Alt tab

>alt tab
>game crashes

>close game
>it crashes

>crash game
>it closes

Audiosurf 2

That's shity consoles for ya.

>alt tab
>game won't open again

>alt tab
based retard

>fullscreen mode
you brought it on yourself dumbass

happens in csgo no matter what you fucking do

>save game
>game crashes
>save file corrupted

This shit was so common when i tried demos on win95.

Fucking morrowind, every god damn time

Steel Ocean

C&C Renegade

This happened to me in KOTOR1. My graphics card was broken and would occasionally take down the entire system. Once it happened while I was saving and it broke my file.
Fortunately KOTOR autosaves on entering eachh area so I didn't lose that much progress.

>alt tab
>windows safe mode

>alt tab
>black screen

enter the gungeon

>play with borderless window
>game is overall more stable

>server-client mismatch, update to the latest version
>browse for update news on gamespy
>find the link on fileplanet
>3 links hit their bandwidth limit
>25kpbs from a file server in Sweden
>an hour later open update exe, browse for game folder and apply
>open the game up and join server
>your favorite friends just disconnected the second you see the MOTD
>server dies a couple minutes later with only 3 people left
>other favorite half-life server haven't updated their server clients and its almost full
>MFW during all of this

This. Memory leaks crash the game when closing. Other than that I don't see what's so bad about memory leaks.

>alt right
>timeline crashes
>no survivors

also some games with wine shit the bed when you alt tab, worst are the wegs that only have an exe without a windowed option.

>what's so bad about memory leaks
Leaving aside the fact that devs clearly couldn't be bothered to program properly, I don't see how there's ever a way for memory being increasingly unusable by everything in your computer to not be a bad thing.

>game closes

>game doesn't close

>Accidentally hit windows key during a match
>It tabs you out of the game and takes 5-10 minutes to load back in
Who the fuck made this

>v-sync on
>screen tears

>saving... do not turn off computer
>force close the game program

It's not the 20th century any more

>set graphics better
>game runs smoother

>focibly close game
>sound still plays

don't get it

>alt tab
>control scheme completely randomized

>don't skip the opening logos
>game crashes
what the hell E.Y.E

is that one of those anti rape boxes i heard about


Dont alt tab source games when they are loading is my general rule.