Hi guys!
I'd like to know what do you think about lol?
Overall what do you think is the best MOBA? And why?
I played only lol and I can't imagine one better then it. It has so many champions, with so many different skills! I can say that your game style can change deeply in relation to the champion you play. On the top of that all champions are strongly balanced (except for the new ones).
What do you think about that? Let me know!!!
>lets have an entire genre created from a mod
>then have none of the games of the genre have any modding tools
>except one which took like 6 years to implement, are complete crap and then broke 6 months later
I've barely played any league. I mostly just play DOTA. MOBAs are alright. There's a high skill floor. A high skill ceiling. Spoiled a little by RNG mechanics but DOTA for instance makes an effort to make it pseudo-RNG so it isn't over the top.
Communities are aids though. And I can say that about all mobas.
is this the new copypasta meme.?
Surely the communities of these games are fucking cancers
>I'd like to know what do you think about lol?
Played 3 seassons until DOTA2 came out. Then moved.
>Overall what do you think is the best MOBA? And why?
Just because Volvo is so retarded that they let the game die in a mixture of abandonment and shekels.
On the other hand LoL just got better. A pitty that i have no ppl to play with now.
>I played only lol and I can't imagine one better then it. It has so many champions, with so many different skills! I can say that your game style can change deeply in relation to the champion you play. On the top of that all champions are strongly balanced (except for the new ones).
>What do you think about that? Let me know!!!
The worst part of that is that you need to unlock them.
I prefer dota's broken vs broken mindset. It just so much more exciting for me
>The worst part of that is that you need to unlock them.
Yeah don't talk to me about that! It is almost one year I'm trying to unlocked all these fucking character
best moba is battleships from warcraft3
What RNG mechanics are you talking about?
The only thing I can think of is crit chance and that doesn't mean anything.
I enjoyed LoL because it's shorter than dota2 but i quit the games because i didn't want to spend a single penny or ungodly amount of hours to unlock champions + runes.
The best moba is pretty subjective. I personally like dota2 because there's a lot more mechanics and almost all of the heroes are viable competitively with unique traits. The most played moba in the world without a doubt is LoL. Even now that they stop releasing numbers, they still have more players than dota2.
Anyway, LoL isn't balanced at all. Half of the champions that lack popular mechanic isn't viable like with no gap closer, highly tanky and some kind of damage boost for auto-attack.
picture of anyone playing mobas
the ironic riot shilling is terribel
please kil lyourself
i liked that one a lot desu
Valve is the best way
The only good one is HOTS. The others are not games but repetitive work.
DOTA looks nicer, though.
except it's not always the case. There's 2-3 heroes that get constant nerf almost every patch. Now the said heroes barely deal any damages while talents help other heroes to reach broken tier.
>There's a high skill floor. A high skill ceiling.
I don't see it that way.
There's a high amount of charts and numbers and rules and exceptions that you should learn before you start playing. You could easily fill a 200 pg book with all the info needed. Nobody does it, though, they just start playing, and given games are 30+ minutes and you can't just try stuff as you see fit (changing classes, etc) it takes a long time to soak up and make sense of all the data.
That is not a high skill floor, because it has nothing to do with skill.
Maybe a comparison would make it clearer. Overwatch has much more info to soak than Q3A or Unreal. Much less than a MOBA, but still much more than a traditional arena shooter. All kinds of different skills, each with its cooldown, radius, etc. Yet, the mechanics of Q3A are still much harder to use effectively.
Not criticizing MOBAs, I certainly enjoy them much more than past PvP genres, that had much less variety and only focused on mastering the mechanics.
Never played it. But I masturbate to that ahri character regularly.
Needs another katana champion though
league is for tumblr normies and girl gamers
Not to mention the taking turns applies to Valve as well. The top 20 heroes used in every TI are just in a rotation.
XD so true!
>tfw can't stand other ASSFAGGOTS than Smite
>tfw Smite is a Hi-Rez game which means it's mismanaged as fuck and has matchmaking that deliberately stacks teams to get you to lose if you win too many games
I wish the genre wasn't just a zillion copypastes of one warcraft 3 map and more people actually tried to do something different.
MOBA are fundamentally broken, RPG leveling up in a versus mode is retarded, its inherently unbalanced.
>Str now gives more hp regen and status resistance
>str heroes like dragon knight is broken because he has high regen, armor, resistance and health.
Truly balance
Its more a feature inherent to balancing of things
But its more characteristic of Blizzard since its the only thing they can manage
Back in S1 LoL had that mindset. It's gone now sadly...
HoN is the best moba by far. Rito enforces that stupid forced meta shit basically ruining the game. It's piss poor balanced due to the limited amount of heroes actually played vs amount that exist.
I played DotA2 for a bit and it didn't seem bad, I mean, HoN was basically the same thing as it way back when. From what I hear, DotA2 has changed a lot though and is pretty retarded. Like MKB doesn't grant truestrike or ministun anymore? The fuck is even the point then.
Also, the simple mechanic of denying tower, creep, and hero kills alone make LoL an inferior moba since it doesn't have any of those.
>Also, the simple mechanic of denying tower, creep, and hero kills alone make LoL an inferior moba since it doesn't have any of those.
B-b-b-but having to press A is so hard!!!!
Almost all champions have a percentage spell.
Either to crit, bash, interupt, deal bonus damage.
Dota is basically a dice roll.
>almost all