You get to send a message to your self five years in the past. The message has to be vidya-related and true...

You get to send a message to your self five years in the past. The message has to be vidya-related and true, but also mind-blowing and unbelievable to your past self.

For example, I would send myself the message "Final Fantasy Versus XIII, you know you've been anticipating for fucking years? Well it turns out to be the worst Final Fantasy yet. Yes, even that piece of shit XIII was better."

Other urls found in this thread:

MGSV will be by far your biggest let down in gaming. The trailers will be fucking amazing, but believe me when I tell you, it'll ruin your ability to get hype for any future games.

>stop playing video games

this is a good one

"Yea, video games never get any better. I recommend cutting your loses now. Sell all your video games and stop playing them forever, make books your main hobby instead."

They’re making a sequel to Jurassic Park Operation Genesis

>stop fapping
>get any job, you dont need to be the next Isacc Newton

Where did it all go so wrong bros
Why can't I stop

"In five years sonybros will be SEETHING"


XV is better than XIII though.

>your mum will die in a car crash and you will only find out five hours later because you were too busy raiding to check your phone

Bannerlord is still not released

>The Wii U will drop on the deck and flop like a fish

>Sony will be dominating the competition without even trying
Oh wait you said unbelievable.

Shenmue 3 is real

He said 5 years newfag

Mega Man, Pac Man, Ryu (yes, the one from Street Fighter), Bayonetta (yes, THAT bayonetta), and Cloud (I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS) are all playable characters in Smash Bros. Wii U.

Honestly, go ahead and try to one up this guys. Absolutely nothing beats Cloud and Bayonetta being smash bros. characters.

"You're going to use games as a escape from life if you continue to fuck up your relationships and jobs. Worst timeline. John Titor's daughter is hot but I'm glad Okabe didn't rape her. You'll cry when she meets her dad."

>buy butcoin and wait to december 8th 2017 to sell them
Thats my message.

5 years is too late, it would have to be 10 years.

If I had known when I was 22 that gaming would've been this bad by now, I would've definitely told myself to move on. I thought the worst period ever (07-09) was just a transition, I had no idea how wrong I was.

t. winklevoss twins

>stop making YTP and go get your driver's license

"Trump becomes the president. It may seem like a good idea at first because of some cartoon frog. But it eventually leads to United States ruining net neutrality. Oh, got to make this gaming related? Alright, ugh, don't bother going to EVO to compete in Street Fighter V. You end up losing in the first bracket and forget your wallet at your house which is like nine states away."

>tfw I was nineteen ten years ago
>tfw I hadn't made any major fuck ups yet
>tfw I paid for the DOAX3 CE and have barley played it

Build a gaming pc and farm this thing called bitcoins

The Liru game actually came out


Is that the Liru game? Where can I buy it and for what platform?

it's called Wolf girl with you, for PC

Learn Japanese

Start up a twitch channel and dont stop cuz in 5 years it will be the easiest job u can have

A 250 gb HDD will not be enough for games, there'll be games like 60 +GB in size

>in 5 years, you will be out of college, and not have found a job still. you will still spend every hour loyally doing what you do now. playing video games. maybe not all day, but certainly one hour at least per day. and if only you could do that to anything else, imagine. just imagine what that sort of stubborn dedication could do without your pathetic fear, wrapping its shadowy hands around your eyes. Also Dark souls 2 will be awful, and dark souls 3 wont make up for it.

"remember that time you wanted a backlog? oh you'll fucking get a backlog"have fun not playing those games because you're too "busy"

Mussies will take over DotA 2.

Ni no Kuni isn't that great. It's alright, but you don't need to get yourself whipped into a frenzy. I know you're stressed about university starting next year and a bit lonely because all your friends are overseas, but try finding something else to focus your attention on.

What did you major in? I liked Dark Souls 2. Well, I wanted to light every torch in the game, is why I liked it.

I have a laptop, will that work?

>The wii u will have no games
>I already knew that homie

"Buy bitcoins instead of a Wii U"
lick my ass

Do you, too, fuck around on Sup Forums or watch YouTube videos. Basically do anything but play games, when not working? I do this. The only game I commit to is GTAO, the most shit game, because I want that APC with a SAM. And I'm not buying a Shark Card


I liked dark souls 2 too. Have over 500 hours in it, but its more accurate to say I have a weird fascination for it. Have 2000 hours across all souls games i think

and yeah, i enjoyed lighting the torches too. very satisfying.

Invest in bitcoin

fucking reddit piece of shit normie

"You know how Fire Emblem went waifushit with Awakening? Well, it'll get much, much worse in the next entry, for many reasons, and then it'll go mobile after that. You actually end up enjoying the mobile game more than Awakening or the game after it as well."

>there'll be games like 60 +GB in size
FFXV for the PC is likely going to be around 100GB if it comes with all the DLC.
100 fucking GB for one game that's a single player(Sure Comrades added multiplayer, but it's pretty small and repetitive as fuck.), I though Max Payne 3 was huge at 30GB back when it first came out.

yep I also play nothing but multiplayer games completely neglecting the single-player games I need to play. I know i'll never be professional but I just want to enjoy the moments I have

and then sell at $800 cause you'd be a weakhanded faggot

>Don’t buy an Xbox One.

