Why did they falsely portray hitler as a bad person?

why did they falsely portray hitler as a bad person?

Can you stop spamming this


Because it's a work of fiction


Honestly, the people who let Hitler rise to power are the real monsters. Just think about it.

but is is bad for losing the war

Perhaps we may never know, but is he a big guy?

for you


because he was?

go back to your containment board shithead

why did they turn Hitler into Mr. Plinkett?

Doktor Goebbels. Ich bin NSDAP.

t guy from arizona

What's the matter sub-human? Afraid you're gonna end up in a concentration camp?

Because he is a loser, like all nazis.

Where does this idea that Hitler wanted to conquer the world come from? Hitler wanted a united Europe.

>Where does this idea that Hitler wanted to conquer the world come from? Hitler wanted a united Europe.
Jews that want to conquer the world and see a divided Europe.



>not surprising since you posted and are defending the opposite side of the "stormfront blogpost" coin.
Again, don't just make a claim and not explain yourself, you intellectual dishonest idiot.

>please, just stop, I'm getting 2nd hand embarrassment from reading your idiotic assertions.
Same, you had no qualms with the Sup Forumstards screeching about DA JOOS, but coincidentally decided to reply to me trying to explain why their conspiracy theories aren't really a conspiracy.

>Again, you misunderstand, I'm saying it did happen, but not according to the book, it veered off into fascism.
The book's theory is about how economic systems inevitably change, facism isn't an economic system, it's capitalism in decay.

>>please tear apart my flip stormfront blogpost with excruciating detail when he couldn't even be assed to have a source for any of his bullshit
>I can't comprehend things so they need a source :(((
Tell me what part needed to be sourced you brainlet.

>I've already proved he's a backtracking lunatic, why should I go into detail?
Because you didn't explain why it's a backtrack. Do you know how logical fallacies work? You don't just make an assertion and leave it at that, back up your claims with arguments.

>I never said I wanted to save this festering carcass of capitalism, I only stated my social issue leanings.
You're not a special snowflake you stupid liberal, if you're not picking sides then you're a radical centrist.

>>pointing out why we should move away from capitalism ... when nothing about the image nor the reply chain til now is related to that topic isn't whataboutism, but you dissecting the entirety of an image is!
>hurr derr I'm a brainlet who thinks he can has it both ways. I criticize communism and fascism, but when I'm backed into a corner I hate capitalism because it's convenient. What? You can't just label me! HA GOT YOU! WHATABOUTISM!


why is this forum filled with racist shitheads

He lost, get over it.


Capitalism + reactionaries

Wolf 2 was made by Swedecucks, go figure

Sup Forums btfo
i love hitler now


old Sup Forums would've caught this. this place is dead.

His presentation in the audition room just came off as cartoonish, and it was hard to take seriously. The only way they could have made it more absurd was if he pulled out a puppy, and started eating it on the spot.

No idea, they did the same in Supernatural as well.

because everywhere is user. they're just usually less honest about it

it's bait you idiot and you fell for it. spotted the newfag

fuck off back to plebbit

oy vey breedist
we're all one breed the Dog breed

then kill yourself

He got Germany raped and occupied by 2 foreign 'mongrel' powers for 50 years. He left the German people so traumatized that they are now in the process of destroying themselves with Muslim immigration as a form of atonement.

The Jews survived, have their own nuclear powered state, and have disproportionate control over every matter in the world.

Yes, Hitler was a bad person for setting Germans back this hard.

wtf I'm a nazi now

you need to go back

I really need to see that movie

where do you think we are

why do you keep replying to my bait

There is literally nothing wrong with what he just said.

wtf.............. i love hitler now

What is this from?

its fun

the jews...?

find something else to do with your life

Movie's called "Look who's back"

>First... Germany! Then... Europe... and then... the WORLD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *bach's toccata and fugue in D minor and sounds of thunder in the distance*
It's a pretty well known historical fact, dude.

