ITT: Games too hard to be enjoyable

ITT: Games too hard to be enjoyable

>too hard to be enjoyable
git gud.

ITT: OP is a faggot and a scrub


I'll start since you can't OP

This post is bait

I got pretty far and I'm sure I'm close to finishing, and it's no longer hard. I just stopped because I got tired of looking for where to go. Solid 8/10 game.

use the beckoning bell


g i t g u d

A few of the chalice bosses are hard i guess

Summon then. I’ve spoken to about 4 people who when I’ve mentioned I had trouble with certain bosses they had actually said “git gud” to me. Little surprise, those guys summoned AND used magic/pyromancy all through all the games. IMO summoning breaks most of the game so I don’t do it at least for the first play through. The games are mostly easy enough if you experiment with weapons and learn risk eval.

Eh, I’d say that’s fair. Cooperation and helping other players through a tough journey was a big theme in DS, so even using Wikis and hints fit into that, since you’re essentially being guided by other players who’ve learned it the hard way. Bloodborne has the same sort of design philosophy but not that same theme, so relying on hints feels more cheap

So just level up you faggot. There. Easy.

I have really mixed feelings about the ‘git gud’ thing. On one hand, if someone just starts a thread to whine and bitch about how it’s too hard, and just begs for someone to just come beat a boss for them, yeah, git gud and fuck off. On the other hand, I’ve seen people legitimately ask for strats/tips or say they’re having trouble in general, complete with posting their build and asking how they could respec or change plans for more success, only to be told ‘git gud’ by some retard who’d have you believe he was born with perfect knowledge of the game and never once needed help or advice

I don’t know about that. I thought it before I actually tried online stuff but having another player breaks most enemies pretty badly. Only thing I can see is for the extra stuff. Still don’t know how people finished all the bosses without looking up how to find them.

>hey, kiddo. I hope you have lightning fast reflexes or else you're going to suck at my game.

My point was that the meme has devolved to the point where people making it almost broken easy just toss it around when someone says they’re having trouble. Sadly the best way to get help here is to say the game is too hard. I ran in circles that had almost everyone playing DaS in like 2013 or so and I wondered if I really was shit at the game that there was no trouble. Wondered if people telling me that the game is actually really is were just gifted with reflex. Those fags looked up fucking everything and summoned for every portion of the game possible.

I mean more in terms of looking up guides and maps in order to not be lost. I definitely agree you should try to solo the game on first playthrough—trying to beat bosses solo if you can, summoning NPC’s if you’re having trouble and only summoning players if you’re completely hitting a wall


If any game needs a remaster with a lot less bullshit like fixed camera angles and silky smooth 17.5fps that make it nearly unplayable it's this.

I can beat and enjoy souls games but bloodbourne honestly did feel too tedious. The loading screens were atrocious, you had to farm blood vials, and the attacking to get hp back stopped mattering when everything one shot me. I think I didn't level correctly since their other games would punish you with higher level invasions. Aesthetics and lore were top notch but the boss fights didn't do anything for me and I started running through the zones once I got to the hidden village.

git gud

Oh then 100% on board there. My favorite memories of the first DaS were when I finally got a friend to play it for real. I had only run it twice but he was hooked and I learned stuff from him and he taught me about secrets he found. Looking everythinng up is awful for the experience.

The sort of people that summon for every boss and google shit like “DS/Bloodborne Overpowered build” are the same sort of dudes you find in DS3 with three phantoms and a Dark Sword and pointing down when their squad manages to R1 you to death

>you had to farm blood vials
Congrats, you missed the point of Bloodborne's combat entirely

that looks terrible

what was the point?
my friend said the same thing about grinding blood vessels but i never played

I feel like you did also level weird. Hope you put on some good gems and runes at least? I remember finishing the game at like 65 or so? I was still doing great damage just with a tiny health bar and low stam. Only farmed once cause I used leftover blood to buy vials.
This game is just not for you then. The whole point is to keep hitting a wall until you find just the right way to smash through satisfyingly. That’s why you get instant revives and ongoing music.

>everything would one-shot me
Were you running a glass-cannon-y build or some such? Later bosses throughout the series can do some heavy damage but I can’t say I’ve run into being one-shot unless I (particularly Vitality/Vigor/whatever) is particularly underleveled

I came here to fucking post this.
Holy shit nigga. You are a gem!

I was gonna add that despite the difficulty of this, die by the sword, severance and Ecstatica, all three are awesome!

No, you're supposed to immediately counter an enemy when you get hit by an enemy, you earn HP back that way instead

Blood vials are only a crutch for shit players, they're not the way the game was meant to be played.

Why do you keep making threads?

Although OP is obvious bait, I'll raise him another fromsoft game

What the fuck is wrong with me.
All FOUR are great.