"The Last Guardian will come out and you're going to be one of the few people that loves it"

Bayonetta is coming to PC

It's been dead for ten years user.

MGS 5 will come out in 2015, also on PC, and you'll be the only one on this planet to actually enjoy it.

"Tameem Antoniades actually won an award."

Don't get hype for pokemon on the 3ds

you seriously needed a message from the future to know this? are you retarded?

>Tell your younger brother you love him, and he should stay off of drugs. Otherwise, he'll be in and out of both jail and rehab and make everyone's lives miserable. You should also start trying to lose weight once you get that job. You'll be much happier and healthier.

>Also, Pac-Man will be in the next Smash bros. Enjoy.

PS3, 3DS and Wii U emulation are now possible

Dont stay up for 2018's PSX.

>"Buy GPUs and instead of playing video games, get bitcoin"

"Every single thing on Kickstarter is bullshit
One of the only two exceptions to that was 2016's best game, despite looking like it was made in RPG Maker
you still haven't made any indie games
Half life 3 literally never
you need to ask for some emotional and psychiatric help
and Skyrim just came a few weeks ago"

Don't smoke that first cigarrette. You'll become an adict and won't have money for vidya

Do you play Cities Skylines with mods? I'm too shit at games to get very far in Souls games. Got to the Ruin Sentinels on two different builds and have never got past them.

Yeah, I only play for fun. The last single player game I enjoyed was Furi and Resi7.

>tfw too late

RE2 is just as amazing as RE4 and revitalized a flailing series.


Don't buy the Zelda BotW DLC.

I can't wait to see the fitgirl repack for that.

Nah, that statement has been confirmed to be false. Still no less than 70-80GB

Now you gotta post em

You're not going to find video games fun in a few years, and you're going to wish that you spent your time doing more meaningful things.

>theres going to be a social movement involving one literally who roastie that ends up butterfly memeing effect donald trump into office over hillary clinton

>ff13 is over 5 years old
I can remember waiting in line at gamestop on launch night
It was the game I bought a ps3 for. Barely got 20 hours in, now I don't even have my ps3 or the game. Bought it again for pc along with 2 and LR but my gaming pc died and my new one gets unplayably low fps issues with it
Here's mine
>user, learn to drive asap, stop playing so much vidya, stop the drinking and drugs and get a fucking job asap

Buy yourself a PS3 and SARPBC.


It will take a week to install though.

People should make mods to remove higher texture lods, maybe that'd help

>you'll be moving in a year or so; whatever you do don't settle for fucking Cheetham, it doesn't matter what people at work say it's a fucking shithole. Try Sale or Chorlton instead. If you move to Cheetham you'll end up in a shit flat with violent neighbors that'll push you into a nervous breakdown.
>also play Nier and beat it, you'll be wanting to get in on the ground floor early
>don't get into GTA Online, if you do you'll end up wasting over a thousand hours on it

If you buy bitcoin now you won't have to pirate games when you're older. Also, you'll probably stop liking games in five years or so.

>OP specifically says it has to be vidya-related
>we still get spergs like this who feel obligated to contribute their depressed, defeatist, beta responses

fuck off back to /r9k/ you waste of space

dont get an xbox
invest in bitcoin

say that to my face and not online and see what happens faggot, i would shove my whole arm up your ass and use you as a pupet, you have no idea


*sips soy*

Don't get COD for your birthday every year you stupid fuck

>he actually fell for it

>Make a steam account, buy people games in exchange for buttcoins
Set 4lyf


That's easy.

The 3D Zelda after Skyward Sword isn't worth it, it seems like it might be good but it's not. Don't lose hope though, it's got some great ideas that have a shot at being refined into an ideal game. But yeah, don't fall for it. Just replay OoT again or something.

Disappointment averted.


I would probably tell myself to severely lower expectations for the first HD Zelda, that it will be celebrated by many but will poison my love of the franchise. I should also tell myself to take a break from video games and work out more.

"In five years some faggot on Sup Forums will tell you Final Fantasy XV is the worst Final Fantasy. He is a faggot, and objectively wrong, and probably liked 13. Do not reply to his thread."

>Don't buy a PS3, you're just going to play Demon's Souls halfway and then let it collect dust

"Dumb kids will STILL be playing fucking console games in five years."

"Invest in BTC so you can buy more video games many years later."

>Stop spending so much time on minecraft. All you do is build farms.

Youre being too nitpicky mgsv is a Solid game

I guess you could say it's a Metal Gear Solid game.

I'm not apologizing.

It's never too late user

"buy as many crates for PUBG as you possibly can, invest your life savings. Wait 9 months and then sell on 3rd party sites so you can get the money on PayPal and not steam. Buy us an onahole to celebrate being rich."