Linkie won GOTY
Linkie won GOTY
>Nintendo bought GOTY
It actually didn't. It just didn't have any competition.
tfw no Link bf
tfw no Link bride
>link trying to flex his tiny muscles
When do you get that outfit
Th-this cannot be bros....
How did we let this happen???
I need to let off some steam, brb gonna go make a *whirr* thread real quick, that will make me feel better.
Import your 100% completed Mario Odyssey save while Mario wears his wedding dress costume.
It's mods.
>game journos give a cinematic experience the GOTY award
In other news, the sky is blue.
>less than an hour's worth of cutscenes in a game that lasts nearly 200 hours
>cinematic experience
what did he mean by this?
God I hate all you consolewar poor fags/falseflags so fucking much.
>200 hours
you must be really slow
>sub 20 FPS for the express purpose of being "cinematic"
>progressive themes like crossdressing for the liberal arts degree audience
>strong independent womyn who show emotions constantly, aka "we want the undertale audience"
>2 hours of cutscenes
>the rest of the """gameplay""" consists of spamming flurry rush on every enemy you can, trivializing gameplay with quick time events
Yes, smells like a movie to me.
t. pic related
>sub 20 FPS for the express purpose of being "cinematic"
game has bad framerate because nintendo can't make hardware for shit, they couldn't make it any higher if they tried
>progressive themes like crossdressing for the liberal arts degree audience
FF7 did the same shit and everyone laughed it off
>strong independent womyn who show emotions constantly, aka "we want the undertale audience"
it's the exact opposite, Zelda tries being a "strong independant womyn" but fails miserably while Link saves her out of trouble all the time
>2 hours of cutscenes
It's around 40 minutes at most and the majority of cutscenes are completely optional and easily missible.
>the rest of the """gameplay""" consists of spamming flurry rush on every enemy you can, trivializing gameplay with quick time events
the game gives you all these options on how to neutralize enemies, it's your own fault you keep just using the same boring tactic
You can stop spamming this retarded post now.
Reggie and his JPN bros won't keep coming to VGA is Geoff doesn't keep sucking their dick so yeah
>game has bad framerate because nintendo can't make hardware for shit, they couldn't make it any higher if they tried
And yet CEMU strikes a minimum 50 FPS running emulated wiiU hardware. Isn't the Switch supposed to be better?
>FF7 did the same shit and everyone laughed it off
FF7 is pure garbage, so that should tell you how it affects the quality of the game by allowing such rancid """humor""".
>Zelda tries being a "strong independant womyn" but fails miserably
Exactly. She's essentially Undyne or Toriel. She's a massive failure, cries like a bitch, and then asks the player for sympathy because they're useless. And of course we have to sympathize because we need to white knight women.
>It's around 40 minutes at most and the majority of cutscenes are completely optional and easily missible.
Pic related, that's a load of horse puckey.
>the game gives you all these options on how to neutralize enemies, it's your own fault you keep just using the same boring tactic
shouldn't the game punish me for doing that by having smart enemies? I guess that would be too videogamey.
>And yet CEMU strikes a minimum 50 FPS running emulated wiiU hardware. Isn't the Switch supposed to be better?
This isn't to do with the fact of whether the switch is better than the Wii U or not it's to do with whether nintendo could make the game run at a high frame rate and the answer is they couldn't it wasn't a design choice.
>FF7 is pure garbage, so that should tell you how it affects the quality of the game by allowing such rancid """humor""".
only FF7 is known to be the most influential and ground breaking RPG of all time but sure what ever your contrarian little mind believes.
Exactly. She's essentially Undyne or Toriel. She's a massive failure, cries like a bitch, and then asks the player for sympathy because they're useless. And of course we have to sympathize because we need to white knight women.
Well it's a shame natural human emotions turns you off, but it's to be expected from a friendless shut-in such as yourself. As for "white-knighting" Link is literally her royal guard, protecting her is exactly what he's supposed to do.
