more secret hitler
Secret hitler
Other urls found in this thread:
>5 chooses 6 as chancellor, 5 is confirmed fash
>6 chooses 5 as chancellor
Who are the highest IQ players
Tide, he caught all the fashes on turn 2 and no one believed him.
t. Tide
He also thought I was lib and let hitty get cnh
user right here
Wasn't 5 going to shoot his chn because he was a fash?
Literally who
no you're dumb, I'm the smartest
>when you are bullshitting as a fascist and a liberal figures you out completely
>you go into conflict and somehow everyone sides with you and the lib is a "confirmed" fas
Reminder that liberals just threw a 4-0 lead
Heil buddy. Remember it.
I would have shot your ass.
too bad you'd never get the gun, you fascist
>support every single fascist
>nein players who haven't gone yet
>why do you suspect me
I just pushed current code to github and removed "special note" in README so if you guys want to take it go nuts. I'm trying to wrap this project up and if you want to split off thats fine I don't care, if not thats fine too the server is cheap. -admin
You win this round fucko.
>5 claims 2 is lib
>ask other people to corroborate
>no one does
>not even 5
>keep telling people to test him
>5 says "Why are you pushing 2 so much?"
>wtf you said he was lib
>5 shrinks back and goes quiet
>he gets elected and shoots me
>no one bats an eye
>roll hitler in position 10
>mindlessly click JA on every vote
>argue with some guy about completely unrelated shit in chat
>fascs pass 3 Rs and elect me as chance
>win without ever doing anything
the secret to playing quiet hitler is to talk but not about the game
Reminder to shoot another lib
>tfw fascist are on both sides of the 2 teams that get formed
>lib topdeck win
the absolute state of the fash team
>Obvious hitler goy
>Still gets elected
This game wouldn't be fun if the libs were smart
The games fun because Sup Forums is half smart and half absolutely retarded
Sup Forums please don't turn this game into a circlejerk. what happens in a game stays in that game. don't carry it out.
also don't respond to posts like this the absolute second you morons are taken off user you immediately start trying to circlejerk
>it's a "your fellow fascists pass so many lib policies in an effort to play 5D chess that they hand over the victory" episode
inside the heart of every Sup Forumsirgin lurks a /vg/fag waiting to burst free
if i see that another fash is trying to blend in, i make myself look like a retard to take away the heat. you have to work together a bit.
>retarded lib president gives me the choice between red and blue
>i pick red
>everyone forgets i'm fascist after 2 rounds
>manage to win at the end
lol easiest game
i honestly feel like Sup Forums suddenly got worse, maybe the weekend effect.
it's aussie prime time.
You should have a fas scapegoat every game imo unless the libs keep getting RRR.
>give RB to a lib as a fash
>claim I gave him BB
>everyone is suspicious, he never gets voted again
8D chess
fuck you lomelli you piece of shit fasc.
cum here faggots
t. 4
t. RedditInc
Fuck that guy.
Fuck you, retarded faggot
>triple Top Deck into lib victory
Why are you obsessed with Reddit?
Why is it that every time Sup Forums moves to something with names there is an immediate, almost violent need to start namefagging and kickstart cults of personality?
>that noscope earlier
stop namefagging in these threads you faggots
because the anonymity of Sup Forums is barely capable of keeping our intense autistic desires to be ecelebs in check. Fortunately it seems pretty minor this time, since the only people's whose names get mentioned in here are giant faggots that we're warning each other about.
so what do i do if 3-4 people just don't vote and we sit forever?
Its just fascinating to me that Sup Forums shits on every other kind of forum because they claim having usernames and avatars leads to circlejerking and mod dicksucking, but they absolutely cannot help themselves from diving in when they get the chance.
we rightly shit on other forums for that, but yes we're all giant faggots deep down and we know that without policing to keep the tripfags culled Sup Forums would instantly become just as bad if not worse. see: /vg/
Are people done playing for the night?
there's like 5 games going on
The real ones are gone, only brainlets are left
>tfw you're hitler and there's 4 lib cards and 3 fascs, and you're elected chancellor
>chancellor passes rr from a rrb
>nobody else realizes they're fascist
you people are retards
you know you can lie about it right
im so shit at being hitler
just play lib and don't stir up too much shit
>killed Hitler with my first execution
No wonder you guys like this game.
>liberals keep winning
Good games guys, I have to go now
Hope i catch you gentlemen tomorrow
top decked
get cucked fascists
>getting mad because people didn't believe you in a childrens card game
>2 lobbies forming at once
Come on Sup Forums, I know you're a bunch of liberals but even you shouldn't be this retarded.
bump, new game starting
>Sup Forums matches are private
This is unironically the most fun i've ever had with Sup Forums
password is always rage
>BashTheFash getting so butthurt that libs got memed on that he is stalling out every game
>he wasn't here for BGO
now THAT is a clusterfuck
Krum and Dante. They got themselves banned. Which means they are the smartest. Cuz you gotta be retarded to still play this shit.
blacklist Bash and baagush, both massive faggots
how do you even get banned?
have a high IQ
Bash stalled and AFK'd like five games straight because he got ass mad about being a shitty liberal player.
Good morning! Reddit does not wish this game there! Thank you very much! Good morning!
hitler is so easy holy shit
everyone trusts you
fuck off you crazy fag
>not believing in your crew
we see you dawg, we protect you
>tfw you're the one who caused it
>sew the seeds of doubt by continuously passing lib policies until fash gets bullet then pass a fash policy claiming it was RR to get youself killed and make everyone suspect each other
why the fuck is this shit here? Fuck off to /tg/ or something
>tfw tricked everyone into thinking 3 wasn’t hitler
>brainlet who got btfo
I voted yes because 2 was prez, had no opinion on 3.
>it's a "none of the fascists have any idea how the game works" episode
> libs were one policy away from winning
> but the fashs somehow pass just enough policies and seed enough doubt to pass over genuine lib governments
> tfw its voting time for hitler and everyone jas
DAMN, the feeling of when it all comes together is amazing, especially when you manage to fool the libs into electing hitler
Sorry I goofed that last one up I'll do better
in statistics published by the makers of this game, they claimed that when fascists when, only 30% of the time is it by electing hitler.
Every time fascists win here it is by electing hitler. There must be something about playing online that makes it harder to spot Hitler
Did they mention how many players were playing? I imagine that most games are less than 10 people and it's much easier to elect hitler in 10 player games.
>There must be something about playing online that makes it harder to spot Hitler
Obviously. Its easier to play silent on a chatroom than it is in real life. Also is that statistic from the actual boardgame company or this website? How do they even know that if its the former?