>Failed to break 900k physical in the United States alone while Battlefront 1 sold 2m+ physically
Holy shit, we've actually won.
>Failed to break 900k physical in the United States alone while Battlefront 1 sold 2m+ physically
Holy shit, we've actually won.
They really think their sales are going to bounce back because of the holidays and the movie coming out. That's cute.
Good. Fuck EA, fuck any whales that bought this shit and fuck those hooknosed, shekel eyed kike shareholders that keep fisting this cancer in games.
Hold on, surely when Poe Dameron proposes to his "right partner" which may not be a female, sales will soar, right?
Cute, and unfortunately probably right.
Once kids come back all high on a new movie, normies aren't gonna give a fuck what kind of controversey was going on.
>The Last Jedi releases in less than a week
I honestly forgot and don't care one bit. Who else is never seeing another of Disney's "Star Wars" movies again?
>recolored donut steel x-wing
Fuck the nu-trilogy seriously. Why not just make an Old Republic era movies? They seem so adamant on using bits and bobs from it why not just go all out? You don't need to make not-Revan and not-Hammerheads if you can make the real thing.
you mean reddit won
thank god for them
Anyone found a torrent for the game yet?
>Hey parents, buy your kids this game that they're going to annoy and pester you for money over so they can pay to win!
>oh, you removed all those nasty-bad gambling thingies? That's all we wanted, yay star wars makes my kid happy!
Wow that's terrible for a franchise like this. It probably broke 1 mil with digital sales but that's still really bad numbers for this.
>Poe Dameron being a badass, who happens to be gay
I like him
But how much of this was caused by negative press and hearsay and how much was caused by Battlefront 1 being a shit game that lost it's player base pretty quickly
I never feel any sympathy towards rebels.
Star wars suck
we didn't win shit. nobody wanted to buy a lootbox pay to win shitfest to begin with. not even star wars as an IP can make that right.
The neckbears and other fuckfaces will watch anything because
>It's Star Wars, baybeee! xXXXDDD
Disney and EA have something in their sleeves. There will be a tie-in with the game and the movie like free in-game money or discount on the tickets if you buy the game or something.
the AI in arcade is brain dead and the single player is 4 hours long and incredibly bad. It's literally not even worth the hard drive space, let alone the time to download.
Nigga the PS4 has a bundle with it so it will sell more for sure
They can't be anymore dumb than the AI in the first game and I still enjoyed that
>who happens to be gay
That's the problem, he doesn't just happen to be, he's a checkmark on the diversity quota
You think those neckbeard autists and normie faggots hate a movie in Old Republic era? I can already see it now
huh? I know that actor is straight, but the character, Poe Dameron is gay.
>gay, nigger, female lead, white guy enemy
I don't remember the new sequel having any asians.
>we believe that the loyalty of the star wars fan base
aka we know Star Wars fans are sheep that will gobble up any old crap.
I stopped caring about SW after Phantom. I don't even watch the originals anymore, it was that bad.
TLJ is introducing fat Asian just to get her blacked
I fucking wish Poe was gay, they're going to pussy out though. Can't alienate China.
so glad this game suffered for business practices that every other game reddit loves also has.
Since the force awakens is not that great, I stop caring about (((SW))).
what a disaster just end it
This movie was a fucking mess. For all the shit TFA (rightfully) gets it was still a better movie than this.
The Last Jedi
Reddit doesn't love it, though.
Are you me.
they walk towards each other until they're within melee distance and melee until one of them dies
its literally a multiplayer-focused game and anyone who pirated it for the single player wasted their time and bandwidth
If Poe and Finn don't get together, I'm going to fucking burn shit
I, and I even liked R1. Everything else they are going to do will be trash. TFA alone destroyed lore and every movie set after it.
>Mon Mothma demilitarized new republic by disbanding 90% of its forces.
>Galactic Empire just destroyed itself because Sheev wanted so.
I knew excuses they would have to make to explain TFA politics will be retarded, but holy shit that's worse than anything in prequels or old EU.
i think i'd rather watch an actual christmas movie instead of star wars shit for christmas, too.
>gay coalburner
>Reddit doesn't love it, though.
So what you're saying is that we should love it?
I can't be bothered. Honestly I had no Idea it was even gonna come out in theaters next week either. Shit I never even watched TFA. Nu-Star wars just doesn't interest me I guess
What will happen in the next movie is luke will teach girl luke force stuff while black han solo will go on a separate adventure to find himself and gay chewbacca will be their for spaceship stuff.
