just one match because the game gets repetitive after 30 minutes. But hey, gotta get those daily rewards!
>the people who weren't as big a loser as you moved on, younger people came in, and you're still rotting in this place like a faggot.
Ok, but what does that have to do with what I said?
2010 Sup Forums and 2017 Sup Forums is populated by two different groups of people, hence the different view on Battlefield Bad Company 2.
It was battlefield made for consoles, that forced to make smaller or tighter maps. Kinda how Spielberg made better movies when he had budget constrains
I don't like Heavy Metal. I don't get why people love that map so much
>2010 Sup Forums and 2017 Sup Forums is populated by two different groups of people, hence the different view on Battlefield Bad Company 2.
But what attracts people to Sup Forums is a few core principles, mostly centered around rich gameplay experiences. BC2 is a step backwards and thus against the principles that draw people here in the first place.
no fuckin idea
why do 24/7 servers always remain when a game dies?
for someone who started the series with Battlefield 3, what did I miss that made Bad Company 2 so much better?
>ywn spawn camp one shot parachuting enemies out of the sky with your pump action slug shotty
good times
In fairness, though it was part of the Battlefield series it was a sequel to a spinoff, it wasnt Battlefield 3.
>incredibly unbalanced maps again
I did this 3 more times though. BF3 being the worst
>you will never get kicked for using the gustav on infantry ever again
The best destruction engine in any game in history
The best vehicle play in the series
The best DLC in the series
>Sound design
My ears were weeping for solace from that endless orgasm of sound
Why don't people play on PC anymore?
>mfw that just happened to me last week
It was probably the closest thing to a traditional Battlefield map in BC2 which made it popular.
What attracts people to nu-Sup Forums is being able to say nigger without getting banned.
God I miss this game. Something about it was so comfy. The gunplay was the best in the series. Why'd it go to shit after? I really can't pinpoint what changed but something did. Was it just the maps got worse?
But there's a couple populated servers right now and they aren't full of Carl Gustav spam
I remember being a godly sniper in BC2 but sucking at it in 3 and 4. Did they change sniping in those games or did my skills just atrophy?
My overall skills in the game divebombed after BC2. I can't shoot for shit in 3/4/1.
>join server
>server message: NO RPG ON INF OR KICK!!11!
>bunch of admins using RPGs against while others are too cucked to use it too
>kill a bunch of madmins with RPG, they throw a fit and kick me
I fucking despise the BF community and their autist tantrums about what weapons are "bad" and which aren't. Imagine fucking UT, Q3 or CS saying dont use the railgun, flak-cannon or AWP.
>The best destruction engine in any game in history
>not red faction guerrilla
its like you guys don't even play video games
sorry, in any *multiplayer game in history
fucking faggot
lolwut we literally had generals called "funfield pretty awesome 2" running on Sup Forums at the time.
What was is about BF4's hitreg that was so inconsistent? I swear it was the most frustrating game in that regards, because I rarely had issues with BF3 on pc.
well Sup Forums?
he's false flagging as an oldfag, dont bother
this isn't the only thing DICE is oblivious about
There's some server that runs Arica Harbour 24/7 and they get so goddamn pissy if you use the Gustav ever.
not bad for a 7 year old game
Fuck it, I'm reinstalling
shut the fuck up
you dont even know where that game came from
YOU will never play bf1942 with DC combat or galactic conquest during their primes
neither will you play bf2, which was the last real PC exclusive FPS ever made
I fucking loved the M60s dakka dakka dakka, so raw
I didn't play bad company 2 at all, so i don't give a shit.
BF2 was sorely overrated nostalgiabro.
why did they remove the bad company aspect of it?
>BF1942 during its prime
But user, I did. Its one of my most cherished times with a video game
Rush was also a great game type and it helped to further consolidate the action to a small area of the map. The spawn on squad option also kept things intense since matches didn’t just end up being “wipe the attackers and wait for them spawn and assault again”. There were also a ton of options for attackers that added a lot of variety to each map.
it had 20 tick servers for over a year
I should have clarified, I only played BF4 during the 60Hz/120Hz updates, pretty much stuck to 60Hz and never went over 48 players. I had decent internet too.
>you will never play 2142 durings its prime
i'll fuck you up bitch
>they will never add the UH-60 again in any battlefield map ever
All I remember about this game was how abysmal the netcode was compared to BF2. I pretty sure BF3 made it worse, then I just stopped playing that series altogether. Thank god for R6 Siege
It's a good thing you're allowed to be completely wrong on these threads
>That god for R6 Siege
nice bait
Post em
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite map
>Favorite game mode
>*flies dangerously low to the ground and let your gunner delete everyone's health bar
>psshhhh nothing personal opposing forces
>m1 garand
>harvest day
isla innocentes
>M136 AT4 rocketing a chopper across the map
What did people like about it then
i liked that the game was an unlimited non-scripted hollywood moment simulator. put a tank through a wall, raid entrenched defenders from the air, watch an entire dock get leveled section by section as occupying forces push forward. it was a well executed game aside from some hilarious balance decisions.
I hear a few servers are still up on PC. I loved the hell out of this game but I played it on the 360.
Currently playing BF3 on PC. I despise BF4, theres too many upgrades and perks. I think what made BC2 great was it forced you to choose between perks and it really balanced out well
>Want a red dot for your gun or do you want more body armor?
>Want stronger bullets or an acog sight?
>Arica harbor
best thing ever was being a useless piece of shit having sniper duels on hills. always end the game at the top of the scoreboard despite getting few kills and contributing jack shit to the objective due to the range bonus
just be a chad assault and murder everything while standing on an objective and virgin snipers will never top scoreboard. medic a solid second choice for Big Points.
Maybe but the range bonus on headshots scaled with range, so on some maps youd get like 800 points a kill or some shit IIRC, it was crazy
>Harvest Day Rush
>enemy team can't even capture the first objective
>down to their last ticket
>spot an enemy soldier running across the field in the open
>shoot CG at him thinking it's not likely I'll hit him, he's so far away
The salt you got in your inbox while doing this was amazing.
I got a nice message once.
>Arica Harbor
>Shooting people across the map with shotgun and 8x scope
>Some guy does the same to me
>We start dueling and kill each other back and forth using cat and mouse tactics
>Match ends
>He just messages me "Well played"
>you will never give EA money
Feels fucking awesome.
Enjoy playing with Brazilians who use the Carl Gustav as a primary
I loved all of it. Sometimes I would risk death staying near a collapsing house just to hear it creak and then crash.