Xcom next?
I hope their next game is a little more polished. Hollywood kinda fell down the quality slope. I really enjoyed my playthrough though.
It’s shame Wasteland 2 was such a shitshow. Did DC event fix anything worth mentioning?
Who fucking cares about third party on the Switch. Doom runs like shit and it can't even run Mario without visible pop-in.
Would buy EW in a heartbeat.
The new pinball game is 30fps in handheld mode. Fucking 30fps in a pinball game. My phone does 1080p60. The fucking VITA does 544p60fps
Switch can't. It's 720p30 with what looks like frequent drops.
IM fucking sick of this system
Yay, another game I already own.
But we already got a better Xcom.
PC isn't threatened by the switch at all. you're living in a fantasy land famalam.
Someone needs to be fired for that god awful charger placement.
>look at our third party guys
ports of three year old mediocre pc games?
Oh boi another game that's been out for years for you guys! Good job
is this game good or whats the scoop here
nice false flag
Measuring performance from a port. I can get what looks like 60FPS from MK8D easy on handheld mode, though I haven't checked and the two pinball games that came out recently sucked anyway.
>runs 30 undocked
>60 docked
>port that was already on everything else
>whole sales pitch is "hey can't wait till fallout 4? buy this!"
>but fallout 4 is out now
>pc gets old ports
>Sup Forums laughs at them
>switch gets old ports
>Sup Forums praises nintendo
why does nintendo get a free pass
Switch wasn't out at the time Wasteland 2 was released, but PC was out at the time of Bayonetta,/GTA V/Dragon's Dogma but received them years later.
Wasteland 2 was amazing if you actually know what a RPG and roleplaying in general are. The amount of different ways you can complete most quests and the dependence of these alternative quest solutions on the party skills ensured that the game had more roleplaying depth than the original FO1 and was pretty much on par with FO2 and NV. Retarded mongoloids calling the game "mediocre" have no clue what they're talking about. When it comes to actual roleplaying it unironically shits on overhyped slasher/h&s garbage like Witcher 3 and DivOS2 respectively.
Yes, you fucking retard. It literally overhauled the entire gaming, adding VATS and a second perk system.
makes no sense. we emulated the wii u and the switch aint much powerful so it shouldn't be much of an issue either eventually.
that and wasteland 2 isn't pc exclusive.
>60fps with framedrops
>somehow this is good because is the switch and nintendo
He asked you a question, why the fuck are you Nintendo manchildren so hostile? Jesus fuck calm down
lol it drops when docked? What a sloppy port.
I've played the game from start to finish on PC and don't own a switch, but I can tell you that the game does not need to run at more than 30fps, because the combat system is turn based and there are no reaction sensitive gameplay situations during the real time exploration portion of the game.
Those posts were about the FX pinball game.
Well, my wasn't!
what a cute couple. Do they stream on yt?
The FX game was pretty bad, I can't sugarcoat it.
>wasteland 2
What the fuck are you talking about?