ITT: Favorite pieces of official vidya game art




Wait a second

>The yiff a homeless dog level that was cut out the Western release
Fuck Nintendo for censoring our games!








Lost my fucking shit




I like the depiction of the sacred realm here, where the triforce appears to be like some kind of sun illuminating the golden land with its light.

It's warm yet unsettling



And Ganon's look in a link to the past.
I prefer him having the cursed form of a pigman wielding a giant flaming trident and casting spells rather than a full-on mindless giant boar.

Not that I dislike the latter.



Pinnacle of perfection.







What game?


6 > 7


Looks cool thanks


Katsuya Terada's Zelda stuff.


Alternative version of the cover art or something?



or this, its a tie desu


Not sure if official, but it's from someone who got his robot master designs in the game once.

what the actual fuck?

Always like a joke, yeah?

A mute, a pedophile, a never-aging child, a cannibalistic elf, a whiny racist priest, and a misanthropic dragon walk into a bar.


I love the drawn art in Oblivion so much.