>Pic related, that's a load of horse puckey.
not really considering how much of the cutscenes can be missed out on and how much content the game has to counter it
>shouldn't the game punish me for doing that by having smart enemies? I guess that would be too videogamey.
the enemies are smart, they light your wooden sheilds on fire, they kick your bombs back at you, they grab their own teammates and thrown them at you.
What did she mean by this?
good job link!
>it's to do with whether nintendo could make the game run at a high frame rate
Don't other switch games run at 60 FPS? Nintendo could've sacrificed some unimportant things like the graphics to make the game run better, but that would've been too videogamey. It would take away from their "artistic vision".
>only FF7 is known to be the most influential and ground breaking RPG of all time
even if I liked the RPG genre, that would be an insult.
>Well it's a shame natural human emotions turns you off,
I don't play video games to look at tumblr tier emotional breakdowns. I play it for videogamey fun. When I have to purposely skip content because it's ruining the game, that's something I consider bad.
>the enemies are smart,
Not smart enough to stop a player who utilizes too many flurries, it seems.
Here’s my weekend spending money
Kill yourself my man
If you have that much money regularly, why would you take it out in cash? Just use credit card.
he’s always cute
More of a personality thing. Using physical cash makes me spend less than just swiping a card would.
>Don't other switch games run at 60 FPS? Nintendo could've sacrificed some unimportant things like the graphics to make the game run better, but that would've been too videogamey. It would take away from their "artistic vision".
Yeah other other switch games run 60fps, all WAY less technically demanding than BotW.
>even if I liked the RPG genre, that would be an insult.
now I know you haven't played the game, good job on exposing yourself
>I don't play video games to look at tumblr tier emotional breakdowns. I play it for videogamey fun. When I have to purposely skip content because it's ruining the game, that's something I consider bad.
well it's a good thing for you those "tumblr tier emotional breakdowns" only make up 1/999,999,999 of the entire game. Also automatically tying emotion with "muh" tumblr just shows how socially deprived you are.
>Not smart enough to stop a player who utilizes too many flurries, it seems.
well they have to balance it somehow considering an hour into the game you already start encountering 1 hit KO enemies.
good job retard
>Yeah other other switch games run 60fps, all WAY less technically demanding than BotW.
BOTW is less demanding than a 2007 indie game. Even Crysis runs better.
>now I know you haven't played the game, good job on exposing yourself
played it from start to finish. got the knights of the round materia, bred a golden chocobo after hours of RNG and trial+error, and beat the most overhyped boss in the series. It is garbage.
>well it's a good thing for you those "tumblr tier emotional breakdowns" only make up 1/999,999,999 of the entire game
1/999,999,999 garbage is still garbage.
>well they have to balance it somehow considering an hour into the game you already start encountering 1 hit KO enemies.
Yes, 1 hit KO enemies who are affected by le ebin slow-mo quick time event where you button mash to instant win. Such good game design. Definitely making God of War proud.
look at a clock
now back at me
now back the clock
now back at me again
>BOTW is less demanding than a 2007 indie game. Even Crysis runs better.
Yeah, and nintendo hardware is shit, what don't you get?
>played it from start to finish. got the knights of the round materia, bred a golden chocobo after hours of RNG and trial+error, and beat the most overhyped boss in the series. It is garbage.
shit taste can't be helped
>1/999,999,999 garbage is still garbage.
yeah I banged my pinky tow on the coffee table today but I'm not going to cry about it up until the end of the day
>Yes, 1 hit KO enemies who are affected by le ebin slow-mo quick time event where you button mash to instant win. Such good game design. Definitely making God of War proud.
enemies need to just look at you to instant win so yeah it makes sense
But a clock only has the time...
maybe if you're poor
>Yeah, and nintendo hardware is shit, what don't you get?
Nintendo knows their hardware limits, but chose to focus on graphics. Movie game logic. No care for performance.
