
Okay but what do I need to do? Preorder? Buy a Megaman game?

What a load of shit.

fan service with two not related franchise
it's ok when japan does it

ruined by dumb pixel art DLC before the game is even out


Neat, kinda wish they had just used the megaman outfit that was already in the games though, that shit is CUTE

>t. never played a monhun game in their life

No user you don't understand, MH DLC has literally never been about crossovers

That looks awful.

Oh god, that's great


Reminds me of MN9 "retro" AKA Minecraft skin

I played them all since MHFU. The crossover dlc is always pretty dumb

MH DLC is fucking great, hoping we keep the JAP DLC instead of getting new non-crossover models

probably included as a code on ps edition

that's the aloy shit/watcher armor for felyne.

>we never got this because of licensing issues

then you shouldn't even be half surprised by this? but yet you still choose to bitch and moan.

t. faggot.

Y'know, people saying Mega Man 11 looks like Mighty No. 9 are objectively wrong.

But this totally looks like Retro Beck from Mighty No. 9. And it fits in even less cause it's with MonHun and not just Mega Man.

But it's funny and we're actually getting Mega Man games again, so no harm in it.

Did they replace it with anything this time or just completely drop it? I know in MH3U it got replaced with a custom sword but sometimes they just drop shit entirely

...That looks ugly. I thought it'd be stylized?

He's merely stating the obvious. What he's asking is how you have to get this DLC, because I know a couple of them were console/save dependant.

we NEED more MH crossover DLC



Compare with pic related

>MHW Palico designs

How the fuck do you go from 240p to 1080p but get WORSE outfits

>too retarded fo webmsforretards
>posts a screen cap and link
>it's nostalgia pandering minecraft shit

This looks cute as fuck.

Yeah I honestly don't know why they wouldn't go with a Mega Man design and gear based off of 11, it would be great advertising for the new game. Why go retro?

It's not even retro, Megaman has never looked like that. Voxels have never not been ugly and don't even resemble sprites, I don't know why companies insist on using them.


I'm glad they haven't abandoned the goofy side of Monster Hunter

Because Capcom is dumb, like really dumb.

I'm not surprised. It's still dumb. They should stop ruining their own game's art and setting with inappropriate characters.



Anyone who thought they would is retarded

shes pretty cute

They should've have reskinned the crossover DLC with lorefriendly designs like they've did with Tri/3U

is that in game?

>Thinks he's being forced to use it.
The absolute state of gaming these days.

>what is multiplayer


t. 10,000 years experience in marketing and game design

fuck right, kill middle, marry left in that order

no its a cosplayer from a promotional event

Leaving the crossover DLC as they are is just as dumb as putting motorbikes in Zelda, and you know it.

I really want to fuck that GILF Hunter

Marry-old bitty/
Kill-the nose knows

literally looks like a minecraft mod lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Crossover DLC is fine as it is cause it's Crossover DLC. It's there to look silly and out of place.

Motorcycles wouldn't make sense in most Zelda Games but a couple of them do have ancient robots and tech, and BoTW is one of them, and it's stylized like all the other ancient tech so it fits in nicely.

so is prowler mode confirmed a no go?

capcom is the king of stupid of stupid decisions
they had a pinball division back in the late 90s and it closed shop pretty much 1 year after starting, and they made 0 pins based off their video game IPs, no resident evil pin, no megaman pin, no street fighter pin, just non licensed games
capcoms been making stupid decisions for decads

>fits in nicely
shit taste confirmed

I've never played an MH game. Where should I start?

marry - kill - fug

Next gen will probably look that good.

some DLC is crap

The megan man outfit for the 3ds looked better than that, what the fug

fuck is that? Inuyasha?

some is top tier

Oh shit I never noticed the handle is the fucking sound effects from the manga
That's fuckin rad

But yeah I hope they keep letting us have the Jap DLC instead of gutting it, being locked ojut of making any set that required Pirate J parts in 4U was heinous

>wyverian is called "monster hunter language"


It literally looks like every single other piece of Sheikah tech, that's practically the definition of fitting in nicely

This is a sabertoothed tiger wyvern

Some is crap sure but certainly not that one

>The unapologetic clashing artstyle
Alright ya got me

What is Mega Felyne saying?

nailed it



what do you expect?

The sonic palicos in MH4U were the best for annoying people

they made loud spin dash noises ALL THE TIME.

Oh god fuck those things.

Oh, so THAT'S why that one hammer healed teammates. It was a Jojo reference all along.

Wasn't the only Jojo reference they removed.