Genuine question because I haven't played it: Does this game have good lore/story or do people just love it because of...

Genuine question because I haven't played it: Does this game have good lore/story or do people just love it because of how challenging it is? I figured HZD was the best PS4 game but I've only seen people shitting on it when it was brought up during the awards last night. Is Bloodborne more than just a meme?

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>More than just a meme
Yes, but its not a grand saga of events that set off an even grander epilogue or anything, all the story is given through NPC dialogue and infrequent cutscenes. If you like Bram Stoker, you might like it, but it's a bit too heavy on the gothic theme and Blood Centric characters for my taste.

I liked the story/lore, whatever, but it's much more...abstract than HZD; a lot is implied, and you have to piece some things together yourself.
If you're interested in BB, leave before you're spoiled.

Like any souls game the story is told in the background via item descriptions or details in levels although Bloodborne is more in your face with the story in term of souls standarts. Anyways you got two kind of souls player: the one who skips everything and just want a hard game and the one who try to gain maximum imersion to the point of himping their character to fit in the game universe.

>thinks HZD is the best PS4 game
>thinks that this game that has gotten extreme praise for years is a meme
Jesus, dude

You should probably play it first

There's a lot of value in the surprise of some of the shit you come across later in the game

I for one fucking adore the storytelling in the SoulsBorne series but if youre expecting to be handed a narrative and walked through a series of events you'll have a bad time. The series stories are told like a dream, piecing together things that happened long ago and, like, five minutes ago. If youre a pretentious faggot like me youll love it. Or you could be a pedro and call it obtuse bullshit. Both opinions have merit. Just play it and see if its for you. The gameplay is some of the best on the PS4 so if nothing else thatll be a good time

Bloodborne is just some sickdark shit that so(n)yboys love to meme cause they have nothing else. It's middle school for edgelords.

Get your consle wars 15 year old faggot shit out of here.

is this a bait thread or are you legit 14 years old?

go visit some places besides Sup Forums

Well, it's okay for one game to be this way, user. There's already countless generic medieval fantasy games out there, but hardly any victorian era. Also, the common complaint that it's too same-y throughout is horseshit.

>HZD best PS4 game
>"Is Bloodborne more than just a meme?"
you know what, it really fucking sucks. never play it.


I'm not very into the gothic vibe and very much into the humans-destroying-themselves theme, which is why I love HZD as much as I do, but I'll definitely give BB a try. I don't mind interpreting a story on my own, I'm just worried I'll have to actually git gud.

>Does this game have good lore/story or do people just love it because of how challenging it is?

The story is pretty barebones, but there's a lot you can piece together and infer by reading the lore.

People like it for the atmosphere, the combat, and the challenge.

>I figured HZD was the best PS4 game but I've only seen people shitting on it when it was brought up during the awards last night. Is Bloodborne more than just a meme?

HZD is more of a meme than BB is, but yeah, I think the praise is pretty well deserved.

Bloodborne is more like August Derleth than Bram Stoker desu

Horizon is a garbage, uninspired Assassin's Creed clone that rightfully got trampled at TGA.

Bloodborne is the game of the generation so far, and no, it's not good because it's hard you brainlet piece of shit.

It's worth it.

>humans destroying themselves theme
Plenty of that in BB but there you go, judging books by their cover.

Bloodborne and BotW are my favorite games this generation. Horizon isn't even in the same league as Bloodborne honestly.
Give it a shot OP, go at it blind.

There is lore and story but it's not necessary to follow it in order to enjoy the game.

The challenge is a big part of it, but that's not even half of why people like it so much.

The gameplay is different to everything else. Slow, deliberate actions with big effects. It's much more tactical. Smashing buttons like in many action games doesn't work. The Souls games all stand out as unique in this way. You have to pay close attention to dodge, block, cast, and swing. In this case slow doesn't mean easier, at all. It's a different kind of difficulty based on making opportunities of small windows of time you get to act, and you only notice these after studying the enemy a lot.

The biggest thing is the atmosphere of the game. The art and sound design is probably the best of any series, ever. The attention to detail and the quality of the art are on another level, and small, precise sound effects are used in place of music. The effect is that you have a much stronger feeling of being in a real, nightmarish place. People obviously poured their hearts and souls into creating it.

People focus on the difficulty because of competitiveness it's the way the games are presented that's the most important thing.

Yes, Bloodborne draws heavily from Lovecraft's work, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Berserk in both lore, theme and atmosphere. It's story is also told the same way that souls games are told - in the background through implications and parallels. Nothing is force fed to you and you draw your own conclusions. At the surface, there seems to be nearly no lore, but if you actually do your own analysis and read lore theories, etc, then you will see that there is a ton of lore.

The combat is one of the best, if not the best combat in any videogame I've ever played. It's much faster paced than the already top tier combat of Dark Souls series. Enemies and bosses are challenging and it has the best valued DLC out there.

Get it. You will get your money's worth and probably the best game of this Generation.

Also, make sure you get The Old Hunters DLC.
It's essential.

Give it a shot OP, it has great fashion

>get a PS4
>Bloodborne first game, second hand, 20 dollars
>fuck yes
>finish the game, realize there's DLC
>it's ALSO 20 dollars
>decide to wait for it to drop in price
>it literally hasn't dropped once in years

It's a great game honestly I've had it since release and never really managed to get through it and I even bought the dlc for no reason the combat and bosses got a bit tedious but the atmosphere is incredible


Hey that's my favorite screenshot location.
It's worth it, most of their DLC are. Including 2 of the Dark Souls 2 ones.


The lore is the best part after the fast paced and versatile gameplay, but is understated. Not to mention for a game about monsters and blood it is really beautiful.

The lore and story are honestly more exciting and enjoyable than the gameplay.

My favorite scene in the entire series, followed by Gherman joining the hunt.

too bad the boss itself was such disappointing shit

At least you got something good before him.


serious question, why do people not like Soul of Cinder?

Thought it was by far the best final boss of the series.

>I figured HZD was the best PS4 game