>shit taste can't be helped
Movie games warrant proper response.
>yeah I banged my pinky tow on the coffee table today but I'm not going to cry about it up until the end of the day
I will criticize how terrible it was that the coffee table was in such a position, and if it isn't moved, I'm taking points off the entire house decor. It's not my job to tolerate bad design.
>enemies need to just look at you to instant win so yeah it makes sense
Too bad they can't do anything when time is slowed and Iget infinite amounts of time to button mash them to death, then pause the world to eat some food and gain quite a few overpowered buffs. But the game is totally challenging.
Quick claim your linkfu
>All look the same except WW
>Nintendo knows their hardware limits, but chose to focus on graphics. Movie game logic. No care for performance.
the graphics are at the bare minimum, the game has a really simple style, they couldn't go 60fps no matter what
>Movie games warrant proper response.
too bad you've yet to give a single one
>I will criticize how terrible it was that the coffee table was in such a position, and if it isn't moved, I'm taking points off the entire house decor. It's not my job to tolerate bad design.
"I'm going to throw a shit fit and move out because of my own fuck up", yep that sounds like you.
>Too bad they can't do anything when time is slowed and Iget infinite amounts of time to button mash them to death, then pause the world to eat some food and gain quite a few overpowered buffs. But the game is totally challenging.
Doesn't really matter where they'll get you with a one hit KO regardless.
>those jagged edges
Holy fuck the Switch is a pile of shit.
Was BotW really that good? Didn’t it win best score too?
I haven’t heard any impressive songs from it yet. At least nine as good as Ballad of the Goddess from SS
I only just noticed that this wojak was traced from that re-used animation of Skeletor
>i've never played this game
Nier: car tomato won best score
botw is mine
I was actually pretty scared some retardation would insue looking at the people on the stage. It was definitely the best nominated game of the bunch no fucking contest
>the graphics are at the bare minimum, the game has a really simple style, they couldn't go 60fps no matter what
That's quitter talk. They could gladly decrease draw distance or lower polygon count. They had plenty to work with.
>too bad you've yet to give a single one
why should I tolerate a game with a bad story forced in my face constantly, or in the case of BOTW, a game that would rather focus on Zelda crying and strong independent gerudo womyn teaching Link about white privilege, when the game doesn't even run at a proper framerate?
>"I'm going to throw a shit fit and move out because of my own fuck up", yep that sounds like you.
If I'm the one paying the bills, and my jackass roommate keeps the table where it is, that's my right and my prerogative.
>Doesn't really matter where they'll get you with a one hit KO regardless.
Can't KO what you can't catch. And if you think it's hard dodging their attacks, then I'm sorry you've never played a real videogame before.
Was this ever in doubt even for a second?
>That's quitter talk. They could gladly decrease draw distance or lower polygon count. They had plenty to work with.
Decreasing the draw distance would ruin the magic of seeing the entire map no-matter where you are. They didn't have much to work with, the graphics are really basic and they still couldn't get a good framerate, it's the hardware.
>why should I tolerate a game with a bad story forced in my face constantly, or in the case of BOTW, a game that would rather focus on Zelda crying and strong independent gerudo womyn teaching Link about white privilege, when the game doesn't even run at a proper framerate?
Zelda only cries one time in the whole game and it's in a cutscene you can miss, also gerudo don't mention whites once.
>If I'm the one paying the bills, and my jackass roommate keeps the table where it is, that's my right and my prerogative.
It's your fault for hurting yourself on the same table in the same way over and over again like a fucking special child.
>Can't KO what you can't catch. And if you think it's hard dodging their attacks, then I'm sorry you've never played a real videogame before.
Enemies tend to come in groups.
Anime is not a competitor.
So you're either a time traveller or you don't understand the concept of posting a timestamped picture.
