Do you guys think we'll get a good 40K game in the near future or did the failure of Dawn of War 3 basically torpedo...

Do you guys think we'll get a good 40K game in the near future or did the failure of Dawn of War 3 basically torpedo any chance of something that's not a mediocre mobile game?

Also, shouldn't it to be called 41K now that the 'current' time is around the year 42,100 or something?

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Nope. 40k vidya, at least RTS's, are dead and the faggots at Relic killed them.

GW gives the license to anyone with a design doc these days. They just make sure that whatever product comes out is true to the lore and that’s about it.

So there’ll be a ton of 40k games in the future, and maybe 10% will be good.

>No Warhammer 40k Tank Sim where you blow inferior Xeno vehicles to bits with your trusty Leman Russ.

Join the Greater good like so many other Gue'Vasa.


Imagine shitting on eldar glass crafts in that glorious mother fucker

Do you answer the call?

will they gib imperial knights an upgrade too?

Relic fucked up. Unbelievable.

Emperor's real bitter these days, doesn't even holds up a facade anymore, even to his own primarch, his own childre-, oh I mean tools. That's right, he seems them nothing but tools.

How can any of the Xenos even compete?

>did the failure of Dawn of War 3 basically torpedo any chance of something that's not a mediocre mobile game?
Kinda yeah, it's fucked.

40k is a meme franchise now, devaluated from a string of really stupid and half assed attempts of exploiting it. Not even saying about mediocre games, but always even mediocre adaptations, always toning down the narrative or trying to"appeal the wider audience"
DoW1 was fantastic in capturing the ambience and gruesomeness of 40k by telling its over the top everything with a straight face without breaking character in giggles. Since then, DoW2 was now "srs and mighty" and the marines aren't overzealous genocidal fucks, but righteous paladins in all sense of the word. Chaos isn't madder than Carrie Fisher on cocaine anymore, and orkz are memes.

What i'm saying is, w40kwas fucked even before DoW3.

Empire's calendar is so fucked up that they don't really know if it's even 40k.

I really dont get why a lot of devs have some allergy for making 40k games. I mean its not like GW gives a damn on how you handle the IP as long as you promote the tabletop.


WFB was the better franchise


Blood Brawl exists, user.

>it doesn't matter who we are. the only thing that matters is the emperor's victory. no one cared who i was until i put on the mask.

>tfw you’ll never have a guardsman equivelant of pic-related

>The Sisters of Battle will never fall to Slaanesh and become a faction of dominatrixes.

They're too irrelevant as far as GW is concerned to be in a video game anyway. The only game they were in, Soulstorm, did nothing but piss on their image.

Well they were featured in the Grey Knights codex.






>female spess muhreens

Even in fanfiction tier art, never stops being maddening.

Didnt they add WH40k tanks to WoT?

I was under the impression that she was part of a Soritas chapter that works with the Space Wolves.

I hope you realize there's 10 thousand games based on 40k out there and like 5 good ones. DoW3 being a disappointment is par the course.

if ever there was a chapter in more need of exterminatus

I truly don't understand how you can have an IP like Warhammer 40k and make maybe 3 good video games about it over the course of 30 years

>We will never get Enhanced Last Stand


The secret to making a good 40k game is to make it not be about space marines because space marines are fucking boring

The Space Wolves actually care about Humanity.

Check the pauldrons. That's not SoB power armor.

>Since then, DoW2 was now "srs and mighty" and the marines aren't overzealous genocidal fucks, but righteous paladins in all sense of the word.

user, that's how the official fluff has been for like 2 decades. The tongue in cheek parody nature died with Rogue Trader.

You mean Blood Bowl?

So do the Salamanders and the Lamenters
and they all suck for it

Space Marines are okay. But it's so fucking tiring that they shove them into the spotlight every fucking time.


Go the fuck away Marines Malevolent.

The over the top portrayal of 40k is honestly what made DoW1 so good. It was so hilarious how almost everyone who could speak would screaming at the top of his lungs.


>we don't have psykers communicating with warp predators, we have rune priests communicating with friendly woodland spirits! stupid mages, hold still while we destroy your planet.

>both the buttons answer the call

Just make a Sister of Battle game, you fucking nerd devs. You'd even win some brownie points from SJWs while we get to fap to some religious nuts in BDSM armor purging heretic filth

>Implying the Thousand Sons didn't deserve it.

We are cursed brother.

Yes but again, that's not how the actual canon fluff is. You can read the books and see how dead serious the series is treated.

>forgetting they only did it because horus told them to

>Magnus a good boy
>He dindu nuffin





Can someone give me a list of books that take place after Gathering Storm?

Right now, I have:

>Dark Imperium
>Watchers of the Throne
>Devastation of Baal

I hoped Eternal Crusade would be like Planetside 40k and Dawn of War 3 to be like DoW1 remastered with expanded Last Stand. Both games turned out to be shit. I doubt we will get another good 40k game.

Sororitas don't have 'chapter's', they're convents. And they have zero place working with spess wulfs. Hell the space wolf chaplains equivalent doesn't even pay lip service to the imperial cult and has to use iron wolf amulets instead of a rosarius.