I haven't played xcom in a very long time, started war of the chosen yesterday, the combination of my degraded ability to play the game and all the new shit that I don't yet understand and keeps surprising me makes the game balls hard for now. And I am thoroughly enjoying it. Do you not want to be tested? Surprised? Forced to learn and improve? There are other ways to have fun, sure, but this is probably my favourite kind of fun when it comes to vidya. There's a certain satisfaction from winning that only comes from the experience of losing.

Is it really that hard? And what about Last Raven?

Not him
I bought BB only recently because I too didn't like when I heard here that you didn't have refilled estus after death
But after trying I noticed that pretty much every ennemies drop vessels and even the map has ton of them for you to pick up
After using your souls to level up you can buy some at the shop with the extra too

Honestly the "farming vials" argument is stupid unless you're really that bad at the game or run throught the map from boss to boss

I’ve heard this before. Some players run a build that doesn’t stagger enemies and plenty of enemies will leave you without a chance to retaliate. Hell I think some enemies expect immediate counterattacks and throw out another ti catch that. Either way, blood vials are necessary especially on a first run through.

Stop being a pissy cunt that demands that all games bow to you and your life will get quite better.
Losing is also fun if it's a fair lost.

Don’t know how far you are into the game but vials get rarer as you go on. It takes one boss that you just can’t figure for you to wipe a bunch of vials from storage. Pretty sure almost nobody raised discovery.

If someone summons they lose the right to say git gud until they do the boss by themselves in the next ng, that's the rule

You can punch in super meat boy? Wtf.

>have trouble with a boss
>grind, go back to hunter's dream, return, repeat
>don't have trouble with boss anymore
Wow so hard.

>not triple parrying them and one shotting the host with a dagger
Teach these sub humans user, gank spank is how it's done

Pic related.

What is it with Nintendo and making such delicious looking lips?

Has anyone actually gone into this game completely blind (not even playing DeS or DaS) and finished the entire game on a low level?

People run into every fucking BB thread going "ha beat the dlc first try on first run :^)" but never post their level or stats.

>host is connected to internet via dead cat with cabbage antenna and potato router with half-hour latency

Otherwise I’d do that all day. Luckily Gundyr’s and Lucerne have been handing a bunch of gankers’ asses to them since everyone panic rolls at the sight of them (not knowing the rollcatch on the thing) they outspace and poise through everything, and Gundyr’s WA can juke around parry kings like a wide receiver

I doubt there’s many people who never played the souls games doing that. Even then it’s not a big stretch to assume a new player can be good(not first try good) because a lot of trouble comes from learning to play aggressive instead of the turtle game in souls.

Finished it
>It takes one boss that you just can’t figure for you to wipe a bunch of vials from storage.
Not for me but I can see this happening from someone who hasn't played a soul game before. what you would do usually is playing safe to understand the boss' patterns then strike at the right moment. if you go berserker "I wanna first try that fight at any cost (therefore all my 20 vials) and I also wanna fight recklessly" you will indeed have troubles

>Suck at BB for so long
>Finally use the gun and practice with it
>Now the game is way too fucking easy

Anyone else?

I think it was sub 40. I did terrible damage and relied on the electric mace so I didn't really experience the weapon shifting system. It was more like needing to activate my weapon. Can't remember gems.

i basically play until the final boss then restart

7th saga

>too hard
It's not even remotely hard.

There's 3 ways to finish the game.
Be good at the QTE-like combat and time your attacks, and you could technically defeat any enemy in 1 attack.
Just learn the crafting, enemy weakness and weapon types and you won't ever lose.
I even finished my first playthrough of the game dishing out damage in this sequence:
miss, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
that was when i was too young to understand the mechanics

Release diablo 3 was fucking bullshit. Didnt help that the game was shit as well

They are both pretty frustrating to the point of being unfun especially if you're new to the series. To be fair the last time I played either I was like 13 and shit at most games but still I played the fuck out of 2 and 3 at that point. I would highly recommend just starting with 3, or for answer if you need "muh gundam"

I just adapted and learned all enemy attack patterns, once I found out you couldn't dual weild guns (or any weapons at all) I didn't bother with the gun, I had it in my off hand because I had some really good health/stamina regen gem I found in a chalice dungeon

I like bloodbourne and all but the gun parry was esoteric as fuck. You had to know the duration of their attack beforehand and the window to take advantage of it didn't make that much sense on a ranged weapon. When they first started talking about the game, I thought it was gonna be something like a toned down dmc were you wanted to string ranged with melee. Pretty disappointed that it was a cone parry.