Look at all these you's

>putting people in concentration camps

What are you, British or something?

basically foreign entities forced germany into a war they didnt want (ww1) and germany lost and was blamed for the war. these same foreign entities made up a minority of populations in most European countries yet controlled the majority of the media, government and swrvices instead of the people native to that country. poland was killing germans who were left to live in their territory and germany was again forced into another war they didnt want (ww2) when germany wanted a peaceful resolve instead. After ww1 when the "mean bad guy" of the world took power in germany he turned the country into a prosperous functioning super power. everything was ruined by the foreign entity though and still is


>Where’s the idea come from that Napoleon wanted to conquer the world? He just wanted to unite Europe.
Great conquerors like Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, or Hitler don’t tend to give up their conquests after they’ve made them. Very likely, in a scenario where Nazi Germany won WWII all of Western Europe would have looked like the protectorate of Slovakia - nominally ruled by its own ethnic group but de facto controlled by the Germans

post the rooftop speech near the end of the movie

Friendly reminder the winner of a war gets to choose who was the bad guy. Hitler is a bad person if he wasn't he would have won.

Thank you.

not to mention Hitler planned on taking over America if given the opportunity. "He just wanted to unite Europe" is complete nonsense

imagine being this butt blasted

Why do you think the good guys always win in stories?
Because they're just stories.



>Hitler likes the Greens

lmao i always thought this was the funniest bit. Also he's way off on Fat Siggy, Sigmar Gabriel is a based natsoc, his father is a nazi holocaust denier, and Siggy is anti-zionist and pro-putin.


His ass

>German who is pro russian
So a cuck?

>not to mention Hitler planned on taking over America if given the opportunity
what the literal fuck are on about?

Zweites Buch and Germany's declaration of war on America

>Hitler planned on taking over America if given the opportunity
lol no he fucking didn't, he didn't even want to go to war with France or Britain but they forced him into it anyway

racemixing actually makes you more immune against recessive genetic defects. Homosapiens racemixing with neanderthals is how the caucasian race was created.

I think Hitler was right about everything except the racialist pseudoscience; objectively speaking, mixing races to create offspring makes stronger and more resistant individuals.

Go read the shit Hitler actually wrote instead of listening to neo nazi propaganda lionizing him.

>TV is evil
>said man making speach on TV

glad he's dead

>racemixing actually makes you more immune against recessive genetic defects
Do you have proof or are you talking out of your ass

you first

Anything to back that up or no?

>he didn't even want to go to war with France

>Portrayed him as a senile old fuck
Pretty spot on

Your copy of Mein Kampf with 1200 extra pages of annotations and massive revisions is not a good source dipshit


there is no such thing a "purebreed" dogs every goddamn breed is a fucking mutt that was crossbread somewhere along it's line to get traits that we deemed good by the owners ESPECIALLY the Shepard

gtfo with this shit

France declared war on Germany, not the other way around

Selective breeding is not crossbreeding you dope

traits like certain fur colors and high IQs

lel the German Shepard isn't even the smartest dog breed there is

Most of the establishment German parties like the CDU/CSU are strongly pro-American even though most average Germans hate America. Thankfully now thanks to Trump and his constant international diplomatic faux paus, the German parties are turning away from America and becoming more centrist and independent and advocating a unique foreign policy for Europe rather than just licking american balls.

>if they aren't literal clones they aren't purebred

Where else do you let the viewing audience know that? You reach them via what they're using.

This reads as if written by a Russian.
Germans hate Russians more than Americans Ivan

t. "people" who fuck their own sisters

I don't know. Maybe it's his policy of Lebensraum which encompassed all of Central and eastern Europe? Maybe it's Generalplanost, which outlined the intentions of administering each area and what to do with the natives? Maybe it's the numerous war plans drawn up of invading Europe and Russia? Or maybe it's him invading Poland with explicit declarations from the UK that they would intervene?

>among unterrmenschen and ubermenchen

>advocating a unique foreign policy for Europe
The establishment of a caliphate you mean

more interestingly, who DO you believe is a bad person?
do you believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

they didn't portray him as a bad guy, they portrayed him as a drug-addled retard (which he objectively was even toward the end of ww2).

So whites, blacks, asians, etc that have existed amongst themselves for thousands of years with almost no racemixing whatsoever were all inbred retards and should have figured out, like you, that they should have bred themselves into a singular indistinct brownish race with no culture a long time ago to prevent "recessive traits," hmmmmm

I had no idea eastern europe and european russia was outside of europe.

literally nothing wrong with that. Hitler saw Islam as more compatible with Nationalism.

What did he mean by this?

He saw religion as a good tool for uniting people. Unlike Atheism.

And psychosis, rotting teeth, respiratory problems, hips that give out by age ten, hearts that fail by twelve, and propensity towards a multitude of cancers.

He IS wrong. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Get over it.