


thats v a p o r w a v e you melon


Sea of Thieves

thats vaporwave you boob

Star Citizen

I'm still waiting, CBoyardee.

fuck I completely forgot about that one. god damn it, how hard can it possibly be to make another barkley? The first one might as well have been RPGmaker


Death Stranding

Whatever happened to Outer Wilds?

SE doesn't deserve money anyway.

SC just got patched today.

damn, really? How's squadron 42, I've been looking forward to it since they missed the release date almost one full year ago now

> 2017 comes

Oh hey we finally gonna get lots of news about the remake, its final fantasy 7s 20th anniversary, they couldnt possibly fuck this up
> all fucking year
> not a shred of new info

Square Enix makes me want to be dead

CC2 fucked it up for everybody.
or Squeenix fucked it up by giving it to CC2 in the first place.

Remember FFXV ?
It's for the best, trust me.

Quite obviously.
SQEX only announced this so we would put up with their shit just a little longer while they keep shitting crap like XV and its "DLC".

Worse part is it's actually working.

He actually making everything from scratch instead of using sprite rips, but it’s been years so he probably just took the money and ran.

>REmake 2
>Capcom only announced this so we would put up with their shit just a little longer while they keep shitting crap like REVII and its "DLC".

It's amazing how similar those two series are. While I'm on the subject, I guess I'll throw REmake 2 into the vaporware pile.

Yea it's unfortunately ironic but I have a feeling Capcom did it for the exact same reasons.

Doesn't matter, although I used to want a remake of VII but thinking about it rationally it's clear current Square don't have the skill to make it good, so who cares anyway.

Nomura ruins everything. He is a God tier hack director. Literally never finished his game since PS3 era.

Name 1 (one) director worse than Nomura. Protip: you can't.


XV is better than nothing ever hackmura. Try again.

rd projekt red is HARD AT WORK

Versus was vaporware because of Nomura. As soon as it became XV and other people actually started doing the work it was in steady development, even more so once Nomura was taken off it.

XV is only getting the 2018 DLC because of fan demand, if not for that then episode Ignis next week was gonna be the last new thing for it, and BD2 has nothing to do with 7r, BD2 already started working on their new IP. 7r is literally in dev hell, they just fired CC2 and restarted dev internally at BD1, Hamaguchi just took over too.

There was an update in october, so they might still be working on it. No matter, we probably won't see it released soon anyway.

Tabata is objectively a better director than Nomura. Nomura literally wanted to turn XV into a musical on a whim just because he saw Les Mis, they had to veto it just to get him to shutup.

Nomura is the king of vaporware. Why the heck SE didn't fired him and publicly shoot him to death. Better yet just commit sudoku Nomura.

His name has too much star power at this point.

What? As a vaporware king? That is not a good stardom to have.

They literally announced a release date the other night

>people actually thought this would happen

>Name 1 (one) director worse than Nomura
Motomu Toriyama.
I'd ask what I win, but considering what he's responsible for, I don't want any of it.

See this
Replace XV with XIII series.

Vaporware is trash

Man FF fags really love to point their fingers at one guy.
It was niether Nomura nor Tabata's fault how XV turned out, but for somre reason FFfags love blaming one guy for everything. And for some reason that only happens with FF, you never see people blame the director when another company fucks up, they usually blame the devs or the company itself.
Anything fucked up with V13 and XV basicly comes down to Squares management especailly the XIV 1.0 and XIII developemnt. Not saying that Tabata and Nomura don't have their problems, but it's not exactly their fault for what happens. Unless you're one of those fanboy idiots that thinks it was Tabatas ide to add movies and mobile games and it was Nomura's idea to make it episodic and to be the director of the game even though he didn't even know aobut that until it was too late.
FFfags are really at home on Sup Forums

Literalyl arguing about which shit is better. Releasing a full priced early access game with an empty world and multiple season passes and pre relaese movie isn't exactly amazing either. But xv-kun will jump my throat for saying it so just kill this thread already

kyk goody2shoes.