You can always spot lore brainlets because they think the sisters are directly tied to the inquisition.

So the Space Wolves are basically Loyalist Traitors?

>no horror games
>no homeworld/sins of a solar empire style battlefleet gothic
>no red orchestra style games
>planetside game was a massive failure
>no crime mystery games that are just about every day life in a hive city with no super weapons or chaos contrivences
>no titanicus games
>no build your own servitor battle bot game
>no stealth action games
>no bridge commander games
>no freelancer style
>no supreme commander style rts
>no tactical fps games
>no rogue trader games

I sometimes wonder if they don't really get big name studios doing anything with the setting because they want way too much of a cut for it to be profitable.

space wolves hate the inquisition and the imperial cult, why would they shack up with their whores?


good that game sucked

They are the closest to the Inquisition compared to any other faction imo, considering the Sisters own gimmick is they can shrug off Chaos corruption and is pretty much useless for other military operations like fighting xenos.

Space wolves and their culture predate the Imperial cult. The only reason the cult can't do anything about them is because of the history and prestige attached to one of the original legions.

There is still one way to save this franchise...

they’re de facto part of hereticus, nice try though

Was there any canon reason why he could resist the warp?

There is so much wrong with this that I don't even know where to start.

It was going to be explained in sequels.

What, did they retcon how Sisters are immune to chaos corruption now? Last time I remember, there was only one sister of battle to ever fall into corruption.

Not all sisters are chaos immune super saints. There's only like a handful of occurences where things like that happened.

Sisters are more like military religious janitors who exist to make sure shrines and temples don't get trashed. They have an awkward and obscure role on the battlefield and that's why GW fail to give them much focus. Their product line was created mostly so we could have tits in power armor. The big thing holding them back is that GW don't know how to write about the Imperial cult without it being completely negative 'wow look at these religious nutjobs' sense.

But they're not part of the ordo hereticus. They're the militant arm of the ecclesiarchy. You may as well say that a techpriest accompanying an Inquisitorial retinue is part of the Inquisition.

>have a popular IP that sells pretty well
>Latest game sucks because you change everything from the previous games
>abandon the IP forever


Yeah, he's an Ultramarine.

>The big thing holding them back is that GW don't know how to write about the Imperial cult without it being completely negative 'wow look at these religious nutjobs' sense.

That was what made DoW1 so fun though. Every faction was their own brand of crazy.
That said, I see where youre coming from. If the SoBs really are just glorified church guards, I can see why theyd lack presence in most games where the action is on the front line.

The Imperial Guard actually came off as the sane ones in Dawn of War 1. Especially compared to the Blood Magpies.

>Honorable Captain of the Glorious Second Company


Psyker quotes were fucking gold though.

>Also, shouldn't it to be called 41K now that the 'current' time is around the year 42,100 or something?

No, that's an upper estimate of the actual time, because there's been a secret war within the Ordo Chronos over whose calendar is correct for millenia now, so the unified imperial calendar is absolutely trashed and could be anywhere between 39k and 42k.

On an unrelated note, we need more games that let me play as orkz already.

draenei protoss is what i think of


>No recent 40k game as good as vermintide
It's not fair.

They did, but
>playing WoT
WT gives me enough grind as it is.

Just play the Retribution campaign again. The closest we have to a decent 40k game with multiple races because DoW1 honestly aged like milk.

even whit all the content cut out of that game it still keeps me going back to it for a good 40k experience. I really hate how they fuck up the 40k franchise when it should be so easy to make so many diffrent good games for it.

Is the Gothic Sector completely destroyed and/or swallowed up by the expanding Eye of Terror?

Are Predators all they have?

They're the chamber militant of the Ordo Hereticus though. Like the Grey Knights are the chamber militant of the Ordo Maleus and the Deathwatch are the chamber militant of the Ordo Xenos

Vermintide is great, if only the last deathwing game was made by those devs.

Predators and Vindicators, which I thought was an odd choice. WoT has such a bizarre interpretation of military history, they could have put actual IG vehicles into the game and they wouldn't have looked out of place.

They actually aren't. They never have been. Go read the various codexes. Their connection is based on the ties between the ordo hereticus inquisitors and the ecclesiarchy (the former basically being formed at the insistence of the latter).

Of course FUNCTIONALLY yes they used to work like you said.

Isn't World of Tanks a Russian Mafia money laundering operation?

>WHFB goes belly up and gets axed by GW for AOS crap.
>now that GW is no longer breathing down the necks of vidya developers because they're afraid of the game taking away players from the TT games like vermintide are amazing

So all we need is for 40k to go kaput and the vidya will similarly step up in quality?

>No Imperial Guardsman horror game
>No Space Marine sequel with Guilliman praising Titus for not following the codex word for word ten thousand years since it was written
>No 40kart
>No 30k Musou
>No Rogue Trader RPG
>No Tau Battlesuit game
>No 40k civ (No diplomacy option)
>No Ork Warboss simulator
>No actual 40k moba

I don't understand how Streum On dropped the ball so hard.