More liek cloneburner amirite
This. Wanna watch The Santa Claus with me?
don't forget puffin thing
Now i'm not defending EA or anything, but what makes you think normie parents would have any idea about any of this shit anyway
I used to work at a video game store way back in the day and parents come in and buy violent ass and money-jewing microtransactions riddled games for their kids all the time
fucking thank you, it feels like 4chinz really has its head up its ass about RO
Reddit has a shitty community, but it doesn't literally represent everything that you disagree with.
Not gonna pay for this kike garbage anymore.
I know, I was just poking fun at the contrarian shitposters Sup Forums is infested with these days.
Hey this actually looks really good.
f2p when?
>Finn takes one for the team and shackles himself to that fucking monstrosity
What a bro.
China has a pretty big gay market for some reason, and I mean BIG.
The only things I enjoyed about RO were my rabbitfu and the final action scene on the tropical planet. The first 20 minutes is incredibly sloppy, a mess of editing. And it doesn't really ever recover.
I've never felt so disgusted owning a PS4
I can rewatch Rogue One for the scenes i liked, i get bored trying to rewatch TFA.
Given that their government cracked down on homosexual imagery on television as unwholesome I'd imagine some similar pressure exists for major films. And SW isn't crazy big there anyways, there's a reason Disney is desperate to pander.
Hopefully now Disney pulls the Star Wars brand from EA. These morons are given a franshice that basically prints money, and they go out of their way to piss off almost all Star Wars fans.
Who cares? Its a little bit of both.
>cracked down on homosexual imagery
You really don't know how the Chinese politics work do you?
Oh boy you're in for such a big surprise.
I don't even like her boring mary sue character, it's the stereotypical merchant schemery that ruins it.
Holy shit.
Disney probably doesn't feel the need to make Star Wars pander to China THAT hard since TFA made almost as much domestically as in every other country in the world combined
dont worry im sure ill make you more disgusted whenever they send me my 2017 recap
Please enlighten me on how tolerant China is regarding homosexual subject matter.
>Call it Star Wars
>Looks like an episode of Doctor Who
>Disney probably doesn't feel the need to make Star Wars pander to China THAT hard
The only good news this day.
>implying the chinks weren't the best part of the movie
And I say that as someone who vastly preferred it over The Rehash Awakens
if they really wanted to pander to China with him they would have stopped being little bitches and made him a Jedi
Me desu. The new trilogy just kinda felt like Gundam without the robots again.
You'd have to be some kind of massive faggot to enjoy Star Wars over MSG
So, we have not-hoth, with not-at-ats and not-at-sts and now not-taun-tauns. Jesus fuck.
>take movie
>make it physically larger
>owning a console
I have literally never once in my entire life given half a shit about star wars. I mean the first film was okay, but it didn't grab me like so many people.
And then there were like teddy bears and shit I was just like nah.
I still don't get what people dig about this franchise. Lazer swords and magic and nazis with plastic armor like what?
"No luke i am father"
Uh scuse me bitch no you aint. You're a big black vibrator with a big black voice and that's all man.
Sure, but you can't tell me there wasn't an obvious amount of effort that went into casting Asian actors after TFA underperformed in China.
>Competitive Overwatch
>EA Shit
Oh yeah, there's literately another dark side cave as well. It's ESB again.
Now i cant fuckin unread it, who thought it was a brilliant idea to name it like that?
>inb4 15 table meetings with at least 6 people
>that name costed as much as a car to "develop"
don't forget not-Executor
Sometimes, soulless intentions can produce good results.
>using a reddit meme
He was best character in the movie. I wish he and his bro got more screen time, rabbit got merged with Casian and they got rid of Arab pilot. Quipbot was boring watered down version of hk-47
I wonder who the gangster doll belongs to...
>Holy shit, we've actually won.
>lootbox removal is only temporary as stated on EAs website
>average consumers aka Sup Forumseddit are complete tards and will go watch the movie then buy the game if they already haven't
Epic victory
Times have changed
what character?
Had no clue they even ported any Sims games to consoles after 2.
To begin with laws and application of laws are two different things in China, literally nobody actually thinks, hopes or expects the people to follow the law, it's all a big scheme so the authorities have power to selectively punish certain people.
Then there's that millenia old saying "the heaven is high and the emperor is far away". China is a big country and besides the very center of power they have little reign over what happens on the smaller areas.
Lastly there's two gay webcomics that are known worldwide which get real big advertisement on the chinese street.
You don't know the first thing about Chinese culture.
pick one
>Hong Kong
pick one
Hey I've got yellow fever I don't mind but I'm not going to pretend its not pandering.
I dare you to name me his character, or his friend's name. Don't look it up, be honest.
>I dare you to name me his character, or his friend's name. Don't look it up, be honest.
Blind Chang and Big Boi Li