I'm too dumb to play the original Fallout. So with that being said, can anyone recommend a Lets Play of this so I can at least experience the game.
I'm too dumb to play the original Fallout. So with that being said...
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By watching a lets play you're not going to experience anything
>watching video games
what the fuck is the point?
I will get to see the story, characters, atmosphere, etc. How is that not an experience.
>I'm too dumb to play the original Fallout.
It's not a hard game m8.
Errr yeah kinda. I was travelling to Valut 15 to get the part for the water filtration or whatever, ran into some creatures or something, and fucking died in like two turns.
Did you try running away?
Also theres a town between Vault 13 and 15 where you can do some quests and recruit a follower.
I am too intelligent to figure that out
I mean you are rather weak at the start of the game, it makes sense to run away from battles you can't win.
Also did you make your own character? Because you should, default characters are rather bad.
Use a guide then
Yeah I made my own character and chose my own stats, but idk what the optimal thing to do is. I just sort of put stuff in guns like i always do in Fallout 3 and New Vegas
Many A True Nerd does a very good job explaining alot of the game in detail as he plays the whole thing. Its slow but so is fallout, and even if you don't want to play it, it a good way getting alot out of what the whole games has to give.
IIRC Fallout 1 had a bug which sometimes caused NPCs to stand in a doorway permanently, stopping you from exiting and continuing progress. They fixed that in Fallout 2 with a right-click command which forced them to move out of the way.
It's ok, all stats are useful except CHA maybe.
CHA does affect speech
And the number of maximum followers, though that's more of a thing in 2 than 1.
> Tell the Master Super Mutants have no pee pees and can't breed
>"Oh fug I did not notice that I die now"
The end
i don't wanna follow a guide but what's the let me destroy the game easy mode build?
You forgot the evidence
Play with guide, you will at least enjoy the atmosphere of the game.
Colonel RPG does great let's plays. Here's his fallout one:
He reads everything out loud, and even does voices for different characters. Must be exhausting, but he does it.
Speech, Small guns, Repair for power armor
Thank you for this, never heard of this guy before but I can dig it
You can raise speech and barter regardless of your base CHA. Theres no CHA requirements for companions in Fallout 1.
Only in 2 onwards.
>role playing game
>doesn't want to roleplay
half the fun is in making choices the character you are roleplaying as would make
then again, I can't say much for garbage human beings who would rather watch someone else play a video game
fuck off back to your hallway sims
You don't have to have the evidence; if you have have enough intelligence you can just say "Try asking a female mutant."
Not too interested in your opinions. You cannot deny however that I am still experiencing the game.
Not him but I can definitely deny that, you are not responsable for the inputs, you are not in control of the experience, you are just a passive observer.
Fallout 1 is fucking awful by modern standards though. And yes, I've REPLAYED it recently, so I know what I'm talking about. Don't listen to these NV babies OP, they probably haven't played the game they are trying to go after you for playing, or even better they used a guide on NMA to beat it when they were little kids back in the 90s.
You'll never experience it until you play it. Also just dump everything into small guns and speech that will make 90% of the game piss easy for you.
>You'll never experience it until you play it.
But you are wrong. I can experience a film by watching, why not a video game?
Because your experience with Fallout heavily relies on the decisions you make throughout the campaign.
I also replayed it recently and I think it still holds up. It's hard to say it's "dated" when CRPGs are so fucking dead anyway.
even if you make the combat easy you have the terrible quest design and puzzles getting in the way. You aren't stupid OP, these old RPGs were basically the first instance of day one DLC, only instead of buying DLC you had to buy a licensed guide that would let you get past some deliberately poorly designed parts of the game. There is a reason those game guide books were such a lucrative business opportunity before internet access became common place. Most codexfags are unwilling to admit that the entire genre was a scam back then meant to double dip off of consumers. But then again, I bet most of them weren't even adults back then and didn't understand the controversy surrounding these games.
Says you.
How? It isn't Jagged Alliance 2 or XCOM my man. Just put a bunch of points into agility and one into charisma. It isn't the same watching the game as playing it. Atmospheric as fuck and in a game where you can do whatever the fuck you want, why wouldn't you want your one experience with the game to be your own?
>terrible quest design
Thems fighting words cunt.
t. retard
Please enlighten me as to what "puzzles" are in fucking fallout? This isn't Ultima you fucking retard. And all of Fallout's quests work fine, Fallout 2's are buggy as shit.
Because Fallout is a video game and video games are interactive, in order to experience it you have to play it.
Heres a practical example, lets say to participate in a threesome, thats like a video game, it's interactive. Now lets say you watch 2 people fuck, thats like a movie, you are just watching stuff happen in front of you.
Legend of Zelda, sure. Fallout? Fuck out of here. The game is very self explanatory. I went in blind and had a great time
>lets say to participate in a threesome, thats like a video game
>thats like a video game
Not by a long shot. Now you are comparing real life intimate experiences with video games. Essentially comparing apples to oranges. That's a big no-no!
Fallout is like 10 - 15 hours long if you want to rush it. You can even beat it in 20 minutes. Game is short as fuck and you snowball the fuck out of the difficulty up once you do like 2 quests, up until the real enemies show up.
Oh yes, tell me how easy it was for you to figure out the walkie talkie puzzle you had to solve to destroy Mariposa properly. But let's admit it, you HAD to get help for that one, didn't you. Like I was saying, some of you people either were little kids back then or weren't even born at that point. The industry has always been unethical. You or a friend either had to have dial up or had to spend extra money on the guide, which the developers of the game conveniently took a cut of the income from. Keep in mind that nobody even really knew about NMA or any of the other forums until a couple years after they had been up. These "puzzles" aren't for "smart people," they are literally a soft gate meant to make you spend money to figure out how to finish the last 1/4 of the game.
I was born in 1995 and could easily figure out the puzze as a 2 year old. Maybe you're just a brainlet.
both are equally bad
Seeing some guy blow the cave full of radscorpions closed instead of discovering it yourself is a totally different experience.
>walkie talkie puzzle
proof you're a brainlet, also you literally do not have to do that
Irrelevant, even without the example my point still stands, faggot.
You don't even need to do it, there are multiple ways to finish that quest.
lmao, thank you for making fun of these retards with me. Like this is seriously scary. This is the equivalent of like in 20 years 20 year olds coming onto this site and telling people that the microtransactions in shadow of war were good game design that only "smart gamers" were able to understand properly? It fucking srs gets my lol on here that some of you collegers who weren't even really around when this game came out are defending scummy business practices from that time as being "smart." Like, it's funny but it's also frustrating, but most people don't realize that the CRPG industry basically killed itself with greedy practices such as game guide culture that were meant to milk people.
>my point still stands
>Because I say so!
Whatever you say man.. Geez
Just power through, scrub. The second you sell all the raiders' loot or get the treasure of The Glow, the game might as well be over. Fallout 1 and 2 have a trivially small power gap between "hobo struggling to fight rats" and "unstoppable power-armored killing machine".
Unless you have low STR.
Kinda like in real life haha
np glad to help
Don't even need STR. Just dump into PER and INT and keep aiming for the eyes.