I agree, Toshino Kyouko's game should have got GoTY
>Decreasing the draw distance would ruin the magic of seeing the entire map no-matter
Performance outranks magic in terms of importance.
>Zelda only cries one time in the whole game and it's in a cutscene you can miss
Once is too much, and it makes me despise her for being a weak piece of garbage. She could watch the entire world burn around her, and it would not earn her the right to cry in my presence. If a game wants to make me feel emotional attachment, it's gonna have to do alot better than that.
>also gerudo don't mention whites once.
So do explain the reasoning why Link has to cross dress to get to them, instead of beating them all silly for getting in his way.
>It's your fault for hurting yourself on the same table in the same way over and over again like a fucking special child.
I keep moving it, but he keeps moving it back. He's stubborn, I won't tolerate that.
>Enemies tend to come in groups.
Oh right, and it's not like flurry rush slows time down for everyo-oh.
>poorfag being this ass blasted over someone being one day off
I can't believe oddessey lost to the worst zelda game.
Also persona 5 being on this list despite being a year old is baffling, seeing as many other games like yakuza should have made it too.
>Performance outranks magic in terms of importance.
god I hope you never make a video game
>Once is too much, and it makes me despise her for being a weak piece of garbage. She could watch the entire world burn around her, and it would not earn her the right to cry in my presence. If a game wants to make me feel emotional attachment, it's gonna have to do alot better than that.
yeah, how fucking dare someone cry after losing their kingdom and having all their comrades killed
>I keep moving it, but he keeps moving it back. He's stubborn, I won't tolerate that.
You see the point of this analogy in the first place was that you're making a big deal out of something that only happened and has small significance, by saying "he keeps moving it back" you're implying Zelda's crying (which is the original point of the analogy) is constant, but it only happens once.
Try to stay on track, mkay?
>Oh right, and it's not like flurry rush slows time down for everyo-oh.
Except it only work when you're locked onto one enemy at a time.
There was no competition
You weeb games (Yakuza is no weeb game, but it's too niche) will never make it on
still no nude mods of the twink
good. he's too pure for that
but im not. STRIP HIM DOWN
Are you an unattractive teenager or a manchild? Shouldn't you switch your toys for a girlfriend and grow up?
>god I hope you never make a video game
In this climate, it'd be overshadowed by the cinematic experiences. It's a pity.
>yeah, how fucking dare someone cry after losing their kingdom and having all their comrades killed
Other female protagonists have their entire families and friends killed when they're a child by giant fire breathing space dragons, and the proper response they show is to track down the monster responsible and blast a hole in his face using incendiary munitions. And what a surprise, her line of games is far superior and runs with far better performance. Ironically it also has better map design.
>you're implying Zelda's crying (which is the original point of the analogy) is constant, but it only happens once.
She never improves. She doesn't apologize for wasting my time like the whore that she is. She isn't out there exploring and fighting monsters. She basically waits until I do the heavy lifting. I wish ganon killed her for being so damn useless.
>Except it only work when you're locked onto one enemy at a time.
With a cooldown that's basically nonexistent.
>200 hours
You are telling me there are people on this board right now that spent 200 hours running around the shittiest version of hyrule with little to no npcs and enemies looking for shrines (not temples) and hunting for seeds that give you fuck all?
I truly feel sad for the those people.
>In this climate, it'd be overshadowed by the cinematic experiences. It's a pity.
good thing nintendo's fighting that
>Other female protagonists have their entire families and friends killed when they're a child by giant fire breathing space dragons, and the proper response they show is to track down the monster responsible and blast a hole in his face using incendiary munitions. And what a surprise, her line of games is far superior and runs with far better performance. Ironically it also has better map design.
Whatever happened to the "strong independant womyn" argument? Is only okay when your favorite game does it?
