If Apple started making official physical game controller extensions for iPads and enlisted a bunch of big-name devs to...

If Apple started making official physical game controller extensions for iPads and enlisted a bunch of big-name devs to make substantial console-like games for iOS, could they viably compete with the Nintendo Switch?

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Apple would never dare ruin their carefully cultivated aesthetics just to win over gamers.

No because mobile games are all only designed to milk their customers dry, you do not want them to come any where near the actual game market because the more they succeed the more other companies copy their business practises which is worse for everyone

The Apple products would need to come with built-in controllers before they could start competing. That's never going to happen.

Also, Apple doesn't need to compete, they're making money hand-over-fist by doing the bare minimum.

Hardware wise, I'd say so. You'd be surprised the kinds of console games that quietly get mobile ports, and the quality of some of the fancier mobile games.

The problem is iPads and iPhones are about double the price of a game console because they are multi-purpose devices, the full hardware power doesn't just go to the vidya functions. Also the mobile game audience is quite different from the console gaming audience, different standards and such.

So an Ouya but by Apple? I get the feeling people would actually buy it just because it's Apple. I mean who wouldnt want to play shitty fucking mobages with in HD on the go!? PADORU PADORU

why bother? They're already charging one thousand dollars for a fucking phone.
That's gotta be seven hundred dollar profit right there

Might as well bring it up, this game got ported to mobile recently.

My iPhone is 2 years old so it chugs a little bit especially on higher graphics settings, but I imagine if you got an iPhone 7 or 8 it'll run fine.

Like this?


They could try but I doubt it would work. People who primarily play mobile games think that anything over $1 is too expensive. Even then, getting them to pay even a $1 is pretty hard.

There are people who spend hundreds, if not thousands on Candy Crush.

You're right. They do that for free.

Gas the mobile games.

jesus, they should never have fired steve jobs

>doesn't understand the f2p model

nigga what
he ded

Yeah, they fired him so bad he went to hell.

>he doesn't know
ho boy

The gamevice is apple’s officially endorsed controller.
You can get them at the Apple store.
I have one for my iPad. It’s shit. Crappily made, way over priced, worst d-pad ever, and all the games can be played on way less clunky consoles. Even the switch as bulky as it is for a handheld is downright comfy compared to the gamevice.

If it’s decent I’ll wait for the Switch port.

If you're asking if the game is decent: It's like 3D terraria (that is, minecraft but with a focus on combat and RPG mechanics) with the Z-targeting combat of Zelda. And more RPG mechanics like stats, XP and classes. It's cute. It's actually been out for a while on PC and console and it's apparently pretty good.

If you're asking if the port is good: yeah it seems so. Looks good. It runs a bit slow but again, I'm using an old phone. If it runs this good on a 2 year old phone I'm sure the Switch can handle it.

>giving a fuck about gaming
try gaming on a mac, the drivers are all so shit you're universally better off just using bootcamp

Looks like Minecraft.


Well, first question:
How are you going to pump video out through the smart port on the side of the IPP?

but to answer your question: No.
The app store has a horrible layout still, despite it being a reasonably powerful device, actual developers (not indie studios, not capcom) would have to flock to it. They'd have to focus on proper SP/MP experiences and get rid of the jewish microtransactions.