Why aren't you playing the most comfy game of the month Sup Forums?
They are Billions
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>rts where you build
awww yeaa-
>actual wall buildings
its not a real rts
where to pirate
>early access
>Numantian Games
more like Numale Games
>Early access
>No demo
nah ill pass
cool idea and art tho
heres your demo
It's kind of dull desu. The best strategies are just cheesing while having your units run circles around the shitty AI to clear the clutter. You almost always have to rely on the big end-game mech spam to survive as well.
thats better be some dolphin porn my dude
Maybe he sucks some foreskin secretly too?
>early access
well tell me about it
god forbid an rts actually has strategy elements instead of just bring a micro rushfest.
walls are anti strategy you wooden pleb
T. hanks it works. Wanted to buy it but devs literally ran out of keys somehow
>defense is not part of strategy
>build colony
>survive for 100 days
>keep expanding and researching to not get bumrushed by hordes
its fun desu
How "done" is it? I don't like playing early access games for the most part but this looks really cool.
Do you need to explore the world to gather resources? Or is it more like a tower defense?
Basically you have to survive for 100 days done it is. At least some 5 hours of fun
What the devil? I thought I read in a loading screen tip that Lucifers couldn't shoot over walls? Or maybe that was in a newer/older build than the video?
It feels a bit unfinished, right now there is only survival mode.
A campaign is planned but it hope they can add more unit variety, after 10 hours I have seen everything and all I can do is turn up the difficulty.
It's my kind of game tho so I can forgive it for that. You should probably wait for a pricedrop and it to be finished regardless.
Or just use a torrent
Game is hard. I've gotten to the final wave a few times, but never survived it. Also starts to feel like a real slog after restarting so many times, since they don't allow reloading from previous saves.
Is there a coop mode?
What I miss are hero units you can level up like in warcraft3
this isn't defense this is just NR 20 min hard coded into the game. It casualizes the game. Real defence is using buildings as walls that if lost actually hurt your economy but you are using their health to buy you more time. You can actually lose something here but with a retarded age of empire walls you don't lose anything and still get to protect yourself. There is no strategy.
Wouldn't the cost of building material a d labour in the form of workers constructing the walls be what is at lost when you lose a wall?
thats barely any punishment due to the cost of walls these games used and the insane amount of HP the walls themselves have with some games even giving them a special armor type that takes reduced damage from non siege shit. It's like you spend 50 wood to make a wall that buys you enough time that the first 10 minutes of the game is guaranteed safe mode. These actions have very little consequence.
wall units/buildings were a mistake
Nigga the strategy here is that walls aren't good enough on their own and simply give you time to kill zombie hordes before they get to your buildings because if zombies reach your worker buildings they multiply and shit hits the fan quickly.
Meh, I'll wait then.
Maybe try the game before talking trash about it. Usually you can't even spare the resources to make enough walls to be of any use in the first few days. Not that you need to, since walls are mainly for the zombie waves that come every 10-15 days. But you definitely DO need them then, and they WILL get torn down.
So how do I heal units?
They regen on their own over time. No other way to heal them currently.
They just heal over time.
>needing walls
like I said from the start m8 its not a real RTS its just a tower defense 2bh
its a brainlet version of factorio, factorio is the better game.
>walls 2 gub please nerf
holy shit, I actually never thought someone would be attacking walls
Instantly sold thank you for game op :D
just saying its not a real rts game lel
Sure man, it's a cross between an RTS and tower defense. You've got the buildings, tech tree, resource gathering, units, and micro of an RTS, but the strategic static defense placement and asymmetric forces of a tower defense game. There's still a ton of strategy involved in it, though.
>Not playing the new pirated version of 0.4.4
What do you mean?
Factorio is perfectly playable.
I'd compare it more towards Caesar/Pharaoh than AoE/C&C
>Steampunk aesthetics
Honestly killing it for me, and I've been craving some sort of zombie strategy game.
factorio was always playable brainlet, i bet you can't even beat the tutorials in a zachtronic game.
Are your guys supposed to stop being able to move and run on the spot 5 minutes in?
>40 games played
>reached day 52
At least I already knew I was bad at RTS
Er... no
Sounds like a bug
You could just play Project Zomboid, create a fort and then fire guns until hordes come to fuck your shit up.
By "playable" you mean 100s of hours mining for shit to build more shit to mine for more shit to build more shit to mine . ..f .. .oorrr .. . . . . .
>wall spikes
>no room for a bank
>wooden walls day 54
>towers instead of ballista
>you havent sold your lookout towers yet
>TWO tier 2 unit production
holy fucking shit, enjoy your loss
It's called supply and demand, sweetie.
...for the spaceship
...to get off the planet?
I really hope you are just baiting.
>a digital item
>ever running out of supply
Why would I sell you my game for $20 when I could sell it to you for $100
Nope you faggot, this game is like minecraft/terraria
Jesus died for your sins, remember that
not my messiah
stop calling me sweetie you raging homosexual
huh? Then of course they would sell it for more. Currently you cant even buy it
That's because it came out on Steam so the beta keys are obsolete. Before they were milking the fact that people wanted milkies NOW so they raised the price of beta keys.
>my ADHD prevents me from enjoying rts unless they are 10 minutes long: the post
that being said, the average aoe2 match lasts only 20-30 minutes
>AoE is not a real RTS
what did he mean by this?
lmao nigger get siege units lol
go to cs rin ru for latest pirated version
I'd rather not play a game by devs that put up a fake donation by a mentally ill tranny that tried to use it for SRS before failing to attempt suicide after it got exposed.
You mean you don't support the devs that almost got a tranny killed? Fag