best mafia/mobster video games, Sup Forums?
Best mafia/mobster video games, Sup Forums?
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i'm struggling to figure out who I hate more
>goes bald in your path
>kicked pandalee to the curb because she wasn't paying her fair share of the bills
>gets a new gf who works in "marketing and advertising" and cooks and cleans for him on demand
phil is fucking based.
>he play my videogame bad so me hate him
Has DSP actually been to EVO? Like I've seen his fighting gameplay and he's above average when he unlocks his limiters. IDK when EVO is nothing but shitposters and amateurs from round 1 I don't see why he hasn't gone there.
He either came in 8th place at EVO or some shit nobody cares about but he used to talk about it constantly.
Can't wait till it all comes crumbling down for this scumbag. Oh yeah, and:
"I prefer a penne..."
He was at EVO 15 years ago playing Super Turbo.
We actually hate him because he's a scam artist. He's not fulfilling another patreon goal
>he acts like a retard so I make fun of him
I don't believe in him having new GF unless he gives actual proof
If it's true then it could be most likely another thirsty, underaged, THOT fangirl of his
>being this much of a retard
No wonder Phil's fanboys are children and brainlets.
I prefer...
DSP always wins baby.
wtf is happening in this pic
That cannot be real, it just cannot. There's no way a manchild like him is pulling in women of that caliber
Wonder what a woman would see in DSP
based DSP
His car, how far he'd go into debt to buy her stuff?
you havent even seen her face she could look like a complete dog. Just because she has small wrists doesnt mean shes hot
>kicked pandalee to the curb because she wasn't paying her fair share of the bills
>paid her phone bill for months after she left
Still though where the fuck does he meet women that aren't morbidly obese? All he does is sit in his fucking room
ok now post a pic of your gf
Yeah possibly, he already pushed his last girlfriend away with the streaming and according those posts on instagram it sounds like she doesn't want to be shown off. Good going DSP
you dont know that
He cant go back because hes scared of jaha no lie
>he gets money for playing videogames without even getting good
>apparently easily gets GFs (I was quite suprised to hear he already has a new GF)
>has a fucking nice house
>doesnt give a flying fuck about all his autistic haters for years, mentally strong
>looks above average
He is miles ahead of your typical Sup Forums poster and especially of all his autistic hater drones that keep stalking him for fucking years 24/7, its almost funny. Everyone keeps shitting on him, yet he lives the dream and just goes on with his life.
what does that have to do with anything?
>has his own house, BMW and business at 35
>bear bodytype/aesthetic
yeah I really wonder. it's a complete mystery as to why /our guy/ Phil is drowning in pussy.
kek thats what i thought
Phil is fucking based. You losers will never be one ounce of a man phil is, just kys
4th place in some bugged PS1 port of SF2 Super Turbo. Apparently, this was the highest an American had gotten, so he beat his dick right off about it and claimed to be good at games.
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
this. DSP has done literally nothing wrong
Could DSP beat LTG?
>Looks above average.
Please don't give these poor anons hopes like that.
LTG plays SFV regulary while Phil just casually played it for a few weeks. So I doubt it.
>Sup Forums unironically likes DSP now
what happened
its one of his patreons in a wig
Maybe at Super Turbo.
He has charm
Less drones.
Ignore the crying twitch baby masses, the real people play their own games.
the answer is always contrarians
>above average
Do you live in fucking Mordor?
he does not look like a mobster. he looks like an idiot
thats a fucking escort
he's an underdog now, so people will pull for him. Honestly with all the trouble he's been through in the last couple years, his behavior has gotten a lot less smug.
Also the SoK and people who harass him became more annoying and autistic than phil himself, so people started taking phil's side to stir up shit.
>Looks above average
Uh, no sweety
>Name is Vidar
>tfw watching detractor videos has made me an unironic dsp fan and now I pledge him on patreon
I find him entertaining for some reason
>>doesnt give a flying fuck about all his autistic haters for years, mentally strong
>Only mentally ill detractors keep bringing up Super Mario Sunshine playthrough!
>looks almost identical to ricky gervais
>implying gervais is average to ugly looking
DSP is at least above average looking
Sup Forums started to like him once practically every other ~VIDEO GAME CONTENT CREATOR~ became a phoney, shilling their surrogate friendship for YouTube bux. DSP is a retard, but at least he's not trying to turn into a smarmy video game "personality".
Spoken like someone who hasn't actually paid an ounce of attention to what DSP does and is.
If Sup Forums likes him, it's because it's contrarian. No other reason.
>DSP is already fucking his new girl
>Meanwhile his autistic haters are wasting time of their lives editing a new "DSP badly plays" video
Phil's a faggot, Phil's fat, Phil's a loser, Phil's a beggar.
I want to see where that chest hair leads to
what are you gay?
snort burnells intro has me fucking dying everytime I watch it and I don't really know why