No I'm pretty familiar with the series, played Nexus when I was younger, FA and 4 later, and a couple of months back finished 2. I was thinking of going through the whole series but I need to hunt down a copy of 2:AA and 3 (I have Silent Line but not played it). I really enjoyed 2 despite it's antiquated control scheme.

I’m not gonna sit here and berate you for putting the game down—you ain’t having fun, you ain’t having fun, after all—but that’s my general advice for when you’re hitting a wall in a Soulsborne game: switch up weapons and gear if you can and consider going back to do a bit of farming to level up something you notice you’re very deficient in. I’d give you less, well, generic advice but long story short I don’t have access to a PS4 anymore so I can’t pull up specific weapons or farming areas that would be good for you

You don't use the gun to inflict damage, you use it to open up enemies for visceral attacks.

>you're supposed to immediately counter an enemy when you get hit by an enemy
And what if you get hit by ranged attacks?

>you're not supposed to get hit
Then your assessment of how you're supposed to play the game (counter-attack when you get hit) is wrong.

Also, this is bollocks from a simple common sense perspective. Most enemies in Bloodborne are designed to punish you if you immediately follow up getting hit with a counter-attack. The general flow of combat from the point of getting hit is something like "dodge/maneuver around enemy/wait, attack". This works okay on standard enemies but is complete horseshit on bosses, especially those in the DLC.

>they're not the way the game was meant to be played
Then why are they so abundant? Why is there only one type of blood vial instead of several types of blood vials that vary in effectiveness so you can't farm easy parts of the game for them?

I beat the game regardless, just didn't enjoy it. Every build and weapon in demon's souls and dark souls appealed to me immensely and I thought both of those games had a really well paced difficulty curve where you were basically a god just through experience on subsequent pkaythroughs. Even if I have everything mentally mapped out in bloodbourne, I still found myself dying to mistiming or weird ai rng. Considering the previous games were rpg action games, bb is more of an action game with rpg elements tacked on. The bosses of souls were more like puzzles and gimmicks with a few exceptions. I probably wouldn't have had an issue with BB if it didn't have character progression at all other than gems and weapons. It just didn't mesh as well gameplaywise.

I can kind of agree with that, but on the other I kinda like tailoring my character and stats to specific weapons and equipment and mastering its idiosyncrasies. Like I’m developing and perfecting my own style rather than just picking up a different weapon and fighting differently because “whelp, I got a different axe or whatever. I guess I just swing a little diffferently.”

It all comes down to taste, though. I can see the merits of a flat-stat action iteration of B.B., though that would inhibit PVP potential a little IMO

True but bb seemed like it wasn't as concerned with its multiplayer elements either. Maybe I'll give it another shot but my second character couldn't beat orphan of kos with the gun spear and it was pretty disheartening.

What bothers me about this thread is that if the Bone or the PC or even the Switch ever got this game, So(n)yboys would be up in arms arguing that we ruined the community and that we are just all casuals despite there being threads like this daily.

use your gun to parry if you think it's hard. Parrying makes the game too easy to enjoy though

IIRC Bloodtinge-heavy builds struggle in PVE compared to Skill//Strength or even Arcane, but again I haven’t been able to play it as opposed to DS, so don’t take my word for it

I have no console allegiance but dark souls II was legit worsened by multiplat. Dark souls I didn't give a fuck and released a game with a 5 fps zone on the 360 version. I'd say it was a good compromise.

>people seriously had trouble with BB
>people seriously had issues with blood vials
I mean I lost any respect for Sup Forums long time ago but this is just pathetic. Its not even a git gud thing. BB is a very simple game, easiest of all fromsoft games even and people still cant figure it out. I expect something like this from game journalists not supposed “video game enthusiasts”.

Guess I should just try again with the axe the whole time. Thanks for the advice.

If it works, you’re welcome. If it doesn’t, I take no responsibility

Fuck off Shitch.

What are some games that are too easy, which makes it hard to enjoy?

>Once I found out you couldn't dual weild guns
Well you kinda can

social life

Learn stuff you retard. That is the point of the game. To learn from your mistakes. Not to whine online. Neck yourself.

The difficulty curve in this game is ridiculous. You have to go through 30 minutes of easy coasting until you hit that final wall. You can't really practice it properly because getting there takes forever. You can't try other ships because they're all locked behind clearing the game. Difficulty in games is shit if you have to do a chore between each attempt.

It not the hard parts of it that suck, it's the stuff you have to do between the hard parts that suck.

Dragon Age Origins. Combat system only begins to make sense if you play on hardest and avoid mage cheese.

>Souls game
pick one

Sup Forums likes to equate tedium with difficulty, and all Souls games had very tedious segments.

So... this thread is about posting Soyboy Repllent?

>I got tired of looking for where to go

Bruh.... the game is linear as fuck