>She never improves. She doesn't apologize for wasting my time like the whore that she is. She isn't out there exploring and fighting monsters. She basically waits until I do the heavy lifting. I wish ganon killed her for being so damn useless.
if she didn't spend 100 straight years holding her hand up and casting a sealing spell on ganon the world would end faggot
>With a cooldown that's basically nonexistent.
they all try to kill you at once dude
Why do you fags ALWAYS fall for ACfag?
How does it feel to know that homosexuality finally won?
90% of the legend of zelda fanbase are fujoshits who love watching link get fucked by many men.
These young girls just love the idea of link sucking a lot of dick and taking dick in his ass hole.
Link is a gateway for these women, because eventually the women want to see real men take dick like link.
And since link is young they want young guys to take hard dick like link, so then these women obsessed with gay sex.
Link winning game of the year just goes to show that the gays won, and that gay loving fujoshits are taking over the video game industry.
It will make your male child gay in the future and he will take dicks for these fujoshit women to watch and enjoy.
Say no to gay.
>good thing nintendo's fighting that
With their own cinematic experiences. Nice work.
>Whatever happened to the "strong independant womyn" argument? Is only okay when your favorite game does it?
It's only okay when the game actually works with it, and she doesn't constantly shove her uterus in my face because she's strong and independent. Pic related should give you an idea of how it should be done.
>if she didn't spend 100 straight years holding her hand up and casting a sealing spell on ganon the world would end faggot
Happened in a cutscene, so why should I care? Make me care through the gameplay, or omit it entirely. I swear, this is the same bile that Skyward Sword threw at me. You have Zelda disappear for long periods of time, pretending she's going super special awesome training, and she's a useless tramp afterward. gets kidnapped, then killed, then I gotta wish her back to life with love and friendship AFTER killing Demise. Next time don't even bother, I say. If you need the story to get me to care about her, then you've failed hilariously.
>they all try to kill you at once dude
Again, slow mo. And the game can't handle too many peeps on screen, otherwise it might crash due to terrible hardware. If you're lucky, the framerate won't drop to 0. But hey, that's good game design, right? 60 FPS would be problematic.
might be GOTY considering this year was so bad, but it still doesn't beat Link Between Worlds in terms of fun factor and playability.
go figure
Traps shall conquer the earth!
why does Link not have a shirt on?
am I gay for wanting to snuggle him and kiss his arms and chest?
this, my hero academia should've won game of the year
i want TP link to choke me and spit in my mouth
I still hold Samus as the gold standard for women in vidya
>a 2011 game won GOTY 2017
What happened, lads
At a certain point, bribes would start to cut into profits user.
>tfw the only reason Zelda won GOTY was because homo gayboys want to give Link the dick after dressing him up like a sissy little faggot and calling him their bitch and then cuddling and kissing all night long
Gotta have my retro style Link.
It was better than the modern competition.
Games are just that bad.
>doesn't talk
>has no agency
yep, expected of Sup Forums. 8_8
>why does Link not have a shirt on?
You can remove it
>am I gay for wanting to snuggle him and kiss his arms and chest?
I don't really care
>Linkle won GOTY
My dick doesn't think they're wrong.
Because she has no personality.
Same with all good videogame characters
"GOTY" is purely subjective. Like how white and asian girls are said to be more attractive than other races. bullshit
Well that doesn't amount to much user.
>giving a kid too old for toys and dolls a bunch of dolls
shit tier parenting.even I know kids that age want iphones, tablets and fidget spinners.
user, I don't think you've been outside of your own room by choice.
This. The reason I hate Zelda crying so much is because the game is showing me an emotion and asking me to feel something. In reality, the game would give me a reason to care and let me decide whether I should try.
Are you autistic? No really, I mean actually on the spectrum.
The game isn't asking you to feel anything, but unless there's literally something wrong with your brain you should innately empathise with a character who is.
>took zelda like 20 games to get a shitty paid GOTY
Awesome, next time try it in between the next 10...
>inb4 zelda 30 wont be a thing
Same shit we said back then, need for speed 13? mortal kombat 9? lol